Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 767: Stomped to death

With Zhang Yi's easy actions, Lionel's three black magics were easily destroyed.

Lionel's eyes widened when he saw this scene:

"Oh! Buy Karma! How is it possible?"

The power of these three black magics, Lionel knew best.

Those who can easily get rid of these three black magics he has imposed, he has only encountered one person in his life, and that is the boss of their Brotherhood of Skeletons.

It was also after the boss of the Brotherhood of Skeletons easily cracked Lionel's three black magics in one fell swoop that Lionel joined the Brotherhood of Skeletons convincingly and became a younger brother of the boss.

Today, however, he once again saw a man who could destroy the three black magics he had simultaneously applied.

This can only show that the strength of the Eastern man in front of him, I am afraid that he has reached the level of his boss!

After communicating all this, Lionel only felt cold all over.

No matter how strong his strength is, it is impossible for him to fight with a strong man who has reached the level of the boss!

To deal with this Eastern man, he could only ask his boss to take action. Lionel himself could not be this man's opponent at all.

Immediately Lionel flashed his eyes and shot again:

"Dark Realm!!!"

As the energy of Lionel radiated fiercely, it was clear that the sky was clear, but the light around him suddenly became dark.

This whole street, as if it was isolated from the outside sunlight at this moment, the light quickly dimmed and decreased, as if darkness was eroding and covering this space.

In a blink of an eye, the entire street became pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

Everyone can see nothing in this darkness.

Only the brawny men in suits were talking excitedly:

"It turned out to be the Dark Realm! Mr. Lionel actually performed this trick! This trick is simply known as the strongest trick in the assassination world!"

"This trick is claimed to be Mr. Lionel's most powerful trick. From now on, he will be the king in this dark realm! His figure, voice and breath, etc., will all be hidden by the darkness!"

"He will be like a silent ghost in the dark, able to easily appear anywhere and kill any opponent!"

"At the beginning, Mr. Lionel relied on this trick to assassinate a minister in the cabinet who was against our Brotherhood of Skeletons and retired!"

"Now Mr. Lionel is showing this trick. This is a trick that will kill the Dongfang boy!"


The brawny men in suits were talking excitedly in the dark one by one.

Although the darkness makes them see nothing, it does not affect their enthusiasm.

The four masters of the Brotherhood of Skeletons, all of them have their own unique skills!

And this dark field is the unique skill of the black magician Lionel!

So far, Lionel has no one in the dark realm that he can't kill!

This is also true, the brawny men in suits waited for the darkness to dissipate in no hurry. The moment when the darkness finally dissipates, it will be the moment that Dongfang kid violently corpses on the street!

However, at this time, Zhang Yi's voice suddenly sounded in the darkness:

"Want to escape? Do you think you can escape? I said, you have to pay for it with your life!"

Zhang Yi's voice made the brawny men in suits startled.

Want to escape?

This Dongfang boy is talking about who wants to escape?

Is it Mr. Lionel? How can this be!

Now I should be thinking about how to escape. Shouldn't it be this Dongfang boy?

Mr. Lionel is the hunter in this dark realm, and the eastern kid is just a prey, he is destined to be hunted!

Every man in a suit thinks it should be so!

Because they are the Brotherhood of Skeletons, Mr. Lionel is the strongest of the Brotherhood of Skeletons!

Only the Brotherhood of Skeletons will bully people, and no one dares to bully the Brotherhood of Skeletons.


At this moment, I saw that the sky of darkness suddenly disappeared!

At this moment, the sunlight re-illuminated the street, and the light that penetrated so sharply made the brawny men in suits who had adapted to the darkness unacceptable for a while, making them hurriedly cover their eyes with their hands.

At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a heavy object fell heavily to the ground.

The brawny men in suits hurriedly opened their eyes and looked around, wanting to see if the Dongfang boy had been killed.

However, what appeared in front of them was a scene that they could not accept!

I saw a **** person lying on the ground, and this person was not someone else, it was just...

Lionel! ! !

Mr. Lionel, who was extremely powerful in the eyes of the brawny in suits, was seriously injured and lying on the ground.

And the Dongfang boy who was changed and killed in the eyes of the brawny in the suit was sticking out a foot and stepping on Lionel's head.

At this moment, the strong men in suits couldn't help taking a breath.

The outcome is already obvious!

However, who could have thought that Lionel, who had performed his tricks in the Dark Realm, was not yet the opponent of this Dongfang boy? How powerful is this Dongfang boy?

Zhang Yi stepped on Lionel's head and said coldly:

"You just performed that trick, which seemed to be attacking, but in fact it was used to cover up your escape. Your wishful thinking is a good one, but it's a pity that this kind of trick won't make it into my eyes!"

The brawny men in suits were surprised when they heard this.

Could it be said that Mr. Lionel just showed the Dark Realm not to kill, but to escape?

Regardless of the life and death of these brawny men in suits, just leave them and run away?

