Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 880: Wait another minute

Ice King Entertainment and Leisure Center, lobby.

Zheng Donghai and a group of younger brothers looked at each other, and then looked at Zhang Yi with a little astonishment.

They originally thought that Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and pointed upwards, whether he was about to launch another big move, after all, Zhang Yi just stretched out his hand and waved it so that the bullet directly exploded Wang Long's head.

So when Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and pointed at the sky, everyone was shocked.

However, it seems that Zhang Yi's finger...has not caused any effect.

This can't be blamed on this group of people not knowing the goods, but Zhang Yi deliberately controlled his aura to not disturb the lives of ordinary people when he released his aura just now, so only practitioners in the world can feel the pressure of Zhang Yi's aura.

People like Zheng Donghai are just ordinary people, and they naturally can't feel this kind of aura.

Zhang Yi did not intend to make them feel, after all, let them fall into a trough when they are most proud, which will cause them the greatest despair!

Unbeknownst to Zheng Donghai, he is still clamoring:

"Boy, it's been four minutes now! Wait, within a minute, law enforcement officers will come and take you away! Do you dare to resist when you say that? The Dragon Kingdom is an enemy! If you don’t resist, hehe, so lightly that you killed Wang Long will be enough for you to be in prison for a lifetime!"

The boss that Zheng Donghai followed before his death explained that Zheng Donghai should never provoke the ancient warriors. He also taught that if Zheng Donghai accidentally provokes the ancient warriors one day, then at this time, use the country to deal with the ancient warriors. It will work wonders. After all, no matter how powerful the ancient warriors are, they still dare not fight against the country!

Zheng Donghai kept in mind the instructions of the eldest brother who brought him back, so today when he faced this powerful masked man, he did not hesitate to call the police.

According to Zheng Donghai, Zhang Yi has fallen into a dead end now.

At this time, Zhang Yi was not qualified to clamor with Zheng Donghai. Ever since Zheng Donghai called the police call, Zhang Yi would definitely lose!

As if to prove Zheng Donghai's thoughts, at this time, only a sharp police siren sounded outside the Binghuang Entertainment and Leisure Center.

Hearing the sound of the police siren, Zheng Donghai was overjoyed:

"Boy! See you are not dead this time!"

The little brothers of Zheng Donghai couldn't help showing a relaxed look on their faces.

After all, for these little brothers, they did nothing today, and their enemy, the masked man, killed someone. Now that the law enforcement officers arrive, they are safe.

But Zhu Hao was so scared that he was almost crying:

"I don't want to be in the game! I don't want to be expelled!"

Zhu Hao has never been innocent to cause trouble since he was a child, so he has never been in a game. In addition, Dongshan University has school rules. Any student detained for breaking the law will be expelled!

So in Zhu Hao's view, he must be in the game this time, and must be expelled.

However, Zhang Yi still looked like an ancient well. He said lightly:

"Zheng Donghai, you might as well wait another minute to see what it will look like after a minute."

Having said this, Zhang Yi exerted a little force under his feet, and a sound of broken bones sounded again, and Zheng Haonan's cheek bones, who had been trampled under his feet, were broken again.

This suddenly caused Zheng Haonan to scream in pain, and the screams were heartbreaking.

Zheng Donghai went crazy when he saw this:

"Boy! You have a kind! You dare to take hostages now! Believe it or not, someone from outside will come in and shoot you!"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly, waiting slowly with Zheng Haonan's head still under his feet.

Although Zheng Donghai was furious and frustrated, he could only wait.

After all, now his son's life is in the hands of others, and he has no ability to save his son. He has to wait for law enforcement officers outside to resolve the matter.


The gate of Binghuang Entertainment and Leisure Center.

Several law enforcement vehicles have been parked here. Some law enforcement officers got out of the vehicle and went straight to the Ice King Entertainment and Leisure Center. They have received a call from Zheng Donghai. There are hostages taken by the murderers who need to be rescued.

Zheng Donghai is a well-known businessman in Yunle City, and he has made significant contributions to the economic development of Yunle City. Therefore, the above attaches great importance to the kidnapping of Zheng Donghai's son Zheng Haonan and demanded that Zheng Haonan must be rescued with all his strength.

When this group of law enforcement officers came to the gate and was about to rush into the Ice King Entertainment and Leisure Center, the law enforcement captain's phone rang suddenly.

The law enforcement captain hurriedly answered the phone.

Just listen to the voice of a man on the phone:

"Are you ready to perform a mission at the Ice King Entertainment and Leisure Center?"

The law enforcement captain hurriedly replied:

"Dear leader, you are right."

The voice on the phone continued:

"Stop the task immediately! Take your person to quickly block the nearby streets and strictly prohibit anyone from approaching! As for how to explain to the people, it is a routine inspection!"

