Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 673: The Crisis of Refining God Sect

Although the red-haired witch's affair was raging, but this incident did not have a big impact on the Refining God Sect.

After all, the place where the red-haired witch made trouble, and the trajectory of the red-haired witch's movement, were too far away from the Shenzong Sect, and Shenzong couldn't manage that far.

However, during this period, a major event occurred, which directly shaken the essence of Shenzong.

The Sect Master Ji Chen, who had disappeared from the sight of everyone for a long time, suddenly appeared.

However, Ji Chen, the lord of the Lian Shenzong, did not appear in the Lian Shenzong, but in the sect of Wuhen Mountain, the hostile power of the Lian Shenzong.

Wuhen Mountain is the first-class power on Kaiyang Star. It has fought with Shenzong for a long time, and the two sides have even erupted in many battles, and they have been evenly matched.

After the demise of the Mei family, an important ally of Shenshen Sect, the most worried thing about Shenshen Sect was Wuhenshan's troubles.

However, no one thought that Wuhenshan's attack was actually to find the Sect Master Ji Chen.

After Ji Chen appeared in Wuhen Mountain, he immediately pours out the guilt of the four elders of Refining Shenzong to the various sects.

In Ji Chen's accusation, the reason why he suddenly "practised in retreat" at the beginning was that he had suffered the secret calculation of the four elders of Shenzong.

In order to control the power of the Shenzong Sect, the four elders actually committed the crime and tricked Ji Chen into a forbidden area to attack Ji Chen. As a result, Ji Chen was severely injured and finally had to hide in the depths of the forbidden area. Alive.

At that time, the four elders of Shenshen Sect thought that Ji Chen was dead, so they left the forbidden area.

Then the four elders, in order to cover up their behavior of committing crimes and betraying the suzerain, announced to the public that Ji Chen would not see outsiders in his retreat and practice.

Ji Chen finally escaped after suffering nine deaths in the depths of the forbidden ground.

He knew that he was seriously injured and his strength was greatly reduced, and he was no longer able to return to Shenzong to seize power. That's why he came to Wuhenshan to complain to the world of the crimes of the four elders of Shenzong. At the same time, he called on the world to fight against Shenzong for justice. .

At the same time, the head of Wuhenshan Mountain also publicly stated that in order to maintain the axioms of the world, he will support Ji Chen's return to the position of the Sect Master of Refining God Sect and behead all the rebels who have committed and betrayed the Sect Master!

As soon as this happened, an uproar was immediately set off.

Various sects sent people to Wuhen Mountain to verify the authenticity of Ji Chen, but the final conclusion was that Ji Chen was true.

At this moment, the news had a sensational impact.

No one thought that the Sect Master Ji Chen, who had disappeared for a long time, had disappeared because of this reason.

The seller seeks glory, commits the following crimes, and betrays the suzerain. These are all serious crimes among the major cultivation sects!

If anyone comes here and kills the head in order to find the position of the head, how can the order of the various sects be stable?

Therefore, there is often such a custom among the various sects, that is, that one person who dares to rise to the top by attacking and killing the head will inevitably be attacked by the other sects.

Only by suppressing such unhealthy trends by force, can similar things not happen to their own sects, and each head can keep their status.

So for a while, this incident became more and more intense, and many sects have already jumped out to accuse the four great elders of Lian Shenzong for betraying the suzerain.

Under the leadership of Wuhenshan, Wuhenshan even summoned some allies and the cliques who could not understand the practice of Shenzong to form eight coalition forces.

These eight factions of coalition forces quickly issued a crusade, and will soon crusade against Lian Shenzong.

A big storm against the Refining God Sect has been brewing quickly under the leadership of Wuhen Mountain.

And when this news was passed back to the Refining God Sect, it also caused great shock among the disciples.

The disciples thought that their suzerain had been practicing in retreat, but no one thought that their suzerain would have been murdered by the four elders and almost died.

Now their suzerain called on all the disciples of the Refining Sect to oppose the four elders, and the suzerain is about to return to seize power, which immediately left the disciples of the Refining Sect in confusion.

They don't know whether they should support the suzerain or the four elders.

In particular, the eight factions of coalition forces were so powerful that the people of Shenzong were panicked for a while.

After all, Wuhen Mountain alone could fight Shenshen Sect for many years. And now Wuhenshan has formed eight coalition forces, forming a powerful army composed of eight sects.

No one knows whether Shenzong can still be saved under such a situation, and what will they end up in this war?

For this reason, the four elders convened an emergency meeting to discuss this matter during the refining of Shenzong.

Only people at the level of deacon and above are eligible to participate in this meeting, and even true disciples are not eligible.

So Feng Ziyan rushed to the meeting excitedly, and Zhang Yi could only stay in the house and wait for the result of the meeting.

This reminds Zhang Yi of one thing.

When he first arrived at Kaiyang Star Refining God Sect, he had already remembered what he had heard from the previous life cultivation world that Refining God Sect was rapidly declining in the future and eventually headed for destruction.

Could it be that the final demise of the Shenzong Sect was related to this matter?

Zhang Yi thinks it is very possible.

After all, this matter was too big, and it was directly shaken to the foundation of Shenzong.

