In the terrifying burning of the Samadhi real fire, these vampire bats were burnt to coke, and finally burned to fly ash.

Even if there are some vampire bats wrapped in each other and desperately rushing out, wanting to sacrifice the vampire bats wrapped on the surface to save the innermost vampire bat, as long as one vampire bat can rush out from the flames, Then Nicholas can be resurrected.

However, they still underestimated the power of this samādhi real fire.

When a large group of vampire bats gathered together tried to rush out of the sea of ​​fire of Samadhi, they found that both the vampire bats in the outer layer and the vampire bats in the innermost layer were burning together.

Even vampire bats have discovered that when they touch the flame, not only the surface of their body is burning, but also their internal organs and bone marrow are burning together.

The horror of Samadhi real fire is that when it burns a certain object, it does not only start to burn from the surface of the object, but also causes the object to burn together from the inside to the outside, regardless of whether it is the surface. Still the inner layers will be burned together.

It was this terrifying characteristic that caused this large group of vampire bats trying to break out of the flames to be burned into a large coke in an instant, and all vampire bats inside and outside were burned to death.

After seeing that the rush was invalid, the other vampire bats suddenly screamed and moved away from the flame.

However, Zhang Yi did not intend to let them go, and saw that Zhang Yi's tactics changed again:

"Encircle! Suppress!"

In an instant, the package sealed off the real fire of Samadhi in this space and time, and immediately shrank the encirclement circle, pressing towards the only vampire bats left in the circle.

At this time, the vampire bats panicked completely, and Nicholas's voice followed:

"Zhang Yi! Quickly let me out! If you kill me, Cain, the great ancestor of our blood family, will not let you go! Although you are stronger than me, the great ancestor of our blood family is so powerful that you can never imagine of!"

Zhang Yi has no expression on his face:

"That's useless to me."

Immediately, Zhang Yishoujue changed again, and the real fire source of Samadhi from all directions came, covering all the vampire bats.

For an instant, the painful screams of vampire bats were all in the flames.

Water and fire are merciless, and flames will not let go of them because of the screams of vampire bats.

All vampire bats were roasted in the fire, then turned into pitch black coke, and in the end they were all burned to fly ash.

The blood emperor Nicholas died completely like this!


Although all vampire bats were burned to death, there was one thing still persisting in the real fire of Samadhi.

This is a drop of blood!

In the real fire of Samadhi, any object can be quickly burned.

Only this drop of blood is being burned down rapidly, but I don’t think it lasts much longer than anything else.

With slight doubts, Zhang Yi waved his hand to recede the true fire of Samadhi, and then stretched out his hand to catch the drop of blood.

At the moment when this drop of blood started, an old voice suddenly sounded:

"You generations should know that like all things in the world, the father must conquer the son, and the mother must control the daughter:

Follow my will, you can know the truth

Follow my wishes, you can get peace

Follow my will, you can awaken your power

Your generation should know the right to life or death, as in our time, the elder will always override the children

This is the way of heaven and all things in the world

My father Adam overrides me, I override you, and you, my son, will override all your descendants

If your children kill

Your generation should not tolerate his living in the world

This is the way of the snake that I cannot forgive


This sound is ancient and vicissitudes, as if it has been baptized for a long time.

Zhang Yi held this drop of blood in his hand, feeling the powerful life ability in it, and he couldn't help but be slightly surprised:

"Old God's blood?"

When he was in Southeast Asia, Zhang Yi had been in contact with the blood of the ancient gods while tracing the Changshengye.

At that time, Zhang Yi got acquainted with the Changshengmen, and later discussed the ancient gods with the master of the Changshengmen.

But the abundant life energy in this drop of blood is very similar to the blood of the ancient gods that Zhang Yi had obtained.

"It's no wonder that Nicholas can have such a strong self-healing ability to recover and regenerate. It turns out that he has this drop of ancient god's blood in his body."

The most terrifying power of the blood of the ancient gods is the prolongation of life span and the ability to regenerate.

It can be said that Nicholas' blood demon regeneration skills were cultivated based on this drop of blood.

However, today Nicholas encountered Zhang Yi's real fire of Samadhi, even if he had the blood of an ancient god, he could only be burned to death on the spot.

The terrifying power of the real fire of Samadhi, even the blood of the ancient gods can be burned, but it burns a little slower.

Zhang Yi collected this drop of ancient god's blood, and then landed towards the ground.


At this time, on the ground, everyone was already dumbfounded.

The battle in the sky was not only seen by everyone in the palace, but also by people in most of the city of London.

