Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 909: The world has changed

Zhang Yi has been floating in this weird time and space, and he has no idea how many years have passed.

He has been lying quietly just like this, and there is no concept of time anymore.

"Qiqing! Can Qiqing hear it?"

Zhang Yi was using his divine consciousness to transmit sound to Qiqing in the space magical device.

However, in the end, he did not get any reply.

This made Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh.

When the trident was about to kill Zhang Yi completely, it was Qiqing desperately trying to control the bronze sundial that she could not control, and finally saved Zhang Yi's life.

However, after Qiqing did this thing that surpassed her own ability, she seemed to have fallen into a state of silence or coma, and she never responded.

After many years, Zhang Yihui would not try to summon Qiqing, but he never got a reply.

Zhang Yi didn't understand Qiqing's state now, so he had to wait until he had time to return to the outside time and space to check Qiqing and the bronze sundial.

Then, Zhang Yi turned his attention to his chest.

On his chest, it can be seen that his flesh and blood has slowly healed, and even the hole has almost healed by itself, and it seems that he is not in any serious trouble.

But this is just a superficial trauma, and his internal injury will not heal easily.

Many meridians and key internal organs in his body have been damaged to a certain extent, and even the residual energy on the trident is still destroying Zhang Yi's body.

It will take some time for him to recover from his internal injuries.

At this time, Zhang Yi could already act slightly.

But he still remained motionless like a wood in this weird time and space.

He has not healed from his injury now, so he is really not suitable to go out.

Otherwise, even if an ancient warrior comes, he can easily be killed.

Only when his injury recovers to a certain degree can he leave this time and space.

And he has been in a static state for all these years, so that he has a peculiar balance between himself and this weird time and space, in which he can always lie quietly in this time and space.

But he only needs to move his fingers, blink his eyes, or breathe once, then this balance will be completely broken, and his whole person will be rejected by this time and space.

So he continued to lie down, and this trip was many years later...

I saw that the trauma on his chest was completely healed, and from the surface of his chest, even a little scar was no longer visible.

Now what he has left is only internal injuries.

"My current strength has almost recovered to half of what it used to be... Enough! I should also go out to see! The remaining injuries, I just need to prepare medicinal materials to heal, and there is no point in continuing to lie down like this. ."

Immediately, Zhang Yi has decided to leave.

Although his injury has not healed, but if he continues to lie here, the injury will heal slowly, but the process will be extremely long.

And if he is treated, the recovery speed of this injury will be increased by a thousand times!

So Zhang Yi has decided to leave here and go back to his original world, happily to treat himself.

"Huh? That's..."

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw something floating in front of his eyes.

Of course Zhang Yi could recognize that this was the same bronze sundial that had been knocked into the air before he and Ling Tianyi had a decisive battle.

This was not what Zhang Yi saw through his eyes. In fact, in this weird space, people's eyes cannot see things normally. All they can see is the colorful and dazzling colors like a kaleidoscope.

Zhang Yi realized that the bronze sundial was already by his side by feeling the special breath of blood on the bronze sundial.

Originally, Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi had agreed that no one would care about the bronze sundial and fight first, and whoever lived to the end would take the bronze sundial.

However, due to a series of changes, no one was able to get it.

But now I didn't expect that this copper dial would have entered this weird time and space, and it would have drifted to the vicinity of Zhang Yi after not knowing how many years.

For this bronze dial, Zhang Yi naturally remembered that Ling Tianyi said there were nine in total.

Once the nine bronze dials are gathered, they can be integrated into an extremely powerful magic weapon that surpasses the level of the immortal weapon. With this magic weapon, you can even become a **** of creation!

Zhang Yi didn't know whether this legend was true or false, but in any case, since the bronze dial had come before him, he would not let it go, and he just needed to move away from this time and space.

So Zhang Yi, who had been drifting quietly, moved abruptly.

I saw that he stretched out his hand and grabbed the place where the breath of the bronze sundial was, and immediately grabbed the bronze sundial in his hand.

And the spirit of the bronze sundial also screamed instantly:

"Humble mortal! Quickly let me go! You are not qualified to touch me!"

This bronze dial had already controlled Du Xuanhao's blood pressure at the beginning, so now it can't exert its power at all, and can only be grasped by Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense, he directly sealed the bronze dial, and then threw it into the space magic weapon.

And as he moved, the repulsive force in this time and space also suddenly came.

At the same time, the familiar feeling of falling is reproduced.

In an instant, the scenery in front of Zhang Yi suddenly became clear, and he knew that he had escaped from that weird time and space.

The familiar rules of heaven were immediately felt by Zhang Yi.

He finally returned to his world!

He still entered the parallel world as before, and the whole person couldn't stop falling downward!

In the process of falling, he turned his head and looked behind him, and saw that the colorful stones were still floating in the sky, but the clouds were no longer whirlpools, but fluctuated like boiling water without any regularity.

The colorful stones seem to float in these boiling water or waves, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

"It seems that the war between Ling Tianyi and I had a profound impact on that weird space-time, and that space-time has not been able to repair itself until now. In this way, if you want to explore other parallel worlds in the future, I am afraid that it will not be that way. It's going smoothly, and it's impossible even in a short time."

Zhang Yi quickly had a judgment.

He continued to fall, and soon passed the Bronze City.

