Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 606: Goodbye Sun Xiaohe

There is no doubt that it is now a critical moment for the survival of the Golden Sun Palace.

Anything that makes a mistake will destroy the foundation of the Golden Sun Palace.

Lin Siliang couldn't help gritting his teeth and said:

"Up to now, it seems that we still have to start with Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi! Only with the support of one of them can our Golden Sun Palace be alive!"

The strongest people and leaders on the planet today are Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi.

Although there is also a strong wind purple smoke, the wind purple smoke dragon sees its head and ends, no one knows where she will be, and she has no power of her own and cannot have much influence.

As long as the Jinyang Palace is protected by one of Zhang Yi or Ling Tianyi, then there is no doubt that the Jinyang Palace will survive.

I just listened to the great elder and couldn't help but analyze:

"Ling Tianyi is an arrogant person. He doesn't value everything except strength and power. What he wants is not available to us in the Golden Sun Palace. And because of the surrender many years ago, our Golden Sun Palace and Wu Wu Wujie completely fell out, and almost shot with their elders, and even openly provoked Zhang Yi to destroy Wujiejie and kill Ling Tianyi. Because of this matter, I am afraid Wujiejie is now anxious to get rid of our Golden Sun Palace. It would be difficult for them to shelter us..."

Lin Siliang sighed in his heart when he heard this.

After the battle between the Earth Alliance and the Black Star Alliance, the surrender did cause the Jinyang Palace and Wuwangjie to forge a hatred.

Enmity is easy to resolve difficulties, I am afraid that this time I can't count on Wuwangjie.

The Grand Elder continued:

"And that Zhang Yi is indifferent and indifferent. In addition to the importance of his relatives and friends, he seems to be completely indifferent to everything else. What he wants, I am afraid we can't give it to the Golden Sun Palace. And The last time our Jinyang Temple surrendered to him was rejected by him, and then we took refuge in the Ten Thousand Demon Caverns, which is tantamount to offending Zhang Yi. Especially Zhang Family and Fuxingmen have no staff on Xuanyu Star, which makes us want You can’t even get in touch with Zhang Yi. So it’s hard for Zhang Yi to..."

Zhang Family and Fuxingmen completely gave up the interests of Xuan Lixing, they only acted on the earth.

The space-time channel could not be open to the Xuanfei people, so the Xuanfei people could not go to the earth and contact Zhang Yi at all.

And Zhang Yi didn't look at the Golden Sun Palace back then, can he still look at it now?

In particular, the most obvious earth sect for the Jinyang Temple is the Wugu Sect, which has an unusual relationship with Zhang Yi.

So maybe this time about the Jinyang Temple, Zhang Yi might have instructed him from behind.

After thinking about the number of times, the great elder couldn't help but despair.

After offending Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi, the two top powerhouses on earth at the same time, can the Golden Sun Palace really be preserved?

Lin Siliang suddenly said:

"I know a person, she is the only one who can use the space-time channel to reach the earth and can contact Zhang Yi! If we can get her help, then there is hope!"

When the great elder heard this, he couldn't help but be slightly puzzled.

There is such a person in this world?

The Earth Office’s ban on the Xuanxian people's entry into the space-time channel has been promulgated for many years, and it should be impossible for the Xuanxian people to use the space-time channel by now.

And can someone directly contact Zhang Yi? Who can have such a big energy?

The great elder racked his brains and thought for a while, he couldn't help but suddenly remembered a piece of information from more than ten years ago!

At that time, the power of the earth had just descended on Xuanfei Star, and there was indeed a person on the Star Xuanfei who had made friends with the power of the Earth. Even in the rumors, she and Zhang Yi have an extraordinary relationship!

"Could it be..." the elder couldn't help asking.

Lin Siliang nodded:

"That's right! She is Sun Xiaohe of the Earth Office! She has a good relationship with many schools of the Earth Office, especially the first group of strong men who came to Xuanyu Star! That's the case, although she As a person from the Xuanyu Star, he can go to the earth in violation of the earth's ban. Moreover, according to the rumors, Zhang Yi and her have a very close relationship!"

When the great elder heard this, hope couldn't help flashing in his eyes:

"If we can really get her help, then maybe we still have hope this time!"

Lin Siliang said:

"I have sent people to investigate her intelligence these days, and I already know her very well. So I plan to take advantage of the fact that the Earth School hasn’t attacked us, I’ll take the time to find a way to meet with this Sun Xiaohe, and ask her for her. help!"

The great elder heard this and said:

"Now that Fang Ping is in the rebellion, the Earth Office will not allow Xuanzang practitioners to approach. However, I have used a lot of money to buy an Earth person, and maybe I can rely on him to draw Sun Xiaohe out! When we can persuade, we will persuade and persuade. If not, he will be kidnapped as a hostage! Zhang Yi is threatened!"

Lin Siliang shook his head slightly when he heard the words:

"I heard that Zhang Yi is not good at female beauty, and even a beautiful woman can hardly be tempted by him. Also, although Sun Xiaohe's status is special but not high, her personal cultivation is only a small foundation. Such a person has nothing to do. It's worthless. If we tied her, we might not threaten Zhang Yi, but would anger Zhang Yi instead."

