Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 873: Ancient treasure house

In a blink of an eye, Ling Tianyi, Yao Shenghao, Demon King and Dongfang Yichen had disappeared from the gap raised by the colorful stone, and they were nowhere to be seen.

Everything seems to have returned to calm.

Zhang Yi watched everything quietly in the Bronze City alone. He didn't have any irritability.

After a while, everything remained calm as usual.

Zhang Yi just moved.

I saw that he first brought Yue Zhongzhe, who was still asleep, into a bronze house, and then he began to lay out killing arrays and phantom arrays one by one around the bronze house.

This was to protect Yue Zhongzhe from encountering danger for a while, and it was also to make trouble for Zhang Yi after he woke up for a while.

After doing all this, Zhang Yi left the bronze house and slowly walked to the center of the bronze altar, and came to the small altar with the grooves of the bronze dial.

At this time, Zhang Yi took out the bronze dial from the time and space artifact.

Zhang Yi opened his mouth and asked the copper sundial:

"Qiqing, do you feel completely in control of this body now?"

Qiqing's voice suddenly came from the bronze dial:

"Master, I feel that I have gradually become familiar with this body, but this body is so complicated. I feel that there are too many magical powers and mysteries in it, which make me unable to find out for a while! So you want me to understand everything Regarding the special abilities of time and space, I haven't fully understood it yet."

Zhang Yi is not surprised:

"This is a fairy weapon after all, and the ability to control time and space already involves the power of rules. It is normal to not understand it in a short time with your knowledge. All I need now is that you can control the new body. Put you in a special place, if you feel you have to tell me."

With that said, Zhang Yi put the bronze sundial down toward the groove on the small altar.

With this release, the copper glyph fell into the groove perfectly, and it fits perfectly with the groove, and the clothes are seamless.

And after the copper dial returned to the groove, Zhang Yi only felt that the time and space around him were slightly shaken, as if there was a special effect.

Zhang Yi hurriedly asked:

"Qiqing, how do you feel now?"

Qiqing's voice suddenly came out:

"Master, I now feel that a lot of things are connected to me at this moment, and I feel...I can control a lot of things now! These things are not my own, but some external things!"

Zhang Yi was slightly confused when she heard Qiqing's words. He did not fully understand the meaning of Qiqing's words.

At this time, Qiqing said:

"Master, please pay attention, things I can control are like this!"

As Qiqing's voice fell, Zhang Yi suddenly felt the bronze city vibrate suddenly, as if a place was slowly opening.

"Rumble rumbling!!!"

This kind of vibration is getting bigger and bigger, and it even shakes the whole earth.

Zhang Yi turned around, and saw that the bronze building on the edge of the altar slowly cracked a gap, which looked as if there were organs installed on the bronze building and the bronze ground.

At this time, as the mechanism slowly opened, some things hidden in it slowly exposed.

After the ground cracked, a small platform slowly rose.

There was a thing floating above the platform, but that thing seemed to contain great power.

Zhang Yi walked in and saw that what was floating above the platform turned out to be a cloud of fire and a cloud of water.

Fire and water are not tolerant, but this ball of water and fire blend together to form a Tai Chi ball.

"This breath... is the breath of the Flame King... No, it should be said to be the breath of the **** of fire Zhu Rong!"

Zhang Yi first felt that the aura of the flame was very familiar, exactly the same as the aura of the flame king.

The Flame King once said that it was originally a clone of Vulcan Zhu Rong, but because he was not reconciled to the fate of the clone, he began to rebel. Eventually, the Flame King joined Fuxingmen and became the mighty elder of Fuxingmen. And Fuxingmen also helped it arrest the other clones that Zhu Rong had released, and then allowed the Flame King to swallow its kind, so that he could grow and become stronger quickly.

At this time, the fire was the same as that of the Flame King, so Zhang Yi could be sure that the fire must come from Zhu Rong, the **** of fire.

"Since this fire comes from Zhu Rong, the **** of fire, then this group of water that can contend with fire without falling into the wind must come from the work of the **** of water."

In myths and legends, the **** of fire Zhu Rong and the **** of water worked together in a battle, and eventually they were defeated and fled all the way. In grief and indignation, Gong Gong slammed into Bu Zhou Mountain, causing Tianzhu to collapse.

It can be seen that the place where the **** of fire Zhurong and the **** of water worked together should not be too far away from Buzhou Mountain, so it is not uncommon for two people to leave traces on Buzhou Mountain.

This ball of fire and a ball of water are leftovers from the traces of the two ancient gods.

