Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 862: Yue Zhongzhe's madness

With his knowledge of swordsmanship, Zhang Yi also recognized that this terrifying close-up swordsmanship was the swordsmanship of the Huashan School.

And when Zhang Yi saw the opponent using this powerful swordsmanship, he really saw that he was the head of the Huashan School, Yue Zhongzhe!

I saw that after Yue Zhongzhe's attack failed to kill Zhang Yi, his figure moved quickly to approach Zhang Yi again, and his arms rose again.

Huashan Sect's swordsmanship emphasizes close combat, so Yue Zhongzhe's figure quickly gets closer. Moreover, Huashan School's swordsmanship emphasizes the use of hands as swords, so when they use their hands to attack the enemy, they are far more agile than using swords.

The closer the distance, the stronger the power!

When Yue Zhongzhe approached Zhang Yi next to him, the vertical and sharp sword aura also followed, as if he was about to smash Zhang Yi's whole person.

Feeling the sword qi storm rushing towards him, Zhang Yi quickly backed away.

He stepped back and asked coldly:

"Yue Zhongzhe! Have you forgotten our previous agreement? Such a booby attack!"

Once Zhang Yi and Yue Zhongzhe agreed in the private room of the hotel that both parties would reach an offensive and defensive alliance on this trip to Mount Tai. They would help each other in many matters and act together.

However, who would have thought that after the hotel parted that day, when the two met again, they would face each other like this.

Zhang Yi didn't believe that Yue Zhongzhe had misunderstood the wrong person. It is not so easy for a master at their level to misunderstand the wrong person.

So this Yue Zhongzhe wanted to kill Zhang Yi deliberately!

Facing Zhang Yi’s questioning, Yue Zhongzhe roared wildly:

"Ah!!! You want to kill me! I don't want to die! I want to kill you! Kill, kill, kill!!!"

I saw Yue Zhongzhe's face full of madness at this time, as if the whole person had fallen into a kind of magic barrier.

He didn't care about anything, and rushed towards Zhang Yi with a fierce sword aura.

Yue Zhongzhe's strength is very powerful! He has entered the realm of the combined realm!

In the realm of his integration realm, a sword spirit roared crazily all around, shredding the surrounding bronze buildings like pieces of paper.

Huashan Swordsmanship is also not good at long-range attacks, so in order to ensure that the Huashan Sect disciples attack and kill the enemy, their sword aura is generally controlled only in the whole body and will not be released on a large scale.

Otherwise, if Yue Zhongzhe unleashes his sword qi, I am afraid that the entire bronze city will be cut into pieces of bronze by him.

Looking at Yue Zhongzhe's appearance, Zhang Yi couldn't help but frown:

"He is not right!"

At this time, Yue Zhongzhe's complexion became more and more ferocious, and his whole person had entered a kind of almost madness.

In such madness, Yue Zhongzhe seemed to have lost his mind.

Zhang Yi didn't know what happened to Yue Zhongzhe. On the same day, Yue Zhongzhe once said that he would take the lead in spying on Mount Tai and make sufficient preparations in advance and collect enough information.

However, who knows, Yue Zhongzhe never appeared again, and he did not even attend the meeting gathered in Wuwangjie's palace. However, Ling Tianyi, the master of the Unworried Realm, said that Yue Zhongzhe had not come to participate in the exploration of Mount Tai because of something, which made everyone regretful.

But now, Zhang Yi unexpectedly found Yue Zhongzhe in the Bronze City, and Yue Zhongzhe seemed to have become the six relatives who did not recognize and kill everybody, using fierce sword aura to attack Zhang Yi frantically.

Zhang Yi asked sharply again:

"Head of Yue! Can you hear me? If you still recognize me, stop first! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Zhang Yi questioned, while quickly stepping back to avoid Yue Zhongzhe's sharp edge.

However, Yue Zhongzhe was still unheard of, and rushed towards Zhang Yi frantically with a sword aura.

Zhang Yi frowned:

"Since you insist on fighting, then beat you first, and then talk to you well!"

With this situation now, Yue Zhongzhe couldn't hear anything anymore, and he had to subdue him before talking.

Immediately, Zhang Yi stopped retreating, and saw that he stood firm on his feet.

Facing Yue Zhongzhe's howling sword energy, Zhang Yi did not use his flying sword. The so-called flying sword is a sword that is good at long-distance attack, using it to compete with the melee sword of Huashan Sect Yue Zhongzhe at close range. This is undoubtedly taking one's own shortcomings against the strengths of others, which is not a wise choice.

However, Zhang Yi has never lacked melee techniques.

I saw Zhang Yi clenched his fists, and his whole body's qi rose rapidly, condensing on his fists.

Yue Zhongzhe had already rushed towards him quickly, his sword aura crisscrossed all over, as terrifying as a hedgehog. As if hit by him, countless holes will appear in anyone's body.

At this time, Zhang Yi's fist was finally raised!

"Ren Wang Quan!!!"

Zhang Yi's fist seemed very slow, but the process of throwing this fist was incredibly fast.

As Zhang Yi threw this fist, a cloud-like mist was quickly generated around his fist, and a sharp sound like an explosion sounded, because his fist had already broken through in an instant. Sonic boom caused by the sound barrier.

