Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 770: Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card

By saying this, Patton has the ability to do so.

The Brotherhood of Skeletons controls the entire underground world of Lun City, and all the places where **** and drug gambling follow the arrangements of the Brotherhood of Skeletons. The Brotherhood of Skeletons wants to make a person disappear from the ground, and can only sink in the underground world for a lifetime. That is an easy task.

Mirabel was overjoyed upon hearing this:

"Dear Mr. Barton! Your decision is so wise!"

When Zhang Siyi heard the words of the two, and saw Barton's evil and hideous eyes, he couldn't help taking a step back in fright.

Zhang Yi said to her:

"Siyi, don't be afraid, there is me."

Although it was just a few words, it seemed that there was a strange power that made Zhang Siyi's fearful heart settle down at this moment.

Afterwards, Zhang Yisen looked at Button coldly:

"Originally I said I didn't want to kill you, but now I have changed my mind!"

And Mirabell sneered at Zhang Yi:

"Poor ghost! Don't be jumbled! Our gambling appointment has now started! You have the patience, hurry up and pay for these cars! If you have no money and no skills, then hurry up and jump upstairs. Come down!"

Now with Patton's backing, Mirabel has become particularly arrogant.

And this time, Mirabell also deliberately wanted to be arrogant.

Nowadays, there is a rare opportunity to be able to contact Patton, a senior figure in the Brotherhood of Skeletons, and fortunately to do things for Patton against Zhang Yi, Mirabell will naturally perform well.

Maybe if she performs well and Barton sees her ability, then she can enter the Brotherhood of Skeleton development from now on, instead of working as a **** sales consultant in this **** car store.

Once there is a chance to enter the development of the Brotherhood of Skeletons, who would dare to despise her then? Who would dare to slap her?

At that time, she can stand high and trample anyone who is not pleasing to her eyes!

This is also true, Mirabell danced especially happily.

I saw Mirabell yelling at Zhang Siyi triumphantly:

"Zhang Siyi! You bitch! You caused me to lose my job and get slapped in the face. Today you will finally suffer retribution! The more miserable the fate of your bitch, the happier I will be!"

Zhang Yi looked at Mirabell, raised his slap and slapped it again.


With this slap, Zhang Yi slapped harder.

Mirabell was slapped off by the slap, and then hit the ground heavily.

When she was struggling to get up from the ground, she only felt that her mouth, nose and ears were bleeding, her mouth was open, and more than ten teeth fell out of her mouth.

"You... would you dare to hit me in front of the noble Mr. Patton?"

Mirabel was holding her broken tooth with an incredible expression on her face.

In her opinion, now Mr. Patton of the Brotherhood of Skeletons is on the scene, shouldn't this yellow kid have been so scared that he didn't dare to say anything? How can he dare to beat himself?

Zhang Yi said coldly:

"God commits evil, it is still a violation. If you commit evil, you can't live. Mirabel, if you want to commit evil by yourself and die, then no one can save you!"

For Mirabel, this is the second time she has been slapped by Zhang Yi.

This slap made Mirabel's courage disappear a lot.

She didn't dare to directly confront Zhang Yi again, but looked at Barton pleadingly, hoping that Barton would help her out.

However, how could Patton help Mirabell, he just stared at Zhang Yi gloomily and said:

"Oriental people, don't forget to bet, don't you dare to continue betting and want to kill others?"

Mirabell heard this and said hurriedly:

"That's right! Don't beat me if you are kind, just fulfill our bet!"

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"Bet? Don't you realize now that you have lost?"

Mirabel said disdainfully:

"Lose? You haven't bought your car yet, will I lose?"

Zhang Yi just asked:

"How much are all your cars here worth?"

Mirabell heard Zhang Yi's words and immediately took out the calculator.

While looking at the model of the car in the store, she began to calculate quickly.

Zhang Yi and Button waited quietly, no one interfered with her.

After a while, Mirabell finally made a clear calculation. She showed the calculator to Zhang Yi and Button:

"There are a total of twelve Spyker cars here! The total value is as high as £73,240,000! Boy, you can see clearly, it's £73,240,000! Not 7,324. Wanlong National Coin! Can you get so much money? I'm afraid you won't even make a fraction of this money in your life!"

Zhang Yi sneered, and did not speak.

Mirabell continued to smile triumphantly:

"Why, do you have nothing to say? From the beginning, you were the one who lost! Now, you climb to the top floor for yourself, and then jump down for me! And the little beauty Zhang Siyi behind you will be Mr. Patton, respected by the Brotherhood of Skulls, took home to train as a little bitch!"

Mirabell smiled more and more proudly, although she lost a dozen teeth in her mouth, which made her mouth hurt when she smiled, but she just couldn't help but want to laugh openly.

Zhang Yi took out a black card from his pocket at this time.

Then Zhang Yi raised his finger and the black card flew straight out and shot at Mirabel fiercely.

