Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 652: Clues of Star Apparition

Zhang Yi will inevitably be particularly concerned about the situation of Mount Tai.

But now it's the moment when the whole world gathers forces to complete the Star-locking Array, and Zhang Yi is inconvenient to have too much conflict with Wuwangjie.

In particular, Zhang Yi felt that although Ling Tianyi, the master of the Unwonderful Realm, was not small in ambition, he was not the kind of person who caused the entire earth to fall into an impossible place in order to realize his personal wildness.

If he were such a person, then when Xiexin Pavilion invaded the earth, he would have surrendered to Xiexin Pavilion early, and there was no need to fight the Xiexin Pavilion powerhouse with Zhang Yi.

Then Zuo Zhihua continued to report:

"This is probably what happened on Earth, and there have been a few small rebellions on Xuanxi Star recently, but they have been strongly suppressed by the sects of the Earth Alliance, and a large group of powerful people on Xuanxi Star have been cleansed. It is said that now that Xuanyu Star has been purged by the Earth Alliance for many times, as long as there is no trouble in the Golden Sun Palace, then Xuanyi Star has no ability to cause any trouble."

Having said that, Zuo Zhihua handed a set of data sheets to Zhang Yi.

After reading it, Zhang Yi realized how cruel the Earth Alliance’s cleanup of Xuan Li Xing was these days.

Almost half of the practitioners have been cleansed out of the entire Xuanfei star.

Basically, all powerhouses above the Golden Core Realm have been killed. Among the cultivators below the Golden Core Realm, those who show amazing talents will even be cleansed up.

The Xuanfeixing’s sects have been broken up by more than three-quarters. The large sects have basically been wiped out, the medium sects have undergone many reorganizations, and the small sects can only be obtained by succumbing to the earth sects. Survive.

If it were not for the existence of the Golden Sun Palace, it could be said that Xuan Li Xing had no strength to resist the rule of the earth.

The Jinyang Temple was protected by Zhang Yi, so it was not cleaned, which did not damage the strength of the Jinyang Temple.

However, Lin Siliang, the lord of the Golden Sun Palace, is also fascinated. She has already closed the gate of the Golden Sun Palace and declined any visits from the power. At the same time, she did not take the opportunity to develop her power. Posture.

Lin Siliang's arrangement also made many earth sects who were wary of the Jinyang Temple gradually put down their guard.

After reading this set of data, Zhang Yi said:

"At the beginning, I chose to shelter the Jinyang Temple because of my sister Sun Xiaohe's face. If something happens in the Jinyang Temple in the future, I will solve it myself."

Although the Earth Alliance's cleansing of Xuanfei Star this time was very cruel, they were all practitioners limited to Xuanfei Star.

For ordinary mortals who cannot pose a threat to the Earth Alliance, Qiu has done nothing wrong.

As long as it wasn't hurting ordinary mortals who were already difficult, Zhang Yi wouldn't care about the great purge on Xuanyu Star.

Zhang Yi stopped paying attention to Xuan's condition.

Zuo Zhihua continued:

"On the Shaking Star, we have organized several exploration operations in the outer space near the Shaking Star. During this process, we have basically ascertained the specific conditions within one light-year near the Shaking Star. No new interstellar pirates or other special circumstances have been discovered."

The King of Machinery also added at this time:

"Our Tiangong department has also developed the first Guanyuecha according to the book given by the owner, and it will be able to be debugged soon! Once the debugging is completed, the test flight can be carried out smoothly. At that time, it will be twenty lights near Shaoguangxing. We can easily survey the star fields within a year!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi nodded in satisfaction.

In the world of comprehension, there are countless magical instruments that travel through outer space.

For these spacecraft, the odd brachial speed vehicle is just a low-level magic weapon.

Now, the Tiangong department of Fuxingmen has maturely controlled the manufacturing process of the odd-bristle speed car, so Zhang Yi has already handed over the drawings of a more advanced aerospace instrument, Guanyuecha, to the Tiangong department. The department conducts research and development.

Guanyuecha not only sails dozens of times faster than the Qihu Speed, but also has a larger cargo capacity and stronger defenses. It can even be equipped with powerful additional magical weapons as weapons.

Ancient books have recorded that for 30 years after Yao ascended the throne, there was a giant chakra floating in the West Sea, and there was light on the chakra, night and day disappeared, and the sea people looked at the light. Cha Cha often floats around the world, one day in twelve years, and the beginning of the week. The name is sun and moon cha, also known as Hanging Star Cha. Feathers perched on it, the immortals covered with dew to rinse, and the light of the sun and the moon was dazzling. In the season of Yu Xia, it will no longer be remembered, and those who swim in the sea still pass on its greatness.

These all record the extraordinary of Guanyuecha.

Even in the world of comprehension, Guanyuecha is equivalent to a kind of magical weapon that is close to the intermediate level. Once the Tiangong Department successfully debugs and test flight this time, then Fuxingmen's ability to control outer space will be further strengthened.

At that time, Zhang Yi would feel relieved to hand over the drawings of more advanced interstellar artifacts to the Tiangong Department for further development.

Zhang Yi then took out a star map and added:

"When you are exploring the outer space near Yaoguang Star, pay attention to this mysterious star field. Without my permission, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to approach this star field."

This ancient star map was obtained after Zhang Yi killed a group of interstellar pirates who landed on Shaking Star.

