As a whole building collapsed, causing smoke and dust to fill the sky, traffic in the surrounding streets was instantly blocked.

Apart from such a big movement in Lun City, it naturally quickly attracted the attention of the senior management.

Now, the extraordinary force that maintains order in London is the Royal Guard.

The Royal Guard is the defense force of the royal family, and it is also an organization that truly maintains the order of the extraordinary power in London. All matters involving extraordinary power in the city of London are handled by the Royal Guard.

Now, after a building in the center of Dunlun City was destroyed by extraordinary forces and collapsed, the Royal Guard was also dispatched for the first time.

A black helicopter appeared over the city of London. In the helicopter cabin was not someone else, it was Monica, the captain of the Royal Guard!

At this time, Monica, wearing a knight armor, looked heroic.

She looked at the smoke and dust rising in the distant city with big blue eyes, and she couldn't help frowning and thinking:

"Now that the queen is about to be crowned the throne, the city of Lun is getting more and more chaotic! First, a giant|dragon appeared as a disaster, and now I don’t know where the transcendents are fighting here! Hey..."

When a giant|dragon appeared in Lun City to harm the citizens, it was Monica who faced the giant|dragon alone, and finally relied on her complete will and firm spirit to repel the giant|dragon.

She originally thought that Lun City would be able to settle down for two days, but she didn't expect such a disaster to happen again. A building was destroyed by extraordinary power directly in the city center.

For such a thing, Monica must resolutely punish the murderer!

Soon, the helicopter has arrived at the site where the building collapsed.

Looking down from a height, I saw that the whole street was in a mess, and I couldn't bear to gamble.

Monica stood on the helicopter, opened the hatch and shouted downwards:

"I'm Monica, Captain of the Royal Guard! Who dared to make trouble in London?"

At this time, suddenly I saw the ruins of the collapsed building suddenly surging, followed by a sudden explosion.


Numerous cement stones rushed towards the surrounding area, smashing many houses around them.

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure emerged from the ruins.

This tall figure is not someone else, it is Barton!

At this time, Patton's figure can not be seen clearly in the smoke and dust, but his ten-meter-high height like a giant and the bulging body of his muscles are daunting.

The people around saw such a huge body in the smoke and dust, and they couldn't help being scared to face:

"Oh! Buy Karma! What kind of monster is this?"

Even Monica on the helicopter could not help but frown secretly as she looked at the tall figure in the smoke.

A gust of wind suddenly blew at this time, and slightly dispersed the surrounding smoke and dust.

After the smoke dissipated, the tall and terrifying figure finally made it possible for people to see its face clearly.

However, although this giant looks mighty and mighty, his face... looks terrible!

He saw half of his face disappeared at this time, and all the bones and muscle tissue inside were exposed. His lower jaw was completely shattered, leaving only a row of teeth on his upper jaw, and his tongue|head also collapsed.

The most frightening thing is that there is only one eye socket left. The other eye socket and the inner eye have disappeared, leaving only the pieces of meat and bones.

Zhang Yi's slap just now slapped Button almost to death.

At this point, Patton was already in madness, and he roared loudly:

"Where are you hiding? Come out! Come out and fight me to the death!"

Patton's voice billowed like thunder, spreading wildly in all directions, and even stirred the surrounding smoke and dust.

He was looking for Zhang Yi, and wanted to fight Zhang Yi to a life and death.

However, in the surrounding ruins, Patton could no longer find where Zhang Yi was. This made Patton jump into a rage, and he couldn't help but smashed towards the surrounding buildings with his fist raised.

Suddenly, the surrounding houses do not know how much they have been damaged by Patton.

Monica on the helicopter also recognized Patton at this time, and she immediately angered Patton:

"Barton! Stop it! We have already reached an agreement with your Brotherhood of Skulls and Bones, not allowing the extraordinary ones of your Brotherhood of Skeletons to wreak havoc! What you did today is tearing up our agreement!"

In order for the queen to successfully ascend to the throne and be crowned, she needed to win over all forces.

The Brotherhood of Skeletons, which dominates the underground world of Lun City, has become the Queen’s target. The Queen is willing to let the Brotherhood of Skeletons continue to rule the underground world, but correspondingly, the extraordinary members of the Brotherhood cannot seriously affect the lives of ordinary people. Caused serious damage in the city of Lun.

Now that this tall building has been destroyed, it has spread to a few blocks nearby. This is already a very serious damage!

However, Barton had already fallen into a state of exposure at this time. He only wanted to pull Zhang Yi out and kill him, and he couldn't listen to anyone's words.

Facing Monica's prevention, Patton said angrily:

"Fuck the **** **** agreement! I'm going to kill that Eastern man! Even the emperor can't stop me when he comes!"

With that said, Patton grabbed a huge cement block from the ground and threw it towards the helicopter, unexpectedly trying to shoot the helicopter down directly from the sky.

If this piece of cement with a diameter of more than two meters hits the helicopter, the helicopter must crash.

Upon seeing Monica in the cabin, a sullen flashed in her blue eyes:

"You are looking for death!"

Immediately, Monica directly put on the **** to obscure her beautiful face.

Immediately afterwards, Monica jumped out of the cabin and headed towards the flying boulder.