There was only a crisp sound, and the black card slammed Mirabell's face fiercely, like a palm hitting Mirabell's cheek, fanning Mirabell to the ground again.

This time, Mirabel was slapped and dizzy, and when she recovered, she couldn't help but have a mouth, and more than ten teeth fell out of her mouth.

Before Mirabell’s teeth were broken a lot with a slap, this time she was beaten by the black card again, which made her teeth almost burned out, and only two or three teeth remained in the teeth. Bed.

As the teeth were almost lost, her lips collapsed suddenly, shrinking on her face like orange peel, looking very ugly.

"You bastard, I want... Huh? This is..."

When Mirabell was about to scold her, her gaze was suddenly attracted by the black card on the ground in front of her.

This black card was the one that slapped her just now. She hurriedly picked up the black card from the ground and took a serious look, only to see a golden dragon on it.

"This is... the world's limited to one hundred Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Cards! Everyone who owns this card is an absolute big man in this world! The one who owns these 100 Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold cards is The master who truly rules this planet! could you possibly have this kind of card?"

The Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card is limited to one hundred in the world. The card is positioned as a real top figure in the world.

Most of the cardholders are leaders of the top 100 powers on the planet, and they only handle invitations and do not accept card applications. Cardholders can enjoy the exclusive privileges, rights and services of the world's top members.

It can be said that the people holding this card are undoubtedly the top one hundred people who truly rule the world!

At this time, Zhang Yi actually took out a Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card, which immediately made Mirabell only feel that all this is too illusory.

Zhang Siyi, who was standing behind Zhang Yi, was shocked when he saw this card.

She had also heard of such cards on the news, but who could have imagined seeing them in the real world.

In this way, the man next to her is the card holder, so what exactly is his identity... Zhang Siyi no longer dared to guess any more, she was afraid that the result would make her feel inferior.

She has always been a girl with nothing but beauty and nothing, so in her bones there is an inferiority complex that can't disappear from small to large.

So when she felt that Zhang Yi's status was very high, she did not dare to expect to be Zhang Yi's girlfriend, and was willing to become Zhang Yi's lover.

At this time, she was afraid that Zhang Yi's status would once again exceed her imagination, and by then she would lose even the qualifications to be Zhang Yiqing|person, or even become a one-time plaything.

It was precisely this way that Zhang Siyi looked at the black gold card with a complex and nervous face.

And even Barton on the side saw this Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card, he couldn't help but stared:

"You actually have this kind of card? As far as I know, about half of this Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card is concentrated in the Dragon Kingdom, while the remaining half are scattered all over the world. In the entire United Kingdom, only three people have this kind of card. The card, one is the queen of the united royal family! The other is the blood emperor who has been hidden for many years, and the last is the boss of our Brotherhood of Skeletons! And you, even have this kind of card? How can you stand shoulder to shoulder with those three great men? Isn’t your Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card fake?"

Upon hearing Button say this, Mirabell also reacted:

"Yes! This Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card is absolutely fake! This poor boy deliberately used it to pretend to be coercion! If you use a fake card to pretend to be coercion, then you must choose the right card. You don’t choose the other name cards, but that’s the case. Choose the Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card to pretend to be forced, so that you will be seen through at a glance!"

Those who have the Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card are the ones who truly rule the world, and all are the overlords of one party.

They are either the king of a country, the leader of a big power, or the unparalleled powerhouse, each of these is a famous and famous person!

At this time, an ordinary Dongfang kid casually took out a Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card, and everyone would immediately think that this card was a fake.

Although Zhang Siyi didn't know the authenticity of the card, she hoped that the card was fake in the bottom of her heart.

Otherwise, if it is true, then she will have a low self-esteem that she will not even have the courage to stand beside Zhang Yi.

Faced with questioning, Zhang Yi just said indifferently:

"The card is true or false, I'm too lazy to explain, and it doesn't matter. But as long as the money on the card is real, Mirabell, you can go to the card machine to see if you can swipe the money to your account, right?"

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, Patton winked at a black suit.

The black suit suddenly ran to the checkout area in the sales hall, took the credit card machine there, and handed it to Mirabell.

Mirabell took the black card and the credit card machine, and sneered towards Zhang Yi:

"Pretend! How long do I think you can pretend? Now I have to swipe my card, and I can know the authenticity by swiping!"

Zhang Yi said lightly:


Mirabel was more and more annoyed by Zhang Yi's indifferentness. She snorted and inserted the black card into the credit card machine.

Subsequently, Mirabell began to operate on the brush boot.

After a while, Mirabell suddenly laughed:

"Fake! It's really fake! You don't need to enter a password for this card! What is it if this is not a fake card?"

A card that does not require a password is naturally against common sense.

Mirabell thought that she had determined that Zhang Yi's card was a fake card, so she was immediately overwhelmed with excitement.

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