Lionel's head was firmly stepped on by Zhang Yi, and he couldn't move at all.

"You... who are you... exactly?"

Lionel couldn't help but asked weakly.

After he judged that Zhang Yi's strength was better than him, he had already begun to retreat.

Just now he showed his unique trick in the Dark Realm, and it was exactly this idea.

Everyone knows that his dark realm can be used for assassination, but no one knows that he can also use this trick to escape far.

That's why Lionel planned to escape back to the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Skeletons first, and asked the boss to take action to kill the Dongfang boy, and he himself didn't have to spend time with the Dongfang boy here.

At that time, who could have thought that when Lionel thought he could easily escape, a figure in the darkness appeared above him, and then smashed his whole person from the sky to the ground with one foot.

This kick even directly caused Lionel's combat effectiveness to be lost.

And what surprised Lionel most was that this Eastern man was able to spot him in the dark realm!

You must know that his dark realm is very special, where all the light will disappear. The darkness can even make Lionel’s voice, body temperature, breathing, air currents, heat radiation, smell, etc. all information covered, making Lionel just didn't exist in this darkness at all.

However, the other party seemed to always be able to spot him, and stepped him from the sky to the ground with one foot.

This immediately made Lionel more shocked, and even an unpleasant feeling in his heart: He vaguely thought that the power of the Eastern man in front of him was probably... even stronger than his boss!

With this thought, Lionel himself was taken aback.

But the fact is right in front of him, but he has to admit it.

Zhang Yi opened his mouth and returned:

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Lionel couldn't help asking again:

"Then why are you going against our Skeleton Brotherhood?"

Zhang Yi chuckled and said:

"It's ridiculous, it's your Brotherhood of Skeletons, you must fight me!"

From the beginning, people from the Brotherhood of Skull and Bones kept coming to provoke Zhang Yi. At this time, Lionel actually said that Zhang Yi was against the Brotherhood of Skeletons, which was really ridiculous.

Lionel heard Zhang Yi's words and couldn't help but hurriedly said:

"It seems that there is a misunderstanding between us! So let me go, I promise our Skeleton Brotherhood will never come to provoke you again! What do you think?"

Until now, Lionel just wanted to live.

As long as he can live, he can say anything to fight for himself a chance to survive.

Zhang Yi said:

"You don’t cooperate with me to talk about this matter. Only your boss can talk to me. That’s why I keep letting your boss come to see me. And you, as I said, you destroyed my niece’s house. , You can only pay with your life!"

Lionel hurriedly called:

"Don't kill me! Didn't I just ruin the apartment building? I will pay you ten! Isn't one hundred?"

With Lionel's financial resources, he can really easily compensate for a hundred apartment buildings.

He is just not reconciled, not reconciled to the powerful Black Mage, one of the four masters of the Brotherhood of Skeletons, a high-powered man, who will lose his life because of a dilapidated apartment.

Zhang Yi answered coldly:

"I don't understand, you still don't understand!"

Having said that, Zhang Yi's foot slammed down.

On the soles of his shoes, a pool of slurry sprayed out in a fan shape.

Lionel wouldn't understand until he died. The mistake he made was not just as simple as destroying an apartment.

He is provoking the Zhang family!

He attacked the young master of the Zhang family and wanted to kill Zhang Siyi of the Zhang family.

Such a serious crime will never be forgiven!

Lionel's headless body lay at Zhang Yi's feet, and Zhang Yi stood proudly, like a king and god.

At this moment, the group of brawny men in suits couldn't help but knelt down in a hurry, and no one dared to stand.

Even Lionel was killed by Zhang Yi, and these little shrimps and fishes did not dare to doubt whether Zhang Yi would kill them.

All they can do now is awe and submission.

Looking at such a scene, Zhang Siyi on the side could not help but trembled with excitement|trembling all over.

Among her big beautiful sweet eyes, there was only Zhang Yi.

Zhang Siyi was originally just an ordinary girl at the bottom of the society, and only her appearance was the only natural advantage that could bring her self-confidence. Apart from her appearance, Zhang Siyi was inferior.

This is also true. When she faces all the hardships and frustrations encountered in her life and work, she can only endure it in silence.

Because she knew that she was the weak, and the weak could only tolerate it, but was not qualified to resist.

And all this changed completely with the appearance of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi led her to do things she couldn't even think of before, and she was so excited that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Although Zhang Yi only appeared for two days in her life, it completely changed her life for the previous twenty years, making her destiny completely reversed!

Heroes of Earth!

Ten thousand people surrender, live and kill, and watch the world's heroes!

In Zhang Siyi's eyes at this time, Zhang Yi is such a character.

Since ancient times, beautiful women love heroes. At this moment, Zhang Siyi only feels that he wants to be able to snuggle in the arms of such a hero for the rest of his life, and be protected and favored by such a world-famous hero.

If so, this life is enough!

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