Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 720: Allocate family property

Everyone felt that Zhu Hao was confused.

He not only commissioned a young man whom Zhu's family had never seen before to distribute property for him, but also said some inexplicable things, as if he regarded this young man as his deadly friend.

Zhu Gaoqing couldn't help but said to Zhu Gaoming and Zhu Gaoqi:

"Do you still want to stay and listen to the nonsense of an old fool and a kid of unknown origin? You can listen, but I can't listen!"

Having said that, Zhu Gaoqing turned around and was about to leave.

However, he walked two steps and turned around, only to see Zhu Gaoming and Zhu Gaoqi sitting motionless on the sofa.

Zhu Gaoqing suddenly understood that his younger siblings were eager for him to leave, so as to exclude him from the property distribution.

Although no one knows whether the young man really wants to distribute the property, he has already explained that if Zhu Gaoqing really leaves at this time, he will lose the opportunity to distribute the property.

Zhu Gaoming and Zhu Gaoqi are anxious that their eldest brother will withdraw from the fight for property.

Immediately, Zhu Gaoqing cursed secretly, and finally had to turn back and sit down on the sofa.

"Boy! How do you want to divide? If your distribution is unreasonable, then don't blame us for blasting you out!"

After sitting back, Zhu Gaoqing couldn't help asking.

Zhu Gaoming and Zhu Gaoqi also looked at Zhang Yi. Once Zhang Yi couldn't satisfy them, they didn't mind making Zhang Yi look good.

Zhang Yi asked Zhu Hao next to him at this time:

"Haozi, how much property do you have to distribute?"

Zhu Hao replied:

"I have thirteen properties, seven companies, and—"

Zhang Yi interrupted impatiently:

"You can tell me directly, how much is the total value after conversion."

This sentence immediately caused Zhu Gaoqing, Zhu Gaoming and Zhu Gaoqi to laugh.

Isn’t it funny if you don’t even listen to the property, just want to know how much it is worth, so you want to distribute the property clearly?

The three wanted to see how Zhang Yi could convince the crowd for a while.

Zhu Hao then said:

"If all my property is discounted, it will be almost 3 billion."

Zhang Yi nodded slightly:

"Three billion, three people, one billion each."

When Zhu Gaoqing heard this, he couldn't help but sneered:

"How is it possible to distribute evenly? I dropped out of school very early to help my younger siblings go to school! Shouldn't I divide more? If it wasn't my sacrifice, where did the two of them come from today?"

Zhu Gaoming hurriedly said:

"Most of the company's affairs in these years have been managed by me. I have done my best for the development of the company and helped the company make so much money, so I have to work more and get more! I will share more!"

Zhu Gaoqi also said:

"All sons and daughters must have a bowl of water! You can't give preference to sons and daughters! So I can't divide it less than others! And I tell you, my husband is the deacon of the cut-off faction! He can provide the Zhu family with power and safety ! Therefore, I have to share more of you!"

As the three of them were talking, they were about to quarrel again.

Zhu Hao reluctantly shook his head at Zhang Yi, indicating that his children were like this.

Zhang Yi just smiled slightly and said:

"You will agree to my allocation."

All three of them looked at Zhang Yi with weird eyes, as if they were looking at an idiot.

Just now they were fighting against this equal distribution method, but Zhang Yi was still saying that everyone would agree to his distribution. Isn't this funny?

Zhang Yi didn't mind their look, he was naturally confident.

The three people in front of him were all Zhu Hao's children, so Zhang Yi would talk to them calmly.

If they were not Zhang Yi's children, then Zhang Yi would no longer be polite to them.

However, Zhang Yi is polite, but others may not be polite.

I saw the eldest son Zhu Gaoqing say to Zhang Yi very impatiently:

"We have been delayed for too long because of you, do you know how much money I can make in a minute? How valuable my time is, you can't imagine!"

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"Zhu Gaoqing, I know that you have lung cancer. So you don't have much time left, it's really precious."

After Zhang Yi said this, everyone in the room was taken aback.

Everyone looked at Zhu Gaoqing in surprise. Zhu Gaoqing had lung cancer?

Zhu Gaoqing looked astonished and couldn't help but question Zhang Yi:

"Which way did you get my information, and how much did it cost to buy it?"

Zhu Gaoqing did have lung cancer. He never told anyone about this, and he has also told the hospital to keep it secret.

For a company boss, he must not let others know that his health is dysfunctional, otherwise it will seriously affect his business.

At this time, when Zhang Yi spoke about his lung cancer, Zhu Gaoqing suddenly thought that the hospital had betrayed his secret.

However, he didn't know that his illness could not be concealed in Zhang Yi's eyes.

Zhang Yi said lightly at this time:

"I have a special medicine that can cure your disease. If you want to get a special medicine to cure the disease and continue to live, you may wish to accept my property distribution proposal."

When Zhu Gaoqing heard what Zhang Yi said, he couldn't help asking:

"Why should I believe that you have drugs that can treat cancer?"

Cancer is still incurable for ordinary people.

