Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 634: Pretend to harm

The screams suddenly sounded in Taiping Town, and they immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the tall buildings.

Xiong Tengfei, He Jianfeng, and Jiang Tianqi hurriedly shouted:

"Something! It came from the southeast of the town!"

Immediately the three of them looked at Feng Ziyan.

Zhang Yi patted Feng Ziyan, and Feng Ziyan hurriedly sat up and said:

"Then let's... just go over and take a look!"

Xiong Tengfei, He Jianfeng, and Jiang Tianqi have this intention.

Immediately a group of five people went down the tall building, mounted their horses, and galloped in the direction where the screams came from.

The mayor Shi Pingping, who had been staying behind the tall buildings, also hurriedly summoned a group of Xiang Yong armed with knives, guns and sticks, and followed Feng Ziyan and others towards their destination.

The five galloped on horseback and soon arrived at the destination.

I saw a family here opened wide, and a strong smell of blood continued to spread from inside.

Zhang Yi and others went in and saw that all three of the family had been killed.

Each of them had two blood holes in their necks, which looked like they were killed by a zombie.

The mayor Shi Pingping also rushed to the scene quickly, and they couldn't help screaming after seeing this scene.

Xiong Tengfei couldn't help cursing secretly:

"The zombie must be nearby!"

With that said, Xiong Tengfei, He Jianfeng, and Jiang Tianqi wanted to rush out the door to find traces of zombies.

Zhang Yi said at this time:

"Don't worry! This is not the result of a zombie. The wound has no corpse poison and no rancidity. This is very different from the situation in which a zombie kills. It is someone who pretends to be a zombie to kill!"

When a few people heard it, they couldn't help but recognize it carefully.

This look, as expected, as Zhang Yi said, although the wound looks like a zombie injuring a person, if you look closely, you can find that this is quite different from the situation in which a zombie is injuring a person.

Upon hearing this, Xiong Tengfei couldn't help saying:

"Could it be that what happened here is just an ordinary murder? It's just someone under the guise of a zombie? The mayor comes here! Do you know that false information will affect our time to refine the Shenzong disciples! Can you afford the consequences? "

The mayor Shi Ping hurriedly said upon hearing this:

"The little old man didn't lie! There are real zombies. People in our town have seen it with their own eyes!"

He Jianfeng also said angrily:

"Maybe the so-called zombies you saw were pretended to be human! Damn! If you didn't kill the real zombies and bring back the evidence, then our trip will be in vain!"

According to the rules of the Lian Shenzong, once the sect mission is completed, it is necessary to bring back evidence proof. If the task is to be completed in a place where people gather, witness testimony is also required. This is done to prevent disciples from taking credit.

If there are no real zombies in the zombie hunting mission this time, then the five people on this trip will not receive the sect contribution value.

Therefore, Xiong Tengfei, He Jianfeng, and Jiang Tianqi no longer believed the mayor's words, and couldn't help but encircle the mayor in anger.

Zhang Yi asked:

"The mayor, I ask you, is there a curfew under martial law in the town?"

Just now, Zhang Yi came all the way on horseback, and there was no one in sight except Xiang Yong who was patrolling.

In the tall buildings before, Zhang Yi also found that apart from the mayor Shi Ping and the group of courageous villagers, there was no half-person figure.

In Taiping Town, where people are still in a hurry during the day, no one can be seen after nightfall. That is a curfew.

Sure enough, the mayor Shi Ping nodded hurriedly:

"Because zombies kill people at night, Taiping Town has already had a curfew and martial law. Every street has been inspected on time, so as to be able to spot the zombie's trail and remind everyone to avoid it."

Zhang Yi nodded:

"When we rode here just now, we didn't see anyone nearby. This shows that the murderer has begun to hide after killing. And we can hide well during the time we rode here, which means that the murderer is Hidden nearby. Without my calculations, the murderer should be hiding somewhere in the area within 400 steps!"

The mayor Shi Ping couldn't help but look embarrassed:

"There are at least a hundred households in the 400-step area. It may not be easy to know where the murderer is hiding."

Zhang Yi smiled faintly, then grabbed a corpse's hand to show everyone:

"Look, there are fresh flesh and blood between the nails of this corpse, and there are no scratches on the surface of the three corpses. That means that these flesh and blood came from the murderer, and were left behind by the deceased's resistance before his death. So as long as you search for people with scratches within a radius of 400 steps, you can easily find the murderer!"

When the mayor Shi Ping heard this, he suddenly realized:

"Yes! This immortal head is right!"

Then he turned his head and said to all Xiangyong:

"Everyone obeyed! Search me from house to house within four hundred steps! Everyone checked me clearly, but anyone with scratches on their bodies will be arrested for me!"

All the villages were brave enough to order, and they couldn't help but start to take action one after another.

However, Xiong Tengfei, He Jianfeng, and Jiang Tianqi were not in a good mood. They were very depressed after they learned that this time it was very likely that they would not have any contribution points to earn from the school.

Jiang Tianqi couldn't help saying:

"Junior Brother Zhang, these mortals deceived us, do we still need to help them solve the case like this?"