Follow up and surpass ten times the speed of sound! Then it is a hundred times the speed of sound! The speed is still increasing wildly!

The air before his fist was squeezed and rubbed crazily, and some of the water vapor in the air was instantly compressed into a liquid that looked like a cloud. But after the air is squeezed crazily, it will generate high temperature, and the high temperature will turn these clouds into water vapor in an instant.

So when Zhang Yi's fist was thrown out, it was as if there was a large cloud of mist around him.

Renwangquan is terrifying and unparalleled, and the power it causes is more than just that.

As his fist blasted out, a huge force of true energy rushed out of his fist, heading towards Yue Zhongzhe like a terrifying shock wave.

Yue Zhongzhe also seemed to feel the danger of Zhang Yi's punch, and saw that his sword moves were rapidly changing.

Although Yue Zhongzhe was already in madness at this time, his fighting instinct still existed. These fighting instincts no longer need him to think, as long as he is in danger, he can operate on his own.

It was under this instinct that Yue Zhongzhe reacted immediately when facing Zhang Yiwei's fierce Wang Quan.

Saw his hands quickly swiping the sword, and the vertical and horizontal sword auras all over his body quickly gathered in front of him, and countless sword auras were woven together like a round shield.

After the buckler appeared, Yue Zhongzhe rushed towards Zhang Yi again under the buckler.

In addition, countless sharp sword auras emerged from the buckler. Obviously, the buckler was not just for defense, but for both offense and defense!

And the power of Zhang Yiren Wangquan blasted on the buckler at this moment.


The horrible impact occurred at this moment.

The shock wave generated by this impact was extremely terrifying, and I saw that the surrounding bronze houses fell down and stuck to the bronze ground like pieces of paper in an instant. They were razed to the ground by the terrorist shock wave in an instant!

Where this horror shock wave passed, the bronze houses were razed, and even the rotating dark cloud in the sky was affected by the horror shock wave and became surging.

At the end of Zhang Yi's fist and Yue Zhongzhe's buckler, time-space cracks that were as thick as a strand of hair appeared instantaneously, and the space-time surrounding the two of them instantly disappeared.

With Zhang Yi and Yue Zhongzhe as the center of the circle, the bronze buildings within 500 meters of the two were overthrown by the shock wave in an instant.

And the buildings in the distance were also in the impact of the shock wave, like a big bell being hit by a continuous roar of "Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!...".

Such a loud bell like this, instantly spread throughout the bronze city.

This shows the power of this punch, so terrifying!

When the rest of the leaders in this city heard such a terrifying roar, their identities changed drastically.

They all looked in the direction of the loud noise, and their expressions were solemn:

"Such a loud noise, is it also caused by the mechanical clock that Ling Jiezhu said?"

"How is it possible? There must be two masters fighting each other in a fierce battle! Looking at the movement, I am afraid that the strength of the two sides in the fierce battle will not be weaker than you and me!"

"Yes! Something must have happened in this Bronze City! Let's go over and take a look!"


Immediately, these heads did not hesitate, and moved quickly towards the square where the loud noise was emitted.

For them, they only feel that today this Bronze City is full of unspeakable weirdness, so they will not let go of any clues that may be seen.


As these heads approached in the direction of the loud noise, on the huge altar in the middle of the bronze city, Ling Tianyi frowned.

He looked into the direction of the loud noise and frowned secretly:

"The mouse that hides in Tibet, did you run out to make trouble again? Hateful! If it wasn't for the divine consciousness to be able to use here, otherwise I would have picked you out and killed you! How could I keep you hiding in there until now? Make trouble for me!"

As Ling Tianyi spoke, the killing intent from his whole body continued to radiate.

The most amazing thing is that his eyes sometimes showed a blood-red color, and sometimes disappeared.

"And that Zhang Yi! Are you the enemy of me? Not only against me everywhere, but always destroying my good deeds at critical moments! If you hadn't spoken out to provoke others, then I am afraid I would have already crushed the colorful stone. , Entered the world after the colorful stone!"

Speaking of this, Ling Tianyi raised his head and looked at the colorful stones floating in the huge cloud vortex in the sky, his eyes flashing constantly.

"It seems that some people may not be so peaceful anymore. Then, it's time to have fun with them!"

With that, Ling Tianyi took out a magic weapon with a weird shape from the space magic weapon.

I saw that this magic weapon was like a bronze pot and like a water bottle. But judging from the material and special patterns on the bronze, this thing seems to come from this bronze city.

Ling Tianyi grasped the bronze pot, and then began to tilt downward.

I saw a bunch of crimson like liquid and gas pouring out of the bronze pot, flowing on the ground and then rising up.

In this group of red smoke, it seemed that a hideous shadow began to emerge.

Ling Tianyi looked at the shadow that appeared in front of him with satisfaction. He stretched out his hand and said in the direction of the loud noise:

"Go! Go and have fun with those people! Let them know who they have to listen to in this place!"

After hearing Ling Tianyi's instructions, the weird group of scarlet gas turned around quickly, and then, like a scarlet ribbon floating in the air, quickly drifted towards the direction Ling Tianyi pointed.

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