The Sect Master of Lian Shenzong is fighting with the four great elders, especially this kind of struggle is not only an internal fight, but has developed to the condemnation and siege of Lian Shenzong by the Tianxiamen.

In order to be able to return to the throne of the Sect Master, Sect Master Ji Chen even wooed Wuhen Mountain, the opponent of the Shenshen Sect, to help. This gave people a feeling of inducing wolves into the room. After all, Wuhenshan helped Ji Chen return to the martial arts to seize power, which would definitely cost Refining Shenzong a heavy price.

The four elders of the Refining God Sect even attacked the suzerain. These evil acts of committing and betraying their superiors are morally untenable, making the legality of the four elders' ruling rights seriously questioned and condemned by the people of the world. .

For the vast number of disciples of the Refining God Sect, their suzerain and the four elders have already disappointed them. They didn't know who to support for a while, and they were all lost in thought.

Now there is no single goal that can unite the people of Shenzong Refining Sect, and everyone has become a mess.

Under such conditions, the Refining God Sect was already in a precarious position.

Even if there is no foreign enemy invading, the Refining God Sect will fall to the point of falling apart in this state.

"It looks like it's time to leave here."

Zhang Yi already had the idea of ​​leaving Shenshen Sect, and he didn't want to get involved in too many disputes.

However, he was a little worried about Feng Ziyan, Feng Ziyan seemed to like it very much.

It was said that Cao Cao would be here. Just as Zhang Yigang was worried about Feng Ziyan, Feng Ziyan had already run back excitedly.

"Zhang Yi! Do you want to hear what we said at the meeting?"

As soon as Feng Ziyan came back, she immediately wanted to tell Zhang Yi about the content of their meeting today.

Zhang Yi said:

"Zi Yan, the situation in Shenshen Sect is very bad now, and we have all the information we want. It's time to consider leaving. We can shake Light Star or Earth. If you don't want to go back, then we can also find another one. Martial art."

Feng Ziyan was taken aback when he heard Zhang Yi say this.

Then she hurriedly said, full of tension:

"Listen to me first what we said during the meeting! The four old men have already said that the suzerain Ji Chen is not a good person! He is a bad guy who betrays our Shenzong interests, and he wants to take refuge in Wuhen Mountain to do Wuhen. The running dog of the mountain! It is because of this that the four old men drove Ji Chen away. Now that bad guy Ji Chen wants to come back and destroy the Lian Shenzong, we have to defend the Lian Shenzong and fight the bad guys!"

Zhang Yi said indifferently:

"Power struggles are always dirty. You can't just listen to the words of the four elders. They will undoubtedly beautify themselves and shirking their responsibilities and buckle Ji Chen. It's hard to tell who is right and who is wrong. No one is the truth now. have no idea."

Feng Ziyan shook his head dissatisfied:

"I don't understand this! I only know who is good to me, who is a good person! Zhang Yi, you are the best to me, you are the best person! Those four old men, and many of the juniors and sisters here are kind to me, They are all good people too!"

Zhang Yi sighed:

"Do you know what will happen if you stay and help them? If the war really comes, you will be very powerful and you can save yourself. But that will kill a lot of people, and many people who are close to you will die. In the same way, if you want to protect them, you have to kill, and kill many, many people! But those people are also humans, they also have their own families, and they all feel that what they are doing is just war and righteousness. Thing."

Having said that, Zhang Yi patted Feng Ziyan on the shoulder:

"Zi Yan, if you change to be someone else, then I won't tell them this. If you change to be me, I will kill as well. There will not be much burden. But you are different. I understand you and your nature. It’s also very kind. I hope you can mature, but I don’t want you to kill so many people with so much blood on your hands and cause you to fall into pain."

Feng Ziyan got into Zhang Yi's arms and gently hugged Zhang Yi:

"Zhang Yi, I know you are good for me. Will you stay and help me? If you leave, I don't know what I should do! Actually I am very mature, don't worry about me! I dare to kill! I have no psychological burden for killing! I am the future Sect Master of Shenzong, if anyone comes to beat my Shenzong, I will kill him!"

But Zhang Yi said:

"It's not that I don't help you, but that you work hard like this, and in the end it is easy to make wedding dresses for others. If you really become the lord of the Shenzong Sect, then I will definitely help you. But now I help you, but it is Contribute to one of the parties in the power struggle of the Refining Sect. The same is true for you!"

When Feng Ziyan heard it, he raised his head and said:

"Then I will go find those four old men and let them be my suzerain!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"They won't agree."

Feng Ziyan said:

"What if they agree?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"Then I will stand by you to the end!"

Feng Ziyan suddenly said:

"This is what you said! You are not allowed to shame! You wait for me, I will go and talk to the four old men!"

After speaking, Feng Ziyan ran towards the outside and disappeared quickly.

Zhang Yi couldn't help shaking her head when she saw this. This stupid girl really didn't understand the importance of power to people, and she didn't understand how difficult it would be for a person who is used to controlling power to let go of power.

But if she wants to try, she will still try, let her run into the wall a few more times.

Zhang Yi is not optimistic about whether Feng Ziyan can become the head.

Isn't this a joke that a disciple who has only been in the market for a long time has to become the head of a famous school?

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