I just don't know who it is, hiding this ball of water and a ball of fire in the Bronze City.

But since Zhang Yi met, he wouldn't let it go. He raised the fire and water into the space magic weapon.

Zhang Yi immediately asked Qiqing:

"Qiqing, there are any other good things, get me out!"

Qiqing immediately replied:

"Yes! Master!"

Immediately Qiqing began to control the connection she could control.

For an instant, the entire bronze city was constantly shaking|trembling.

I saw pieces of ground in the bronze city were opened, and then platform after platform rose from the ground. On each platform, there are treasures floating.

At this moment, the entire Bronze City was suddenly flooded with rich treasures.

Looking at all this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but smile:

"It turns out that the real treasure lies under this bronze city, but it seems that Ling Tianyi couldn't control the bronze gimbal spirit at the beginning, so he didn't get these treasures. But I want to come, the bronze gimbal spirit is not only treacherous, but also Proudly proud. I am afraid it is impossible for it to obey any mortal's orders except for the orders of the immortals. Fortunately, I have completely wiped it out and replaced it with Qiqing, so I have only got so many treasures today!"

Apart from Zhang Yi, there is only one Yue Zhongzhe who is still asleep in Bronze City.

Therefore, all these dazzling treasures will be destined to belong to Zhang Yi alone.

Immediately Zhang Yi was not in a hurry, browsing these treasures one by one, and after browsing one, he put it into one of the spatial artifacts.

What makes Zhang Yi feel strange is that these treasures are not a panacea, nor are they magic artifacts, but some unusual and unusual things.

They are either a feather, or a tooth, or a bone, or an egg, or a piece of wood, or a leaf... It's as if everything here is from some animals or plants. Take a small part, and then carry out the same storage.

However, no matter what part it is, Zhang Yi can feel the extraordinaryness of their original owner.

Take that feather, for example, it has been burning like a flame. In other words, it was not ignited by fire, but the fire was part of the feather itself. Zhang Yi only felt that this feather was probably from the phoenix, the sacred beast in ancient legends.

And that tooth was like a wolf tooth, but it was a man's arm long. And there is still a breath from the prehistoric times, which Zhang Yi thinks may come from the legendary Kui wood wolf.

There is also that piece of wood, which emits light all over, so that it looks as if it is illuminated by light. What makes Zhang Yi most peculiar is that the spectrum of light emitted from this piece of wood is exactly the same as the spectrum of sunlight. This made Zhang Yi feel that this piece of wood was probably from the hibiscus tree in myths and legends.

These things, each one dare not say how precious, but the owner behind each of them is absolutely extraordinary.

These things are taken out and put in the world alone, and they may become precious materials, but they are not enough for Zhang Yi to pay attention.

But when these things were densely placed here, with a complete range of everything, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel shocked from the bottom of his heart.

"Who is it that can take a small part from so many ancient and powerful existences such as sacred beasts, sacred trees, ancient gods, etc., and store them here... That's right, this bronze city is like a private collection? The same."

Zhang Yi looked around, unable to help but lose consciousness.

He faintly felt that this place seemed more and more mysterious. And he can also be sure that there is definitely a big problem with the idea that the bronze city of Ling Tianyi was built by ancient monks over the years!

Zhang Yi now prefers that this bronze city was built by one person or a unified force.

For Ling Tianyi's words, Zhang Yi only felt that it was becoming increasingly unreliable.

Zhang Yi quickly collected all the surrounding treasures, then returned to the side of the altar and asked towards the bronze sundial:

"Qiqing, can you control other things?"

Qiqing immediately replied:

"Master, I have just explored and understood a new thing that can be manipulated, and I will control it for you now!"

Immediately, with Qiqing's manipulation, a new situation suddenly emerged.

Zhang Yi could only hear a sharp sound suddenly coming from the top of his head.

He raised his head, but couldn't see anything.

But nothing can be seen, but it does not affect Zhang Yi's judgment:

"It is the turbulence of time and space that has changed, and the change of turbulence in time and space has caused changes in the flow of air. The sharp sound just now is the sound of airflow. Could it be said that the copper dial can really control the turbulence of time and space? "

Just when Zhang Yi was surprised, a new situation emerged.

I saw that the space in the mid-air suddenly changed again. Pieces of space were bent and distorted. Finally, the changes in the air caused the light to refract, and a row of steps appeared.

This row of steps is as close to bright as glass, and you can't see it if you don't look closely.

Starting from the small altar, the steps meander all the way up, leading to the bottom of the colorful stone.

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