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"Since we have encountered it, it's okay to help a group. There is a lot of blood here, so let's go outside and wait."

With that, Zhang Yi led everyone out of the room and onto the street.

The night is as cool as water.

The night breeze with faint chills is refreshing.

The brave people in the town have broken in from house to house and searched everyone.

After a while, I saw that a group of Xiang Yong had already grabbed two men and came to the mayor:

"Mayor, we have checked this area, only these two people have scratches!"

As the villagers said, they lifted up the clothes of both of them, and as expected they saw scratches on both of them.

Immediately listened to the mayor Shi Ping angrily said:

"Zhang San, Li Si! It turns out that it is you two bastards, why do you want to kill?"

The two hurriedly cried:

"The mayor was wronged! We didn't kill anyone!"

The two cried loudly and yelled for injustice.

When the mayor heard this, he couldn't help but scolded:

"You two bastards! I still don't want to admit it, then I ask you where the claw marks come from!"

Just listen to Zhang San replied:

"Mayor! My skin is very itchy recently, so I can't help but scratch, so I scratched out these scratches by myself!"

Li Si also hurriedly answered:

"The mayor! I quarreled with my tigress today, and she caught everything about me! If you don't believe me, you can ask my tigress!"

A Xiangyong also said:

"The mayor! We asked Li Si's wife just now, and she did say that she scratched Li Si."

The mayor immediately pointed to Zhang San and said:

"Now Li Si has his wife to testify! Then you must be the murderer! Zhang San!"

Everyone nodded one after another. Since Li Si had witnesses, it was only possible that Zhang San was the murderer.

After hearing this, Zhang San cried and cried out injustice, but he didn't want to admit it.

Seeing that Zhang San was not willing to admit it, the mayor Shi Ping suddenly said:

"It seems that you don't need to be punished, you won't admit it! Come here, hit me! Hit him until he thinks it will stop!"

Immediately, a group of Xiangyong received the order, and immediately stepped forward and pressed Zhang San to the ground to be beaten.

"Wait!" Zhang Yi said suddenly, "Let me take a look first!"

When Zhang Yi spoke, all mortals could only stop obediently.

Jiang Tianqi couldn't help but wonder:

"Junior Brother Zhang, these mortal matters will be handled by mortals. Besides, the murderer has also been caught, so let's just leave it alone."

Zhang Yi replied:

"I do things with my own discretion. And because I said that I should catch people based on scratches, I can't wrong others for it."

Feng Ziyan also said suddenly:

"I think Zhang Yi is right!"

When Xiong Tengfei, He Jianfeng, and Jiang Tianqi heard that even Feng Ziyan had said this, Zhang Yi remained.

At this time, Zhang Yi looked towards the claw marks on Zhang San and Li Si, and saw that the scratches on their bodies were not one but a large area.

When Zhang Yi saw this, it seemed that the murderer had realized that the scratches were likely to be exposed, and thus carried out a certain degree of disguise.

After thinking a little bit, Zhang Yi asked:

"Where do you two live?"

The two immediately reported the location of their home.

The two people's homes are on the same street as the deceased's home, but the distance is different.

Zhang Yi asked again:

"Did anyone of you ever go out of the house during the time of the murder!"

Zhang San hurriedly shook his head, indicating that he had never left the house.

And Li Si said:

"Returning to Xianchang, the villain was hurt because of a fight with the tigress at home. He was out of anger, and he didn't want to be angry with her in the house, so he couldn't help but go out. I heard the screams when I went out. Can't help but walk towards this side."

When the mayor Shi Ping heard this, he pointed to Li Si and said:

"Only you have gone out, the murderer must be you!"

Li Si suddenly cried and shouted:

"It's wrong! Even though I went out, it didn't take long for me to meet Xiangyong who was patrolling the street, and I was scolded by the locals!"

Xiang Yong reported immediately that when they were patrolling the street, they encountered Li Sizheng walking towards the victim, which happened just after the screams occurred.

Then the local heroes scolded Li Si, and Li Si could only turn around and go home.

Finally, Xiang Yong added:

"Mayor, our patrol time is fixed. We will appear on this street every quarter of an hour. In other words, if the murderer wants to avoid being encountered by us, he only has a quarter of an hour!"

The mayor nodded when he heard the words, obviously he knew the situation.

Xiang Yong continued:

"However, the distance from Li Si’s home to the victim’s home is very long. Even if we run at full speed, it takes more than two quarters of an hour! When we saw Li Si, he only walked half the distance from home to this side. We yelled back at the victim’s home too late. No matter what time he wants to kill, he cannot have enough time. As long as he goes to the victim’s home, we will find it! The same, Zhang San’s home This is roughly the case!"

When everyone heard it, they all felt very reasonable.

After the curfew, pedestrians are no longer allowed at night.

Regardless of whether it is Zhang Sanjia or Li Sijia, it takes more than two quarters of an hour to get to the victim's house, and Xiangyong's time for inspection will only be one quarter of an hour.

Therefore, neither of them have the conditions to kill.

The case seems to have reached a deadlock at this moment.

However, when everyone was thinking, Zhang Yi sneered:

"How impossible!"

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