Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 700: Era of National Comprehension

Flying all the way, Zhang Yi's speed was not fast, and he also wanted to see the changes on the earth over the years.

However, he quickly discovered that the changes on the earth in the past thirty years have been too great.

First of all, there are more and more practitioners flying in the sky, and during the period of single leaflet Yi flying, no less than five people have been seen flying past him.

This has already shown that the level of practice on earth is constantly improving, and more and more practitioners have even been able to enter the Golden Core Realm level that can fly in the air.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi was still in the cities along the way, and seeing many cities seemed to have a retro style.

More and more people's clothing, etiquette and conversation, including more and more new buildings, are full of retro style.

There are too many people wearing ancient clothes. If it were not for the strong commercial style of these ancient clothes, Zhang Yi would have thought that he was on a planet in the world of cultivation.

In addition, there is also a wave of national practice that has spread throughout the cities.

In this situation, Zhang Yi has also heard people say that since some enlightened sects made some secret books to the public, ordinary people can also be exposed to the knowledge of practice.

In many cities that Zhang Yi passed through, this trend was obvious.

Under the influence of Zhang Yi decades ago, the parks and squares should have been occupied by a group of grandma and grandpa who danced in the square.

But now, in these square parks, groups of practitioners gather.

Some specialize in public lectures to promote and teach practice to the public, and even some martial arts groups, in order to expand their influence, have begun to send disciples as lecturers to impart knowledge of cultivation to the public.

Many gymnasiums, yoga studios, etc. in Zhang Yi's memory are now turned into training centers.

This allows many ordinary people to have access to the knowledge of cultivation.

Even if many people do not join the martial arts, they can still get the knowledge of cultivation through the media, the Internet, and lecturers in life.

For this reason, Zhang Yi also landed in a city, slowly shopping on the street to observe everything around him.

What surprised him was that for nearly 30 years in his retreat, the development of scientific and technological civilization on the earth seemed to have fallen into a very slow stage, while the development of cultivation civilization had become extremely rapid.

On the street, Zhang Yi has seen a lot of spiritual instruments used for commercial purposes to replace some technological products.

He even saw a lot of advertisements on the big screen. There is a big company joining hands with the martial arts, intending to apply the artifacts, which are exclusive to practitioners, to various places in people's lives and promote them to millions of households.

Such a scene made Zhang Yi couldn't help but think of it. After Mu Yinting, who left the customs early, noticed such a drastic change in the world, he once put forward a point of view to Zhang Yi.

This point of view is that the earth is ushering in a new era-the era of comprehension for all people!

This new era is full of various characteristics.

This kind of foundation is that cultivation will truly approach people's families, and more and more people will begin to participate in cultivation.

This will lead to too many changes.

First of all, driven by interests, more and more schools will begin to open up the secrets of cultivation to the people, and the secrets will only become more and more advanced, so as to satisfy the people’s growing expectations. Comprehension needs.

This will cause a change that affects the superstructure of the world.

That is, it will cause young people to cultivate themselves even without joining the cultivation sect.

And this will undoubtedly seriously weaken the influence of the cultivation sect, and at the same time it will also lead to fewer and fewer disciples of the cultivation sect. The overall strength of the cultivation sect is declining, while the overall strength of the private sector will rise.

In the end, the cultivation sect can only become an institution with the highest level of cultivation knowledge and secrets similar to private universities or some technology companies, and it will gradually lose its control over the people.

And some new private institutions will emerge, and even as the gap between the power of the civilian power and the cultivation sect continues to narrow, the cultivation sect will likely lose their power in the future.

Therefore, Mu Yinting believes that in the future, the state of the world where the major sects are the ruling institutions will change, and the state structure that has already died out will and may return again.

It's just that the state structure at that time will be different from the previous state structure, and it will become a new state structure after the fusion of the state and the sect.

The major sects will become the major factions, and they will exercise power through elections.

In addition, this kind of national cultivation will bring more changes in the social structure.

That is, the aging of the population is seriously intensified.

Popularization of comprehension will lead to longer and longer life spans for ordinary people, so that the proportion of the elderly population in the population will increase.

It's just that the aging population in the comprehension society will cause a new problem.

Cultivation emphasizes that the longer the cultivation time and the earlier the cultivation, the stronger the strength will be.

