At this time, on the cliff, two figures have slowly lurked and approached here.

These two people are not others, they are Andy and Jenny.

It was the daytime when they approached the castle along the cliff, leaving a blind spot in the view of the castle so that they could approach smoothly.

However, when they were getting closer to the castle, they suddenly heard a sharp hissing sound from under the cliff.

Immediately afterwards, the screaming sounds of countless vampire bats burst out under the cliff.

Countless vampire bats screamed together, their voices as loud as they could pierce a person's eardrums.

Andy and Jenny hurriedly took out the night vision binoculars and looked towards the dark valley floor.

This look immediately made the two of them dumbfounded.

"Oh, my god!"

Andy said shockedly:

"Who would have thought that there are so many vampires under this cliff! Just looking at the number, I'm afraid there are millions!"

Jenny also had cold sweat on her face:

"I'm afraid half of Romani's vampires have already gathered here! Fortunately, during the day, the vampires did not dare to fly out of this valley. Otherwise, if they came out at night, I am afraid we will be eaten by them in an instant. Nothing left!"

The two looked at the vampire bats surging like a black tide in the valley, and they couldn't help being shocked.

With such a large number of vampire bats gathering here, this place is like a forbidden land full of death to the living!

Fortunately, the sun above his head hadn't gone down yet, and these vampires didn't dare to fly out of the canyon, otherwise the two of them would still have their lives at this time.

"I don't know what they are doing?"

Andy quickly discovered the weirdness:

"It stands to reason that these vampires should hide in the dark and sleep at this time. Why are they so restless?"

Jenny naturally couldn't answer this question.

In fact, the two have been lurking in Romani for so many years, and they have long been regarded as experts in the study of vampires.

But for so many years, the two have never seen so many vampires so restless at the same time, as if they are facing something important.

The two people who were full of doubts could only lie on the edge of the cliff and continue to observe towards the bottom of the canyon, hoping to discover the reasons for the restlessness of many vampires in the day.


The deepest part of the canyon.

Endless vampire bats descended one after another, and the number of these vampires was too large to be counted.

Prince Lancelot would naturally not use these vampires to deal with Zhang Yi. He knew well that even the blood emperor Nicholas was killed by Zhang Yi, so these vampires were just here to give food.

His real purpose is to use these vampires to escape!

In an instant, densely packed vampire bats have flooded all sides at the bottom of the cliff.

Prince Lancelot stared at Zhang Yi gloomily and said:

"Zhang Yi! You are good today, and I will compete with you another day!"

Although the words were harsh enough, Prince Lancelot didn't even have the courage to fight after hearing Zhang Yi's name.

What he was thinking at the moment was how to escape from here safely.

Under the cover of so many vampire bats, I saw that Prince Lancelot's whole person changed suddenly and turned into a vampire bat to mix into it.

There were too many vampire bats at the bottom of the valley, and Prince Lancelot became a bat to mix in, and for a while, it was like a drop of water dripping into the sea, making it impossible to find it.

It turned out that this was the real purpose of Prince Lancelot, and the cover of many vampire bats allowed him to escape here safely.

If it were for someone else, then Prince Lancelot's strategy would surely succeed.

After all, no one can find the real Prince Lancelot from among so many identical vampire bats. Just as no one can find a specific drop of water from the ocean.

But the person facing Prince Lancelot today was Zhang Yi!

I saw Zhang Yi said unhurriedly:

"I thought you would be able to escape? Ridiculous! I don't need to find you at all, I just need to kill all the vampire bats here! Because I know that you are in it!"

Immediately, I saw Zhang Yi pinched the French seal with both hands again.

Along with his seal, peculiar changes occurred immediately.

"Samadhi really burns the sky! Get up!!!"

I saw the red spirit stones that were arranged by Zhang Yi in advance on the cliffs. At this moment, all of them became red and shiny, and suddenly red lights shot out among these scarlet spirit stones to connect to another one. In the spirit stone.

Each spiritual stone is connected to the rest of the surrounding spiritual stones with red light, immediately making it seem like a large red net is formed in all directions, covering the entire space inside the cliff and also netting all the bats in it.

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"Do you want to know how the blood emperor Nicholas died? Let me tell you, he was killed by my trick! The fire and the fire!!!"

In an instant, infinite flames burst out of these red nets, looking as if all the red nets covering all directions were burning at this moment.

And this kind of flame is getting bigger and bigger, almost instantly making the valley under the cliff full of raging fire, except for the flame, even the rest of the scenery is invisible.

Flames have enveloped this space and time!

In such a terrifying fire net, the vampire bats below rushed up in horror, trying to break through the blockade of the fire net.