The great elder calmed down when he heard this:

"It makes sense, the risk of kidnapping is too high."

Lin Siliang said:

"This time, I will persuade Sun Xiaohe to help us anyway! For the lives of countless people in the Jinyang Palace, I must succeed but not fail!"

Upon hearing this, the elder no longer hesitated immediately.

He retired in a hurry and immediately arranged for Lin Siliang's itinerary.

He knew well that for the Golden Sun Palace at this time, time was life, and he couldn't delay a minute!


As the implementation of the Earth Defense Plan became more and more smooth, Zhang Yi was finally able to relax for a while.

He was in the Fuxingmen that day, but a disciple came to inform him that it was Sun Xiaohe who was looking for him.

Zhang Yi immediately met with Sun Xiaohe.

When the two met again, Zhang Yi was still young as before, but the years left obvious marks on Sun Xiaohe.

Sun Xiaohe nowadays is no longer the girl when Zhang Yi first met on Xuanyu Star, but has become a beautiful and charming woman.

"Big Brother Zhang!"

Sun Xiaohe stepped forward and embraced Zhang Yi gently.

After the two separated, Zhang Yi greeted warmly:

"Xiaohe, sit down! I have been too busy this year to visit you and Uncle Sun. You are not angry with me, are you?"

Sun Xiaohe couldn't help but smiled:

"Brother Zhang can remember us, we already feel very happy. Now we all know that Brother Zhang is busy with important things, how can we let Brother Zhang miss things because of us."

Zhang Yi couldn't help but smiled ashamed:

"It happens that I am free during this time. Since you are here, then I must treat you well!"

Sun Xiaohe fell silent at this moment.

She was embarrassed, she seemed to have something to say, but she couldn't say it.

Zhang Yi took Sun Xiaohe and sat beside him, and said seriously:

"I see you as a relative. No matter what, just speak up."

In the past life in the world of comprehension, the kindness of Sun's father and daughter to Zhang Yi is unforgettable even in this life.

Zhang Yi always pays attention to repaying gratitude, and the gratitude of dripping water should be repaid by the spring.

So Zhang Yi said this, not casually, but very serious.

Sun Xiaohe said embarrassingly:

"I know that because of my relationship with Big Brother Zhang, many people want to use me to contact Big Brother Zhang. So over the years, I have been rejecting even a little favor and favor from others, so that I don't want to be because of myself. Make Big Brother Zhang embarrassed..."

Zhang Yi sighed after hearing the words:

"troubled you."

Since ancient times, such things have been extremely difficult to avoid.

Once a person can be in a high position and control power. Relatives and friends around him will inevitably receive bribes from others in order to get closer to high-ranking people.

Especially when it comes to asking someone to do something, what is more effective than someone who is close to a high-ranking person asking for mercy?

Zhang Yi knows that the Sun family's father and daughter only want a dull life.

Otherwise, by virtue of the relationship between Zhang Yi and the father and daughter of the Sun family, the two of them have already been able to achieve success, so why bother to hold ordinary current positions in the Earth Office?

Although the Sun family’s father and daughter have no ambitions|hope, others disturb their lives because of their relationship with Zhang Yi, which really brought them a lot of trouble.

Favor is the biggest trouble in this world.

Just listen to Sun Xiaohe continue to say:

"Especially a woman like me, shouldn't interfere in political affairs. Especially some...political affairs that have a great influence. I am really...for fear that I will cause trouble to Brother Zhang."

Zhang Yi immediately said:

"Xiaohe, I am very happy that you can speak to me. If I am not wrong, you are here this time because of the Jinyang Temple, right?"

Although Zhang Yi has been busy with the Earth Defense Project, this does not mean that he is ignorant of the rest.

Especially as the monitoring network of the Fuxingmen monitoring department has been roughly completed, all kinds of information can be quickly transmitted to Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi can know the world without going out.

Through what Sun Xiaohe said and the timing of her arrival, Zhang Yi was basically able to determine her intention.

Sun Xiaohe nodded:

"Big Brother Zhang is right. I am indeed because of the Golden Sun Palace this time. I want to intercede with Big Brother Zhang for the Golden Sun Palace, hoping that Big Brother Zhang can come forward and save the Golden Sun Palace."

Zhang Yi nodded:

"I understand, I promised you about this matter. In these two days I will let my people stop the siege of the Golden Sun Palace, and at the same time I will convey my intentions to other schools."

When Sun Xiaohe heard Zhang Yi's answer without asking her, he couldn't help being taken aback:

"Big Brother Zhang, don't you ask me why I should intercede for the Golden Sun Palace? Don't you worry about the serious consequences for you because of my intercession?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"My Zhang Yi is different from the others. In my Zhang Yi's heart, relatives are always the first place. As long as you are willing to speak, I can agree to anything. And I know you, Xiao He. You are a kind girl. If you are willing to pull your face down and beg me for something, it means that this matter will never be a bad thing."

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