"I don't know what happened to Head Yue?"

He clearly remembered that before he entered the colorful stone, he once placed the sleeping Yue Zhongzhe in the Bronze City.

Originally, Zhang Yi planned to help Yue Zhongzhe again when he came back, but he himself did not think of how many years had passed since he was gone.

In this way, Yue Zhongzhe's variables are relatively large.

Either he has healed his injury and left by himself, which is the most likely.

Either he suffered an accident and turned into a pile of dead bones in the Bronze City. Although this possibility is unlikely, it is not impossible.

It's just that Zhang Yi is now in a state of falling at a high speed, and he can't stay to check.

Soon Zhang Yi had fallen through eight layers of clouds.

After passing the last layer of clouds, Zhang Yi thought he would see Mount Tai next.

However, I didn't expect that what appeared after passing through the last layer of clouds turned out to be an unfamiliar city!

"Mount Tai is gone? No! Mount Tai will not disappear. It's because Zhoushan's exit is separated from Mount Tai, and it has moved to another place! What happened, and why did such a change occur?"

When Zhang Yi was shocked, he finally landed in this city.

He landed on a deserted street, and there were not many pedestrians on the road.

But in spite of this, he can still see some traces of technology products beyond his time. Obviously, he has been in weird time and space for a long time.

"I have to go back to Zhang's house and Fuxingmen to see what is going on now."

Immediately Zhang Yi was about to get up and fly.

However, when he moved, there was a sudden pain in his chest, which made him unable to fly off the ground at all.

"The injury is so serious that I can't even fly now... It's okay, please ask people about the situation first."

Immediately Zhang Yi walked out of this street to a lively place, and asked someone about the current era.

However, when asked, even Zhang Yi himself was shocked.

Who could have imagined that fifty years have passed since he last entered Mount Tai!

A full half century has passed!

In shock, Zhang Yi asked passers-by about the situation of Zhang's family and Fuxingmen.

However, passers-by did not know what Zhang Family and Fuxingmen were. When Zhang Yi explained to passers-by that it was a school of cultivation, the passers-by said that he did not know it, and instead said a few schools that Zhang Yi hadn't even heard of. , And also told Zhang Yi that these are the current martial arts.

As a result, Zhang Yi and the passers-by were both dumbfounded, and the conversation soon ended.

"Why hasn't the reputation of Zhang Family and Fuxingmen even been known for half a century? Could it be that both Zhang Family and Fuxingmen have declined in this half century?"

If it weren't for the familiar rules of heaven, Zhang Yi would almost feel whether he had strayed into another parallel world.

But no matter how it changes, the rules of heaven will not change.

In this familiar rule of heaven, Zhang Yi is very clear that he is still in his own world.

Zhang Yi didn't know, he could only look for other passers-by to ask.

It was not until Zhang Yi asked some older elders that they recalled:

"Zhangjia, Fuxingmen? We still remember, as if we did hear about it when we were young. At that time, we still remember that there was news about the prestigious Zhang Yizhangmen all day! It's just that the age is too far, I no longer I remember how they disappeared."

After listening to Zhang Yi, he bid farewell to the elderly.

It seems that it is impossible to get relevant information from ordinary people.

Regarding the cultivating sect, he still has to ask the practitioners to know.

So Zhang Yi found a young monk and asked him about it.

The young monk recalled:

"The Fuxingmen was mentioned in the practice textbook. It seems to be a sect that existed decades ago! I still remember the textbooks saying that their master was called Zhang Yi, with unparalleled swordsmanship, and was known as the number one master of the year! But later it seemed that because of an action by Mount Tai, many masters died, and that Zhang Yi was among them. After that, there was no news from Fuxingmen, and it seemed that it was slowly disappearing."

Zhang Yi heard this, but was not satisfied.

Fuxingmen will never disappear silently, something must have happened!

"I want to figure out what happened?"

Immediately Zhang Yi took a plane to the north, and he went deep into the mountains and old forests and came to the Zhang family entrenched here.

However, what appeared in front of him was nothing but ruins.

It's as if there had been a big battle here, which caused it to be razed to the ground.

These ruins have long been covered by green plants, and it can be seen that they have been abandoned for a long time.

"Even the ancestral house has been abandoned... It seems that the Zhang family has encountered a life and death crisis!"

Not reconciled, Zhang Yi took a plane to the southwest and came to Kunlun Mountain.

However, when he reached the highest peak of Kunlun Mountain, he was shocked again.

This mountain peak where Fuxingmen was originally located has been directly broken, and the upper half of the peak has disappeared long ago, as if some kind of powerful force took away the upper half of the peak.

The mountain is gone, so Fuxingmen is naturally gone.

Zhang Yi frowned and looked at all this.

"The Fuxingmen are gone... Obviously the traces of the Zhangjia and Fuxingmen can be seen to have experienced a great battle, and people know nothing about all of this. It is obvious that someone deliberately changed the original two of Zhangjia and Fuxingmen. The battle has been erased from the world. It is estimated that now only the top strong will know everything... But now my injury is not healed, even flying has become difficult. If I rush to find the top strong, maybe it will Encountered in danger."

Zhang Yi frowned and looked at everything.

He knew that now he must speed up the healing of his injuries.

Only after his injury is completely healed and his strength is restored, will he be able to understand what is happening in the world!

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