Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 800: Underground tunnel

With the silver coat of arms specially made by the Demon Hunter and the accurate secret code, the man finally confirmed the identities of Zhang Yi and Monica.

The man immediately said to Zhang Yi:

"My name is Michael, let's go, what can you do with me?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"I need you to take us into Romani and contact the squad of demon hunters lurking in Romney."

The best knowledge of the situation in Romani is the demon hunter squad that has been lurking in Romani to collect information on vampires. Zhang Yi was looking for them this time, and Zhang Yi could get the latest and most comprehensive vampire information and intelligence from them.

The man calling himself Michael listened and said:

"No problem, just follow me."

With that said, Michael prepared some flashlights and candles to Zhang Yi and Monica, even he himself prepared some.

After all this was done, Michael removed a cabinet, and a secret door was exposed under the cabinet.

When Michael opened the secret door, what was revealed was a deep tunnel.

Just listen to what Michael said to the two:

"This tunnel was originally dug by smugglers, but after those smugglers were shot, I got this tunnel by accident. We can go all the way to the territory of Romani from here. Now it's getting dark, we immediately Set off and wait until tomorrow morning to be able to arrive in Romani. At that time, during the day, most of the vampires were sleeping, so that it is convenient for us to contact the Demon Hunter squad!"

Monica felt that Michael's words made sense, so she agreed.

But Zhang Yi doesn't matter, no matter how he enters the territory of Romani, as long as he can achieve his goal.

Immediately Michael got into the tunnel and led the way, and Zhang Yi and Monica also followed.

The tunnel was very dark, and the three of them turned on their flashlights to illuminate them.

Moreover, the tunnel is cold and humid, with water seeping from the top, large patches of water on the ground, and sticky and slippery moss growing on the walls.

The three of them followed the tunnel all the way to the front line, and when they passed some fork roads used to confuse the enemy, they found the right path by relying on Michael.

Michael walked through the tunnel very quickly. He thought that Zhang Yi and Monica could not keep up with him. However, when Michael walked for a long time and turned around, he saw that they were still following him steadily. Suddenly he was a little surprised by the strength of their feet.

So Michael kept speeding up, running faster and faster in the tunnel.

But no matter how hard he tried to accelerate, even if he had already tried his best, Zhang Yi and Monica still kept a fixed distance behind him and never fell.

This makes Michael couldn't help but ask:

"What level of extraordinary are you? I feel your speed is very fast!"

Michael didn't know the identities of the two, he just knew that after seeing the heraldic pairing with the code, he would provide each other with all necessary help.

Zhang Yi didn't want to say more, and said lightly:

"We are just faster."

Michael saw that Zhang Yi was reluctant to say more, so he didn't ask more, just changed the subject:

"You just arrived in Servi? How much do you know about the situation here?"

Zhang Yi's short answer:


Michael nodded in satisfaction:

"I like to bring new people who don't know anything, and I hate bringing some idiots who know their own blood! New people tend to follow my arrangements, and those idiots like to follow their own stupid ideas. This way. In the first place, those idiots will not only kill themselves, they will also harm me. You must know that I have been lurking in Servi and Romani for many years. Only I understand the situation here, so you must obey my orders! "

Neither Zhang Yi nor Monica paid much attention to Michael.

Michael talked to himself for a while, and he didn't continue to say anything, but continued to lead the way.

Several people walked this trip for several hours, and finally a big iron gate appeared in front of them, which seemed to be an authentic exit.

Michael stopped in front of the iron gate, and then motioned to Zhang Yi and Monica not to say anything.

I saw Michael hit the small window on the iron door and looked out.

He observed for a long time, and then said:

"It surprised me how fast you could keep up with me, so we arrived earlier than I planned and scheduled. Now we are in the territory of Romani, but it's still dark."

Monica couldn't help asking:

"Then do we have to wait until dawn before we can go out?"

Michael replied:

"No! We have to hurry out, otherwise we may not be able to contact the Demon Hunter squad during the day. At that time, if we cannot meet the Demon Hunter squad before dark, and we are in the depths of Romani again , Then we will definitely be under the siege of the blood race! And now it’s dawn, it is the time when the vampires have just hunted and started to return home, and it is also the stage when they are most relaxed and vigilant. Follow me, I will take you Get out. Don’t worry, I’m experienced, I’ve been back and forth here dozens of times, and I’ve never had an accident! As long as you don’t run around and scream and follow my instructions, then I can keep you safe! "

After speaking, Michael took out the key and started to open the big iron door.