Even for company bosses like Zhu Gaoqing, this is no exception.

I am afraid that only the Dazongmen can cure cancer, but that is no longer within the reach of Zhu Gaoqing.

At this moment, Zhu Hao said:

"Nizi! My boss is not something you can question! Just because he is my boss, he said that if he can cure cancer, he will definitely be able to!"

Zhu Gaoqing's face changed upon hearing this, and he looked at Zhang Yi.

After hesitating for a while, he finally said:

"If you can really cure my cancer, then it wouldn't be a big deal for me to divide it into a billion!"

Not to mention the billions, if the cancer can be cured, Zhu Gaoqing shouldn't be willing to pay a penny.

Since getting cancer, Zhu Gaoqing has realized that no matter how much money is spent, it will not make any sense at all.

At this time, Zhang Yi took out a pill from the space magical implement and placed it in front of Zhu Gaoqing:

"After eating it, your illness will be fine."

This pill was made by Zhang Yi himself, and it was a piece of cake for the cure of Zhu Gaoqing's disease.

Zhu Gaoqing picked up Zhang Yi's medicine, but hesitated to swallow it.

After all, a kid came and took out a pill and said that he could cure his illness. He was not so relieved to eat these messy things.

At this time, Zhu Gaoming said to Zhang Yi:

"Even if my elder brother approves of your distribution plan, I will not approve it! He approves it alone, it doesn't make any sense at all."

Zhang Yi smiled slightly, then looked at Zhu Ziqian who was standing aside:

"Your daughter, doesn't it seem to be in high school?"

When Zhu Gaoming talked about his daughter, he was very proud:

"Of course, my daughter went to a prestigious school!"

Zhang Yi said:

"Prestigious school? I don't think it is necessary. As far as I know, for the world now, it is anxious to send children of this age to various sects to practice."

When Zhu Gaoming heard this, his face was immediately displeased:

"If I have the ability to send my daughter into the marquee, do you still need to say?"

Zhang Yi said:

"Zhang Family, Wu Gu Sect, Emei Sect, Tianchi Sect, Longevity Sect... Choose one of these dozens of sects at will. I can guarantee that your daughter can enter one of these sects to practice. The premise, you only need to agree to My distribution plan."

After hearing this, Zhu Gaoming couldn't help but look at each other with Zhu Ziqian.

Among these sects mentioned by Zhang Yi, there are many sects like Zhang Family, Wu Gu Sect, and Emei Sect. As long as you can enter one of them, it will undoubtedly turn a sparrow into a phoenix, and ordinary people will fly into the sky from then on!

Such a good thing can not only be exchanged with money.

Even if Zhu Gaoming found a lot of relationships and spent a lot of money, he still couldn't send Zhu Ziqian into even a medium-sized martial art, let alone a large martial art.

Only some incompetent little sects, Zhu Ziqian, have hope to enter, but these little sects have entered without any meaning.

Immediately Zhu Gaoming couldn't help but said:

"If you can really do it, then I will agree to your distribution plan!"

Zhang Yi smiled slightly:

"Have you chosen?"

Zhu Gaoming looked at Zhu Ziqian, and the father and daughter said in unison:

"Of course it's the Zhang family!"

Among the sects that Zhang Yi mentioned earlier, the best is undoubtedly the Zhang family.

The Zhang family has the strongest strength, the strongest name and the most abundant resources.

Zhang Family, that really can't be entered by money. Especially in recent years, the Zhang family has rarely recruited outsiders. Many people in this world want to be able to enter the Zhang family to practice cultivation. Among them, there are some really large giant families. The energy they possess is far beyond the Zhu family's ability to compare. .

If you can really enter the Zhang family and become a handyman at even the lowest level, it will be enough to make Zhu Ziqian's family one of the most popular in Kuyang City in an instant, no one dares to look down upon.

Zhu Gaoming and Zhu Ziqian couldn’t help but feel that Zhang Yi was really too loud, so they didn’t mind a little louder. They chose the best Zhang family in the first choice, but they had to see if this big-sounding kid was good enough to breathe. .

Zhang Yi took out his phone and sent a message.

After sending the information, Zhang Yi said:

"The Zhang family has a contact number and email address for the public, and this information can be found online. You call and ask when they will send someone to pick up the new disciple Zhu Ziqian, and everything else. If you don’t Ask, they will contact you in an hour."

After hearing Zhang Yi's words, Zhu Gaoming and Zhu Ziqian couldn't help but look horrified at each other.

Could it be that Zhu Ziqian's entry into the Zhang family's practice was settled?

For the people of the world, it is difficult to get to the blue sky. The young man in front of him can do it with a single message?

Is this really possible?

With a trace of luck, Zhu Gaoming and Zhu Ziqian and his daughter could not help taking out their mobile phones, and began to check the contact information of Zhang's family online, and then began to inquire about related matters.

At this time, Zhang Yi had already looked at Zhu Gaoqi.

As long as the final Zhu Gaoqi is settled, Zhang Yi's distribution plan is already set.

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