Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 839: I will win whoever I let

In this one-billion-dollar bet, Zhang Yi finally won the final victory.

I saw Duan Jincheng's face pale, and he slumped on the ground with a fart.

"It's over...completely over..."

The hotel he runs is his life's painstaking effort.

He has been up and down all his life, and finally made the hotel the largest and strongest in the entire Nanshi and surrounding areas.

However, who would have thought that in today's gambling game, he would have lost all his fortune.

At the very beginning, Duan Jincheng only prepared 20 million for gambling.

But as soon as the eagerness to win was aroused, he was dazzled, and all his wealth was put up, so that he ended up with nothing.

At this moment, he regretted it.

He shouldn't provoke Zhang Yi today, let alone keep making things difficult for Zhang Yi, setting up all kinds of strange and excessive rules, so as to lose everything.

He loses all the money, which means that he will completely become a pauper!

Death is terrible, but more terrible than death is poverty!

Thinking of this, Duan Jincheng suddenly jumped up from the ground and kicked the waitress who was drawing the cards for him to the ground:

"Bitch! Look at what your bad luck is? I have counted everything, and I will kick you to death!"

Immediately Duan Jincheng kicked the waitress to the ground. It didn't count. He raised his foot and stomped on the waitress's head fiercely.

Today's Duan Jincheng, after losing everything, has become an irrational person.

At this time, the entire gambling hall suddenly quieted down.

I saw a road suddenly separated among the crowd, and it turned out that Le Shao came over.

Le Shao is the son of the head of the Quancheng School of Nanshi, a real top figure.

As soon as he appeared, everyone was able to evade and did not dare to block the way.

Le Shao walked straight to Duan Jincheng and looked at Duan Jincheng coldly.

Duan Jincheng, who was beating the waitress, hurriedly stopped. He dared not be rude in front of Le Shao.

I saw Le Shao suddenly raised his hand, slapped Duan Jincheng's face fiercely, and rebuked:

"Dog-like thing! It's really shameful to Ben Shao! Go to the side!"

Duan Jincheng slapped him, but he didn't dare to fight back at all, he could only cover his mouth| and retreat to one side.

And Le Shao went straight to the gambling table, replaced Duan Jincheng, and stood opposite Zhang Yi.

Le Shao's position made the surrounding gamblers surprised. Is it possible that Le Shao had to bet against Zhang Yi?

Sure enough, Le Shao stared at Zhang Yi and said:

"I'll bet with you."

Many gamblers opened their eyes again at this moment.

As the real owner of this casino, Le Shao finally came off in person.

If Le Shao made the shot himself, the bet would naturally only be bigger than Duan Chengcheng!

In this way, what happened here today will be a real battle between dragons and tigers!

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"Why should I bet with you."

Le Shao replied:

"It's very simple. You bullied my dog. As a dog owner, of course I have to stand up for the dog!"

Duan Jincheng is Le Shao's dog.

Zhang Yi bullied Duan Jincheng in public, just to save Le Shao's face, so Le Shao naturally found the place back.

Only his dog can bite people, not others can beat his dog!

Most importantly, Le Shao took a fancy to Zhang Yi's spirit stone.

Zhang Yi was able to take out a bunch of top quality spirit stones casually, which shows that there are more spirit stones in his space magical tools.

The huge amount of spirit stones made Le less greedy!

Therefore, Le Shao insisted on betting with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi heard this with a smile:

"It seems that I can't make a bet today?"

Le Shao stretched out a finger:

"A game is determined to win or lose, I want to bet all your fortune!"

Zhang Yi heard this with a smile:

"All my property? You can't put up enough chips to bet against me!"

All Zhang Yi's property is simply incalculable.

There are so many things on his body, such as the best magical instruments, miraculous medicines, heavenly materials and earth treasures, absolute secret books, best divine stones, and so on, and each one is enough to shock the world.

Zhang Yi dare to say that there is absolutely no person on the earth with a stronger foundation than him.

However, Zhang Yi's words seemed a bit arrogant in others' ears.

In the eyes of others, no one can underestimate the wealth of the sons of princes like Le Shao.

Although this Zhang Yi is rich, he is too arrogant to say such a thing.

Le Shao was not angry, just smiled and said:

"It seems that you have misunderstood what I meant. What I really want to bet with is fate! I won, and I will take your fate, and your property is naturally mine!"

As soon as Le Shao's words came out, the entire gambling hall suddenly went into a crash.

The young master of the dignified Spring City sent a bet on his life with others?

Of course, most of the people present did not believe that Le Shao was really gambled for his life. Some old gamblers had already realized that something was starting to go wrong, and some had even sneaked away for fear of being involved in this dispute.

The killing intent flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes, and he said:

"Gamble? But! What if you lose?"

Le Shao said confidently:

"I won't lose! I also like to be simpler, so I'll bet just like you just bet with my dog, and draw a card to compare the size. This time, I will let you draw first!"

After speaking, Le Shao stretched out his hand to indicate that Zhang Yi could start drawing cards.

The people in the gambling hall basically understood it at this time.

As the saying goes, wealth is not exposed, but today Zhang Yi revealed his wealth in the gambling hall, which led to being targeted by Le Shao.

As the local snake here, Le Shao can naturally handle these strangers at will.