It is said that this star map was handed down from the mainstream of the Hongxing Clan to which the interstellar pirates belonged. Legend has it that the first-generation chief rudder of the Hongxing Clan once went to a mysterious star field, and he was in that mysterious star. A very powerful creature was encountered in the domain. That creature can satisfy any desire of people, but it will also charge the equivalent price accordingly.

And that mysterious star field is about twenty light-years away from the Shaking Star.

Although I don't know whether this legend is true or false, Zhang Yi now has no energy to come into contact with various powerful creatures in the universe, so his disciples are strictly prohibited from approaching.

The universe is really too big and too mysterious. The mystery in the universe is probably even the immortal with extremely long lifespan can't solve it completely.

In the universe, there are also some mysterious and powerful existences.

Those who exist in a variety of ways, surpassing people's various imaginations, are simply indescribable.

Some mysterious beings are able to communicate with people, which can be regarded as a kind of better deal with. The fine wind and purple smoke of the gas giant planet can roughly be planned as an existence in this kind of universe.

And there are some mysterious existences that cannot communicate with people, and are full of all kinds of evil and coldness. For this mysterious existence, if it is easy to come into contact with it, it will inevitably cause great trouble.

The legend of the Hongxing Gang was too old and lacked enough details to fill in, so Zhang Yi was dubious about it, and he didn't plan to take a closer look at it now.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Zhang Yi currently does not intend to explore the mysterious star field where unknown creatures may exist.

Zuo Zhihua and the Mechanical Emperor carefully took down the mysterious star field that Zhang Yi confessed, and at the same time, they also obeyed Zhang Yi's orders.

By now, the most recent events on Earth, Xuanli Star, and Shaking Star have all been reported.

As Zhang Yi had expected, there was nothing happening that had to be solved by him now, and Zhang Yi's ease was exchanged for this.

The content of the subsequent meeting mainly focused on the Zhang family.

Zhang Yan and Zhang Chenhai submitted their reform plan to Zhang Yi and discussed with Zhang Yi for a long time.

The preliminary framework of the final reform plan has been finalized, and the remaining details are filled in, and Zhang Yi will leave it to Zhang Yan and Zhang Chenhai.

After all, Zhang Yi has been out of work for a long time. Zhang Yan and Zhang Chenhai have to take charge of all matters of the Zhang family. Zhang Yi can participate in the decision-making of big things, but Zhang Yi doesn't need to be involved in small matters.

The meeting and soon ended, and everyone continued to devote themselves to their work step by step.

In the days that followed, Zhang Yi turned around the Yaoguang star and the earth, supervising the mining of the sacred stone ore veins and the celestial real iron on the Yaoguang star, and then he went to the location and general manager of the lock star network array. The headquarters also supervised here.

Even Zhang Yi went to the Fuxingmen on the earth to see if the giant white rabbit in the wind and purple smoke had starved to death. Fortunately, the disciples of Fuxingmen took good care of this giant white rabbit, which made the white rabbit look very healthy with its shiny fur.

Zhang Yi also gave himself two days off.

During these two days, he did nothing, and he didn't even practice cultivation. Instead, he found a secluded place on the Shaking Star but with a wonderful view to recuperate for two days.

When Zhang Yi's vacation ended, news finally came from Miao Fa elder Zuo Zhihua.

So Zhang Yi rushed to the monitoring department to listen to Zuo Zhihua's report.

Zuo Zhihua pointed to a map report that appeared on the big screen:

"Master, I have input all the information on Kaiyang Star into the computer for summary and analysis according to your request, and finally found the information about the star soul. This one is the best Kaiyang Star obtained after computer analysis. The detailed map, with the small dots marked on it, is where the stars may exist."

At the beginning, the various intelligence materials in the Shenzong archives were almost as large as the amount of information on the vehicle.

Faced with such a large amount of intelligence data, Zhang Yi naturally couldn't waste time and browse through them inefficiently, so he just copied all the data and brought it back to the base on Shaoguangxing to the computer for analysis and processing.

In order to be able to quickly know the general situation of the Kaiyang Star, and be able to find the position of the star soul from it.

It seems that these materials did not disappoint Zhang Yi, and finally some information that Zhang Yi wanted appeared.

Zuo Zhihua continued to point to the map and said:

"According to the data of Shenshen Sect, these points may be the location of star souls. But these points have been explored by other sects, so the person who recorded the data at Shenshen Sect is not sure about the stars of these places. Whether the soul still exists. And these points here are some places that may exist, but because the risk is too great, they have not been explored. We exclude some records that are old and have no subsequent updates, and choose If there are some relatively recent data, then there are only a few points left."

Zuo Zhihua said while operating the computer.

There were fewer and fewer points on the map, and in the end there were only a few.

But these few points are the most likely location for the existence of the stars.

Zhang Yi suddenly saw a point, which was very close to the Lian Shenzong, so Zhang Yi pointed to that point and asked:

"Where is that?"

Zuo Zhihua quickly checked relevant information on the computer, and then replied:

"The master, it’s called Dalai County, and the power in charge of Dalai County is the Mei family, a family of cultivation. There is also the registration information of a child of the Mei family who entered the practice of Shenzong. That Mei family’s child is of a grade. A sixteen-year-old woman named Mei Shiming."

Zhang Yi was slightly surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that there might be stars within the ruled area of ​​the Mei family.

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