When the law enforcement captain heard this, he couldn't help but be puzzled:

"Respected leader, but..."

The man on the phone said sharply:

"No, but! This is an order! Do you know? This order was not issued by me, but by Yanjing! And the big man of Yanjing is coming soon, if you can't neglect the big man from Yanjing according to the order situation, You are ready to go back to your hometown and farm!"

When the law enforcement captain heard this, a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and he hurriedly replied:

"Subordinates obey!"

After speaking, the phone was hung up.

The law enforcement captain immediately explained to the team members next to him in a low voice, and then took the team members back into the car, drove the car away and disappeared at the end of the street.


In the lobby of the Ice King Entertainment and Leisure Center, Zheng Donghai and a group of younger brothers couldn't help but **** their ears to listen to the movement outside.

When they heard it, how did it feel that the sirens outside was...fading away?

In the end, the sound of the police siren became farther and farther away, even so far that it had disappeared, and everyone could not hear it at all.

At this moment, Zheng Donghai and these boys couldn't help but stare at each other.

A little brother couldn't help saying:

"Boss, shouldn't they... ran away in the wrong place?"

When Zheng Donghai heard this, he hurriedly ordered to this little brother:

"Get out and see what's going on! If they really go to the wrong place, call them all back!"

"Good! Boss!"

This little brother hurried out of the Ice King Entertainment and Leisure Center.

In the process of waiting, a strong anxiety began to arise in Zheng Donghai's heart.

He couldn't help but looked at Zhang Yi in surprise. Could it be that the sound of the police sirens had something to do with this kid?


Because from start to finish, this kid has never called! So who is this masked guy, and why does he want to fight against himself?

Zheng Donghai really couldn't figure it out.

He has always done things cleanly, and he has always dealt with his enemies by rushing to kill them and never leaving any troubles. Therefore, his enemies are basically the kind of family death, and it is impossible for anyone to come to him to seek revenge.

Just when Zheng Donghai was puzzled, he saw the little brother who had just left and hurriedly ran back:

"Boss! It's not good! It's not good!"

This little brother ran on and on the ground for a while, full of horror.

Zheng Donghai hurriedly asked:

"Why on earth?"

The little brother leaned into Zheng Donghai's ear and whispered a few words.

Zheng Donghai's expression suddenly changed:

"How could this! I have to call my backer right away!"

Having said that, Zheng Donghai hurriedly took out the phone and called.

This time, Zheng Donghai made more than ten phone calls in a row.

However, it seems that he has not been able to get good news from even one call. After each call, his complexion becomes a bit ugly.

After all the phone calls were finished, Zheng Donghai was almost crying.

He looked at Zhang Yi incredulously:

"You...who are you?"

When his little brother told him where the law enforcement team went, he already felt something was wrong.

So Zheng Donghai immediately called his patrons, the nobles who covered him. However, every call from his nobles came, but no noble was willing to help him.

If only a few nobles don't help him, then it's plausible, but now all nobles don't help him, which means that something has definitely happened!

Such a weird phenomenon frightened Zheng Donghai, and he couldn't help but recall the boss who led him. Before his boss had an accident, a situation like Zheng Donghai also happened, and all the patrons suddenly stopped sheltering the boss. Then the old man died tragically on the street, and no one cared about his death.

At this time, Zheng Donghai himself encountered this situation, and he couldn't help being frightened.

At this moment, suddenly only heard the sound of a helicopter in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, I saw an armed helicopter descend from the sky and landed on the square at the gate of the Ice King Entertainment and Leisure Center.

Later, two elderly people wearing Tang suits got off the helicopter, and the two elderly people walked in together towards the lobby of the Ice King Entertainment and Leisure Center.

As the two old men in Tang suits entered, Zheng Donghai and the group of younger brothers retreated to the side in fright, and they dared not come out.

Although they are not qualified to know who these two old men are, those who can take this kind of helicopter gunship and land in a city at will, don't even think about knowing that they are definitely some kind of awesome characters!

Such a big man is the real life and death, and a single sentence can determine the life and death of thousands of people.

Zheng Donghai is just a little earth emperor in Yunle City, so he is not qualified to talk to a big figure of this level.

After the two old men in Tang suits came in, Zhang Yi finally released the foot that had stepped on Zheng Haonan's head, then kicked Zheng Haonan to the side, and then Zhang Yi greeted the two old men:

"Old Long, Old Wei."

These two old people are not bystanders, they are the heads of the two top families of the Dragon Kingdom, the Long Family and the Wei Family, and they are also the comrades in arms that Zhang Yi knows in Mount Tai.

However, now that Old Long and Old Wei obviously don't know Zhang Yi, they asked in surprise:

"This little friend knows us? Dare to ask the little friend..."

Zhang Yi smiled slightly:

"Since you are here, what you want to ask about the momentum just now? That's right, I let out the momentum!"

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