The gamblers couldn't help shaking their heads one after another, only thinking that this time Zhang Yi was going to be slaughtered by Le Shao as a fat pig.

Zhang Yi coldly smiled.

He had already planned to leave this place after he had won the bet against that Duan Jincheng.

Although Duan Jincheng provokes Zhang Yi, he is just an ordinary person after all, and Zhang Yi's winning of his property will make him more uncomfortable than killing him directly, so Zhang Yi no longer cares.

But who knew that this young man was spying on his property and wanted to make money and kill him!

Le Shao relied that he was the young master of the cultivator school, he wanted to behave nonsense, and he even dared to deceive Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi has never been merciless about this kind of thing.

"Okay! I'll bet with you! Just bet your life!"

Zhang Yilang accepted Le Shao's challenge, and then he rushed to Nie Yutong who was still at the gambling table and said:

"Miss Nie, bother you continue to draw cards for me! It's still the same as before. If you win, you count, and if you lose, you count me."

Nie Yutong couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Zhang Yi is already betting on his life, and even let himself bet on his behalf? Could it be that Zhang Yi intends to put his life and death in the hands of Nie Yutong?

This immediately made Nie Yutong moved and nervous, at a loss for a while.

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"Miss Nie, even if you draw the cards. Don't worry, I won't lose."

Zhang Yi's words made Nie Yutong finally feel relieved, but it also made the people around him puzzled.

The self-confidence of Zhang Shao and Le Shao are exactly the same.

Wen Ming couldn't help but whispered to Yin Qingping and asked:

"Uncle, why did Le Shao confidently say that he won't lose, and Zhang Shao said he won't lose?"

Yin Qingping said solemnly:

"Luck is never reliable, no one dares to say that he will win every bet! Unless... they are not relying on luck! Boy, let's stand a little farther, don't get too close!"

With that said, Yin Qingping pulled Wen Ming slightly away from the gaming table.

Many gamblers around are also aware of the crux of the problem, and they all secretly retreat to the surroundings.

At this time, Nie Yutong had already begun to draw cards.

Like last time, she prayed silently in her heart for a while, then closed her eyes and drew from the deck of cards.

Finally a playing card was drawn.

The beautiful croupier said immediately:

"Please show your card."

Nie Yutong took a deep breath, then turned over the cards in that hand.

What I saw was an ace of spades!

The entire casino couldn't help but let out a surprise at this moment.

Everyone has to admit that the little girl Nie Yutong's luck today is so good that it explodes.

The first draw was a king of hearts, and this time he drew the largest ace of spades, and Nie Yutong drew it entirely by luck. Such luck is simply rare.

After Nie Yutong saw his card, he couldn't help but cried out excitedly:

"Won! I won again! Great, I didn't let Zhang Shao lose! I helped Zhang Shao win!"

At this moment, Nie Yutong was also overjoyed.

She wanted to help Zhang Yi, but she didn't expect it to happen, which made her weep with joy.

Yin Qingping and Wen Ming couldn't help but cheer, happy for this victory.

However, this time, no one around the gamblers cheered and applauded, still maintaining a heavy silence.

Because they know that winning or losing is undecided!

Sure enough, only Le Shao said:

"I won."

The beauty croupier immediately announced:

"Lesson wins."

This time, Nie Yutong was completely trapped.

She was full of surprise, and inexplicably pleaded with the beautiful croupier:

"How can you say that he won? I have drawn the ace of spades! This is already the biggest card! And that guy hasn't drawn a card yet, how can you declare that he won?"

Nie Yutong couldn't figure it out anyway, it was obvious that she won, and it was so obvious that she won.

She has drawn the biggest card, and the opponent hasn't even drawn the card. How come the win and lose are reversed like this?

The beautiful croupier was expressionless, ignoring Nie Yutong's defense at all.

Instead, Le Shao Sensen smiled and said:

"Because this is a casino opened by Ben Shao! Ben Shao said whoever wins, who doesn't win must win! Whoever Ben Shao lets lose, whoever doesn't lose must lose!"

When Nie Yutong heard this, he couldn't help being stunned.

Such words are too shameless!

Immediately, Nie Yutong was so anxious that he couldn't help but argue to Le Shao:

"You... how can you be so unreasonable?"

Le Shao snorted coldly:

"In my field, my words are truth!"

A group of gamblers around can only shake their heads secretly.

Every one of them knew in their hearts that Le Shao's approach was not right. But no matter how much truth is said, it can't be bigger than other people's fists.

Fist is the last word!

Now Le Shao has the biggest fist, so everything he says is right, others can only obey.

Nie Yutong was not reconciled, she still wanted to continue arguing.

However, Zhang Yi has already spoken:

"Miss Nie, there is no need to talk to them anymore. It is no longer necessary. Because this bet is the one who really wins, it's me."

When Nie Yutong heard what Zhang Yi said, he was completely confused.

Why does a Le Shao say that he wins, and Zhang Yi also says he wins?

Nie Yutong couldn't figure out who lost and who won.

And Le Shao stared at Zhang Yi coldly and said:

"You are not qualified to win."

As Le Shao's voice fell, a powerful breath immediately filled the entire gaming hall.

This breath is extremely powerful. The moment it appeared, all the gaming tables in the gaming hall immediately trembled at this moment, as if an earthquake had occurred!

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