After all, whether it was the horrible whistling, dark cloud-like bats, or the final flames that seemed to ignite the sky, these all seemed so attractive.

Under the leadership of Queen Adela, a group of humans in the palace held their heads up and watched Zhang Yi set fire to Nicholas to death.

After seeing the tragedy of those vampire bats, everyone couldn't help feeling shuddering. Even Nicholas's powerful and terrifying powerhouse was burned to death so easily, so if that kind of powerful flame burned on him, it would be unimaginable.

When Zhang Yi landed in the palace, everyone couldn't help but feel that his waist could not be straightened at all in front of Zhang Yi.

This terrifying strong man that even the blood emperor Nicholas can kill, especially he is a strong man from the Eastern world, and no one can predict what such a strong man will bring to the Western world.

Monica's blue eyes couldn't help but stay on Zhang Yi and couldn't move away.

Her knowledge of this man went from contempt to shock, then from shock to shock, and then from shock to the current immense respect.

Today, if it weren't for Zhang Yi, then maybe the entire royal family would be killed by the blood emperor Nicholas!

The members of the royal family, including Monica herself, will be embraced by the vampires, transforming them into inferior vampires, who will be enslaved forever.

When the royal family is annihilated, the entire United Kingdom will be under the control of vampires.

At that time, the people of the entire country will be reduced to domestic animals raised by the vampires, providing them with a steady stream of fresh blood and meat, and supporting the vampires until the living people are sucked up to death.

So this time, what Zhang Yi saved was not only the royal family, but also the hundreds of people in the entire United Kingdom.

Just like this, Monica couldn't help but admire Zhang Yi spontaneously.

After Zhang Yi landed on the ground, Queen Adela stepped forward to thank:

"Thank you Master for saving me and saving billions of people! On behalf of the entire royal family and the United Kingdom, I would like to thank Master!"

After speaking, Queen Adela respectfully bowed to Zhang Yi.

As Queen Adela bowed, the princes and ministers present could not help but stand up, and then bowed to Zhang Yi to thank them.

Monica also bowed to Zhang Yi excitedly, thanking him for everything he did today.

Zhang Yi ignored everyone, he asked Queen Adela:

"I heard some strange words just now, do you know where these words come from?"

Immediately, Zhang Yi said the voices he heard when he obtained the drop of suspected ancient god's blood, and told Adele.

After hearing this, Adele thoughtfully, she said:

"These words should come from the kinship, and the one who knows the kinship best is my Royal Guard Captain Monica. She is very proficient in the history and culture of the kinship when she fights with the kinship all the year round."

Immediately Adele waved at Monica and called Monica over.

Adele told Monica what she had just heard, and wanted Monica to see if she could find useful information.

After listening to Monica, she immediately replied:

"This quotation comes from the "Book of Nod", which is known as the blood bible. "The Book of Nod" is a holy book that has been circulated among the blood for thousands of years. It records the origin of the blood, and at the same time it can be regarded as a book. The book of prophecy. It predicts that the ancestor of the blood family Cain and his wife Lilith will be resurrected from the dead, when they will launch new challenges to the gods! At the same time, they will rule the entire land! Of course, there are many myths and legends in it. And some secrets, it’s hard to sum up in one word. When I have time in the future, I can talk to Master Zhang slowly."

After listening, Zhang Yi couldn't help but nodded slightly:

"It seems that this blood family is not that simple. There may be some powerful existences from the ancients behind it. I heard that the ancestor of the blood family Cain has been resurrected. If that is the case, there may be a fierce battle in the future. .Interesting...I need to get a good understanding of this kinship!"

Now that Zhang Yi has killed Nicholas the blood emperor, then he can be regarded as completely offending the two blood clan and thus enmity. Now that you have become an enemy, it is naturally necessary to thank the enemy for your understanding.

Zhang Yi's words made Queen Adela on the side's eyes lit up.

Immediately, only Queen Adela spoke to Monica and said:

"Monica, this king orders you from now on, your allegiance will only be my master!"

Monica couldn't help being surprised when she heard this:

"My king, I once swore an oath..."

For a knight, the most important thing is oath, glory and loyalty.

Once the oath is violated, then glory and loyalty are impossible to talk about.

So when she heard that her own queen had to turn herself into the court and be loyal to others, Monica couldn't accept it for a while.

Adele continued:

"Monica, use your knowledge and experience to help my master. You are working with my master to deal with the blood race. This is really saving thousands of innocent humans! You are also saving me and my subjects! Such a lofty cause does not violate your oath, and I hope you can put the people first! Monica, go."

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