However, their fate was the same as that of the blood emperor Nicholas, and they were burned to ashes by the terrifying samādhi fire.

The instant the fire appeared, countless vampire bats were burned to death.

Zhang Yi controlled the fire and kept pressing down. At this moment, more vampire bats were barbecued to death in the flames and high temperature. The bat corpses continued to fall from the sky and soon covered the valley floor. A thick layer.

So many vampire bats died, but the terrifying fire didn't mean to give up at all. It was still pressing down toward the bottom of the valley, as if it would not stop burning all the vampire bats to death.

The fate of these vampire bats was doomed, and Zhang Yi didn't bother to look at them again.

He turned his gaze back to Dracula who was imprisoned on the altar.

At this moment, Dracula watched countless vampires being burned to death, but there was no look of anger, sadness, or hatred on his face, and some only had a calm face.

It was as if those burned to death were not his kinsman, but just a bunch of bats.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but ask:

"Aren't you sorrowing for your people?"

Dracula answered calmly:

"Although I have been a blood clan for so many years, in my heart, I still regard myself as a human being... because only me as a human being is worthy to love my beautiful wife..."

Zhang Yi was slightly surprised to hear this.

But he didn't care what Dracula thought, he asked what he cared about:

"I want to ask you how to find Cain, the ancestor of the blood race?"

Cain, the ancestor of the blood race, is undoubtedly the source of all blood races.

As long as it is a blood family, there is more or less Cain's blood on his body. This kind of blood brings strength to the blood races, but it has also become the shackles of the blood races.

So it only takes Cain to die, and the kinsmen must decay one after another.

If you want to solve the kinship once and for all, then the best way is to solve the strongest Cain.

Dracula recalled and replied:

"I met Cain for the first time in a cave. At that time, he had not completely gotten rid of the seal. And I turned to him for hatred, I helped him break the seal, and in return I got his blood , I also got his power. I wish to think that all of this is my voluntary, all of this is my destiny. But in the end I found out that all of this was Cain’s conspiracy! In the end, I was just being The puppet he controls! That’s why I hate it! I hate the blood races, all blood races! Including Cain and myself! However, I am his descendant, and I can only succumb to him forever and cannot avenge him! The hatred is deeper, unless someone else can replace me to take revenge!"

At the end, Dracula's face was terrifying, and his eyes and scarlet fangs also appeared.

Zhang Yi said:

"Since you hate him, tell me where he is and I will help you solve him."

The hideousness on Dracula's noodles quickly faded away, and he regained his appearance as a normal person.

I saw him looking at Zhang Yi for a long time.

At the end, he opened his mouth and replied:

"Young man, I admit that you are very strong. I have never seen a strong human like you. But I also give you a piece of advice. Cain is stronger than you! You killed Nicholas, the blood emperor, so you should Know how strong Nicholas is. He can have that power only because he got a drop of Cain's blood! Cain can create a powerful blood family with just a drop of blood, then you can imagine Cain's own power How terrible it will be."

Zhang Yi was not surprised by this.

If Cain is really an ancient god, then the power of the ancient **** will undoubtedly be terrifyingly powerful.

This is also true, that's why Zhang Yi is eager to know whether there is really an ancient **** resurrected on the earth.

Dracula continued:

"If you really want to deal with Cain, then you need something."

Zhang Yi asked:


Dracula answered:

"my life."

Zhang Yi frowned slightly, what does this Dracula mean?

He asked:


Dracula answered:

"I used my soul as a sacrifice to lift Cain's seal, and that seal has since been incorporated into my soul, sealing the most precious part of me in another way. As long as I die, That seal can be liberated. If you use this seal, you may have a chance to re-seal Cain."

Zhang Yi heard this and asked curiously:

"Are you asking me to kill you?"

Zhang Yi could hear that Dracula's tone and eyes were full of death will.

Sure enough, only Dracula replied:

"I should have died a long time ago, and I wanted to die a long time ago. The blood family gave me a long life, but it also gave me a long curse. If it weren't for me to be imprisoned by this magic circle, I would have already ended myself. Life... so young man, if you really want to deal with Cain, please kill me! At the same time, I will be grateful to you too."

Zhang Yi looked at Dracula lightly.

This was the first time he saw a blood clan who wanted to die.

Prince Lancelot tried his best to achieve longevity, but in the end it turned into a dream.

On the contrary, Dracula was already tired and wanted to die, but he was imprisoned for hundreds of years and could not end his life.

The two have formed a sharp contrast, which is embarrassing.

Finally, Zhang Yi answered:

"I promised you."

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