Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 739: Horror demon

The giant dragon was swimming in the water, and Zhang Yi followed him all the way forward.

Although it is difficult for others to discern the direction in this thick fog, all this is not a problem for the giant dragon.

The giant dragon has lived here for decades, and is very familiar with the plants and trees here, and it can easily determine where it is.

What's more, the giant dragon is a three-dragon creature. It can determine the direction and position by observing the topography of the lake bottom or the flow of undercurrents.

Under the leadership of the giant dragon, Zhang Yi soon came to a calm lake.

The dragon submerged in the lake and disappeared, but Zhang Yi's spiritual sense was still able to sense the dragon.

The surrounding dense fog was filled with dense fog. This strange fog blocked Zhang Yi's consciousness, but there was no such fog in the lake, so Zhang Yi's consciousness could easily lock the giant|long.

Zhang Yi knew that the giant dragon was using its own body to indicate to Zhang Yi that the hole in the bottom of the lake was located.

Sure enough, in Zhang Yi's sense of consciousness, the giant|long had already reached the deep bottom of the lake, and then it continued to circle around a certain location, indicating that there was the cave at the bottom of the lake.

"There is a mystery hidden under this calm lake..."

At the location of the cave at the bottom of the lake, the surface of the lake was calm, and there was nothing strange at first glance.

However, who could have thought that in this calm, there was a strange hole in the bottom of the lake.

"Let's go down and see what is so peculiar about this cave."

Immediately, Zhang Yi was ready to dive into the water and take a peek.

Zhang Yi now has a small body and can even enter the environment in outer space, so it is a piece of cake for him to dive physically without any oxygen.

Leaflet Yi's current physical body, let alone the bottom of Dongting Lake, it is not difficult for him to reach the bottom of the deepest Mariana Trench in the world.

Just when Zhang Yi was about to enter the bottom of the lake, he suddenly stopped:

"someone is coming."

Now his spiritual consciousness is limited by the weird fog, and can only cover the surrounding tens of meters.

But within these tens of meters, he could still clearly feel that a boat appeared nearby, rushing towards this side, and there were still living people on the boat.

Zhang Yi didn't want to care about these living people, he was ready to go into the water.

However, at this time, a scream came through the fog.

The screams came from that boat, very miserable and terrifying to hear.

This caused Zhang Yi to frown slightly, and soon saw that the boat had galloped out of the thick fog and appeared in Zhang Yi's line of sight.

From the outside of the boat, it can be seen that it is a tourist speedboat.

Those who take the speedboat are all tourists who come here to travel.

However, at this time, I saw a large area of ​​shocking red blood on the speedboat, and some living people were screaming in panic.

Among the blood stains, one can see a person writhing frantically and constantly screaming in pain.

The expression of the person twisting in the blood was painful, and blood was constantly gushing out of his seven orifices, and the whole person sometimes curled up into a ball on the deck, sometimes his body was stretched out abruptly, and his hands were constantly scratching on his stomach. Scratching his own belly, causing his intestines to flow out.

I don't know what happened to this person that made him so painful.

The surrounding tourists screamed and kept moving away from this person.

However, something even stranger has just begun!

I saw that this person who was constantly twisting in a pool of blood started to produce some non-human mutations in his body.

Suddenly a lot of tentacles appeared on his face. These tentacles were pink all over, with fleshy membranes and suckers like the feet of an octopus. The longer the tentacles, the longer and thicker they grew, and even his entire face at the end. I can no longer see any facial features, all that is left is a large piece of twisted pink tentacles.

Even his body has undergone tremendous changes.

One after another sarcoma emerged from his body. Each of these sarcomas was the size of a basketball and looked heavy and weird.

And in the wrinkled skin folds on these sarcomas, one eye after another unexpectedly appeared.

These weird eyes are on the large sarcomas, like sesame seeds inlaid on the surface of a white bun.

In the end, this "person" with tentacles and sarcoma all over his face stood up from the pool of blood.

He started step by step, slowly approaching the living people around him.

Seeing such a terrifying change, the surrounding tourists were frightened.

Many of them retreated screaming in horror, and some even ran to the side of the ship, preparing to jump off the ship to escape such a terrifying monster.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene:

"I didn't expect to see Huangquan Demon even here!"

Legend has it that in the nether land, there was a kind of water that was a good medicine for the dead but highly toxic to the living, called yellow spring water.

Once a living person is contaminated with yellow spring water, he will die immediately.

The so-called Huangquan Demon was poisoned by the steam emitted by the legendary yellow spring water, and eventually mutated into a very special half-living and half-dead monster.

The last time Zhang Yi saw Huangquan Demon was in Dongshan University.

But now on this Dongting Lake, he also encountered this kind of monster, which made Zhang Yi frown.

"Netherworld Sect, what the evil gang want to do?"

Zhang Yi landed immediately and quickly landed towards the tourist speedboat below.