When the boulder was about to hit Monica, Monica blasted directly at the boulder.


The oncoming boulder was suddenly smashed by Monica's punch.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a pair of light wings suddenly stretched out behind Monica, and at the same time she grabbed her hand, and a long|spear condensed by the holy light also appeared in her hand.

"Barton! The one who broke the Queen's Agreement, die! Since you don't listen to advice, then I will send you to **** today!"

Speaking of this, Monica was full of murderous intent, and volleyed her light wings and swooped towards the giant Button on the ground.

Barton saw that Monica was going to kill him, so naturally he wouldn't be caught.

He pulled out a concrete pillar from the ruins, held the concrete pillar and swept it towards Monica immediately.

The two quickly fought fiercely together, and the dust on the spot rose again for a while, and the loud fighting sound shook the whole earth as if it were shaking|trembling.

However, no one noticed that in the dusty sky, there was a piece of land but no dust could enter it.

This piece of land seemed to be cut off by an invisible force and became a piece of pure land among the ruins.

And there are two people standing in this pure land, it is Zhang Yi and Zhang Siyi.

At this moment, Zhang Yi looked at Monica and Patton who were fighting together in the smoke and dust, and said:

"It seems that someone killed Button for me. Button is under that Monica and can't make five moves. If that's the case, then we don't need to stay here. Let's go, Siyi."

With that said, Zhang Yi was about to leave with Zhang Siyi.

With his extraordinary eyes, Zhang Yi could naturally tell that Patton's power was too far away from Monica, and he was not Monica's opponent at all.

At this time, Zhang Siyi couldn't help but turn back frequently to look at the ruins, his face distressed:

"Uncle, the car you bought with so much money is now all smashed into scrap... That's more than 70 million pounds! That's it... it's gone..."

Zhang Yi smiled:

"Siyi, even if these cars become scrap, they can still be sold for money."

Zhang Siyi still feels distressed:

"But scrap iron can only be sold for a few dollars, to whom?"

Zhang Yi's eyes were slightly cold:

"I bought it for 70 million, and I have to sell it ten times! As for whom to sell to, of course it is sold to the Brotherhood of Skeletons!"

Now, Zhang Yi and Liang Zi of the Skeleton Brotherhood have completely taken over.

Therefore, Zhang Yi will not squeeze the Brotherhood of Skeletons, and will not easily wipe them out.

Afterwards, Zhang Yi made a call to the Fuxingmen disciples who came to Lun in advance and was negotiating with the royal family, asking them to find out all the information about the Lun Skeleton Brotherhood through the royal family, and then pass it to Zhang Yi.

Naturally, the local royal family knows the most about mice in the gutter like the Brotherhood of Skeletons.

After obtaining the information of the Brotherhood of Skulls and Bones, Zhang Yi will go to the door at the right time to settle the account with them.

Zhang Yi took Monica farther and farther, and finally disappeared in this area.

And in the ruins of the smoke-filled building, the battle is nearing its end.

I heard a howl of pain suddenly, and the voice was full of unwillingness and despair.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge figure rushing out of the smoke and dust, this was the giant Barton.

At this moment, Button took two steps, but he knelt on the ground suddenly weakly.

A blood hole appeared on his chest, the location of the blood hole was at the key point of Barton, and blood was constantly splattered from the blood hole and scattered on the ruins.

"I'm not... reconciled!... I clearly... today... I came to kill that... Oriental man... How could I... die under your... gun? It's... inexplicable! That Oriental man... ran to it. Where did it go? I'm not reconciled!"

Button really can't figure it out.

His lover was killed, so it was originally a very simple matter for him to come to find his enemy for revenge.

But in the end, he encountered a gambling agreement in the middle, and then ran out a Golden Dragon Supreme Black Gold Card. He was blocked after he wanted to give up his revenge, and he could only fight to the death with his enemies.

If that's the case, but in the end he was slapped twice by the enemy, and he couldn't even find the enemy anywhere. He also fought with the captain of the Royal Guard, and was finally killed by him.

He just thinks that all of today is really absurd, chaotic and... worthless!

Patton's voice fell, and he saw a big mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth.

Later, he saw his huge body shrinking rapidly, and the huge body more than ten meters high returned to its original state of more than three meters.

At the same time, Patton slammed his back on the ground feebly, raising a cloud of dust.

The blood in his chest was deadly enough, and at this time his last gleam of life was also dissipated with unwillingness.

The giant Button, finally died!

At this time, the smoke and dust behind Patton's body stirred for a while, and then suddenly separated.

A silhouette with a light-backed wings and a long gun flew out of the smoke and dust.

This person is Monica in an armor.

I saw Monica flying in the air, lifting the mask on her helmet, and staring coldly at Patton's dead body on the ground:

"When Patton died, it seems that the Brotherhood of Skeletons is going to take the opportunity to make trouble again. Her Majesty will definitely blame me... But I can't watch Patton run wild in the city I am responsible for! Let me choose again, I Will kill him too! Just... who is the Eastern man in his mouth? I immediately sent someone to look for surveillance among the ruins, and I must know what happened here!"

After speaking, Monica's wings spread out behind her, and her whole body quickly flew towards the distance.

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