As the iron door opened, Michael hurriedly asked Zhang Yi and Monica to turn off the flashlights.

Seeing some disguised and hidden branches appeared behind the door, Michael carefully removed the branches near the iron door, and then got out.

Zhang Yi and Monica also came out afterwards.

What I saw in front of the two of them was a large field under the stars. In the field, a large group of fireflies gathered and danced.

Zhang Yi looked back and saw that there was a hillside behind him. The iron gate was built on the hillside and was hidden by a large area of ​​green plants and branches.

On the other side of the hillside, there is a small village.

It's just that the village is dark and lifeless, and most of the houses inside are damaged and there are traces of fire. Obviously this village has been abandoned for a long time.

Michael explained to Zhang Yi and Monica:

"In the past, this smuggling tunnel caused the village to be very prosperous. However, as the earth's aura recovered, vampires began to appear in the world on a large scale, and even completely ruled the country. So the village was destroyed by vampires. The villagers were all sucked up by the vampires and died. If you enter the village at this time, you can still see the dense bones everywhere."

Monica frowned when she heard these words.

As the captain of the Royal Guard, she has guarded the United Kingdom for many years and has seen too many kinship incidents.

But the blood race directly ruled a country like now, wantonly massacring the people in this country, this kind of thing is too cruel and terrifying to think about it.

Immediately Monica had a firmer will in her eyes, and she decided to help Zhang Yi completely eliminate the blood race!

And Zhang Yi didn't care much about these things. He asked Michael:

"What's next?"

Michael pointed to the distance:

"We walk in that direction on foot, and we cannot use transportation, otherwise we will be spotted by the vampire who returns! Remember, we must keep quiet!"

Zhang Yi asked:

"Just walk over there?"

Michael replied:

"Of course! We just keep going like this, you can never go wrong with me!"

With that, Michael was about to rush forward.

Zhang Yi's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly he stretched out his hand and pressed it on Michael's shoulder:

"What if I meet a vampire halfway?"

Michael twisted his body unnaturally to free his shoulders from Zhang Yi's hands:

"Don't worry, it's so dark now that vampires don't find us so easily. I don't have time to say more, come with me!"

After speaking, Michael hurriedly led the way.

Zhang Yi's eyes flickered coldly, and he followed Michael quietly.

Monica looked sadly at the village destroyed by the vampire, and then followed Zhang Yi.

After walking for a while, they suddenly heard something flying by in the sky, and at the same time they kept making bat-like chirps.

Monica was immediately full of vigilance, constantly raising her head and looking towards the sky.

And Michael said:

"Don't be nervous, they are just some vampires who have returned home, they won't find us now in such dark!"

Sure enough, as Michael said, those bats' calls soon faded away and eventually disappeared.

So Michael continued on with the two of them.

Zhang Yi just smiled slightly, he knew everything in his mind.


The group hadn't walked far, but there was another bat's cry in the sky.

However, this time the bats' calls were very dense and loud. Obviously, there were far more bats that came to the top of a group of people this time than before.

Soon, even in the dark, the three of them could clearly see the dense bats hanging over their heads like a cloud.

These bats gathered on the heads of the three and circled around, showing no sign of leaving.

Obviously, these vampires found three people!

Monica was immediately on guard:

"Ready to fight!"

But Zhang Yi said:

"Don't worry, let's solve the **** first."

"Who is the rape?"

Monica was puzzled, and then she couldn't help looking at Michael.

Of course she would not be a traitor herself, nor could Zhang Yi be, so the only possibility is naturally Michael.

But did Zhang Yi conclude that Michael is a traitor just because he encountered a group of vampire bats? In this case, it would be too hasty.

After feeling the gazes of Zhang Yi and Monica, Michael suddenly showed a wicked smile.

He looked at Zhang Yi with great interest and asked:

"Originally, I could resist to death, but now it seems meaningless. So I am very curious, how do you see that I am a rape? I have killed many demon hunters over the years, and no one has ever been able to. Break me through like you did."

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