Before the others landed on the deck, a sword light was already drawn out quickly.

The sword light is as fast as a shooting star, and it is fleeting.


There was a slight sound, and the monster on the deck that was about to harm people had been cut into two pieces by Zhang Yi with a sword.

After the monster turned into two stages, it didn't completely die, and it still writhed crazily on the ground.

Zhang Yi landed next to the monster and looked at the monster coldly. His fingers raised and surged, and in a flash, he drew a fire talisman in the air.

Then Zhang Yi lightly tapped the zhenqi charm, and a piece of samādhi real fire spewed out from it, burning the still writhing monster on the ground to ashes.

When the surrounding tourists saw this place, they gradually came back to their senses.

Immediately some bold people came forward and said respectfully to Zhang Yi:

"Thank you Xianzhang for your help! If it weren't for Xianzhang, I'm afraid we have been harmed by this monster!"

Zhang Yi asked:

"Where did you provoke this monster? Or in other words, what caused your companion to mutate so much?"

Zhang Yi could see that this Huangquan Demon was only infected by the steam of the Yellow Spring water not long ago, and thus mutated. And it seems that the Yellow Spring Demon is still a tourist on this boat.

However, there was only this Huangquan Demon among the tourists in the entire boat, and the rest were intact, which seemed a little strange.

Following Zhang Yi's question, only one tourist stood up and said:

"Returning to Xianchang, we were originally going to Junshan by boat, but who knew that a terrible fog suddenly appeared in the middle of the journey. In this fog, all the positioning and navigation systems on our ship failed, causing us to be Trapped in this thick fog, during the period, we also encountered such things as howling ghosts and wolves, huge waves and winds, loud noises and heavy rain. These bizarre things almost caused us to die in this thick fog. After such a twists and turns. , We have completely lost our way in the fog, making it impossible for us to find the right way to leave the fog. We drove the boat on the lake, and in the end it felt like circled in place ..."

Zhang Yi said impatiently:

"Talk about the point."

The tourist hurriedly stopped talking nonsense and started to get into the topic:

"That was not long ago, when we were sailing on the boat, we suddenly saw a lake that turned into a weird blood red. The lake was very close to our boat at that time, and we clearly saw that there seemed to be blood. It was just emerging from the bottom of the lake. At that time, the man who turned into a monster was curious and reached out his hand to touch the **** lake. At that time, we thought there was nothing wrong, but who would have thought that before a while, he would start to faint. The bleeding continued, and then a terrible mutation occurred."

Zhang Yi heard this and asked:

"Where is the blood on the lake?"

The so-called "blood" is most likely yellow spring water.

These yellow spring water rushed out, and the continuous dilution of the lake water made it weaker, just like the steam of the yellow spring water.

But this yellow spring water unexpectedly appeared in Dongting Lake, which made Zhang Yi very worried.

Yellow spring water steam or yellow spring water that has been continuously diluted can make biological mutations or become an excellent tonic for ghosts.

Nowadays, in Dongting Lake, besides the living people, there are a large number of creatures moving here, especially the weird fog has turned Dongting Lake into a gathering place for ghosts and evil spirits.

If the yellow spring water spreads in Dongting Lake, it will undoubtedly cause serious consequences.

At that time, countless creatures will mutate and become Yellow Spring Monsters. And those ghosts will be nourished by the yellow spring water, and their cultivation strength will be greatly increased.

Once such a result occurs, the entire Dongting Lake will become a forbidden zone of life.

Therefore, Zhang Yi needs to know the location of the yellow spring water, so that he can make emergency response.

However, the tourist shook his head and replied:

"There is a lot of fog around here. We don't know how many circles we have traveled. We can't distinguish the north, south, east, and west. In addition, the lake looks exactly the same, and we can't tell at all."

Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard that, it seemed that there was no way to know from these tourists where the yellow spring water appeared.

However, at this moment, only one tourist suddenly pointed and shouted:

"Look! We are back to where the blood was on the lake just now! It turns out that we were really circling the spot! It's over... we will never be able to get out!"

As the tourist yelled, Zhang Yi turned his head and looked.

Sure enough, above the lake, I don't know when a piece of bright red liquid appeared, like blood.

It can be seen that this piece of liquid is emerging from the bottom of the lake.

The tourist who spoke to Zhang Yi before suddenly shouted:

"Xianchang! It's here! We saw blood from the bottom of the lake before, and the scene is exactly the same as it is now!"

But Zhang Yi could see more clearly, he had already seen that the location of the blood was exactly at the location of the cave at the bottom of the strange lake.

These weird blood came out of the hole in the ground!

The cave at the bottom of the lake is indeed weird, and this bright red **** yellow spring water can emerge from it!

The blood-like yellow spring water seems to be slightly less dense than water. It can rise from the bottom of the lake to the surface of the lake, and then slowly spread along the surging lake water, gradually staining a large area of ​​the nearby lake with blood red.

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