This will easily lead to the overall strength of the elderly group surpassing the young, and the power of the society will be occupied by the elderly group, and it will be difficult for the young people to fight for power with these elderly people, and thus they will not be able to get promotion space.

Class solidification will appear in a new form.

In addition, with the rapid development of comprehension civilization, people’s body and appearance will age more and more slowly, and there will not be much difference in the body and appearance of young people and middle-aged people or even old people. In this way It will lead to the occurrence of some newer social ethical issues.

In addition, the development of comprehension civilization will also lead to greater demand for other resources based on spirit stones, which will lead to the evolution of economic and military issues.

Nowadays, some banknotes are trying to be linked to spirit stones, and spirit stones have gradually become the same hard currency as gold and silver.

With the demand for spirit stones and various other cultivation resources, there will be more and more wars for resources, especially the external wars of the earth.

With the widespread use of time-space channels and interstellar navigational instruments, the degeneration of Xuan Li star into a colony of the earth is a good example in the process of the arrival of the interstellar age.

In the future, the plundering of the earth's external resources will not stop, and more planets will become the target of plundering the earth's resources.

In addition to these, with the advent of the great era of national cultivation, more changes will continue to occur, and many changes are already unpredictable by people nowadays.

"Fortunately, this era has just begun."

Although Mu Yinting had made a lot of predictions about the future, and Zhang Yi also agreed with them, after all, they were all things that happened in the future, and things have not yet progressed to that point.

The inertia of the society still makes life on the earth now brewing a new life, but on the surface, the difference is still not that huge.

"However, I also have to make new plans and thinking for the future development of Fuxingmen."

Zhang Yi had to face problems in the future.

After all, this kind of general development cannot be stopped by one or two schools.

In Zhang Yi's previous life, he did not encounter such problems.

Most of the planets in the world of cultivation are completely different from the situation on the earth.

Since ancient times, the world of comprehension has had a tradition of the development of comprehension civilization, so the technological civilization in the comprehension world is seriously backward, because they don't need too much technology.

However, the earth did not know what was causing the interruption of the cultivation civilization.

The earth has been in a state of exhaustion of aura before the arrival of the era of aura recovery. This situation has seriously hindered the development of the cultivation civilization, which led to the rapid development of the earth's scientific and technological civilization.

However, with the arrival of the era of aura recovery, two carriages of comprehension and science and technology appeared on the earth to go hand in hand, developing a state of civilization that Zhang Yi had never seen in his previous life.

It is this kind of civilized state that can lead to the arrival of the great era of comprehension for the whole people.

This kind of universal cultivation era, except for the earth, can't happen on other planets in the cultivation world.

Because other planets are backward in science and technology, the lives of ordinary people have not changed much for thousands of years. They have no network and various communication foundations, nor have they experienced some new superstructures. This has led to the fact that the ordinary people cannot enjoy the cultivation of the whole people. .

At this time Zhang Yi is facing a brand new era, so he has to maintain enough foresight and make a sufficiently detailed plan to be able to maintain the status of Zhang Family and Fuxingmen in this new era.

"I don't think about this, let's deal with the immediate problem first."

Zhang Yi was walking on the road in a city. He looked at many new things in the ascendant around him, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Twenty-eight years of retreat and returning to the earth, this kind of change is really big. Sometimes, I really feel that I am almost unable to keep up with the times..."

If it is Zhang Yi's age, he is now more than 60 years old.

However, his appearance has not changed for decades, and he still retains the appearance of his early twenties.

In the world of comprehension in his previous life, Zhang Yi has also seen some old monsters with a longevity of several hundred or even a thousand years. Many of them also like to look young.

For most people who have reached a certain level of Dao Xin, they no longer like the appearance of any age, but have not paid attention to their appearance, and are too lazy to change.

Zhang Yi is such a person. He can now keep himself in his twenties and he can also keep himself in his sixties, but he is no longer willing to change his appearance no matter what.

In Zhang Yi's previous life, he was already in his 50s by the time he cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm to be able to maintain his youth forever.

Therefore, Zhang Yi in his previous life, who has been in his 50s, is unwilling to change.

In this world, Zhang Yi reached the Nascent Soul Stage in his twenties, so he has maintained his appearance in his twenties.

However, at this moment, something on the side of the road suddenly attracted Zhang Yi's attention.

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