Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 925: Ferocious to horror

Chen Shao was crying with blood, snot and tears. He was severely beaten by a restaurant owner for a long time because of no compensation, which made him even more suffocated.

"How do you want me to compensate? I will compensate you! Just talk about it, and I will transfer it to you immediately!"

Chen Shao hurriedly said to Zhang Yi, he was afraid that Zhang Yi's slap would fall again later.

He could feel that if he slapped twice, he would have to be beaten to death.

Zhang Yi said:

"A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. You stab him blind and give him one back."

After speaking, Zhang Yi stretched out his fingers and moved towards Chen Shao's eye sockets.

His fingers slammed into Chen Shao's eye sockets, and when he retracted his fingers, he had already taken out each of Chen Shao's eyeballs.

Chen Shaorao was a cultivator, and at this time he couldn't help but screamed while covering his eyes, blood constantly pouring out from between his fingers.

Zhang Yi loosened his fingertips and the eyeball fell to the ground. He raised his foot and stepped on it, and his eyes suddenly shattered.

After that, Zhang Yi looked at the men and women who were aside.

As Zhang Yi's gaze swept over, these men and women couldn't help but tremble all at once, especially the young woman who had just conflicted with Zhang Yi's language, her legs were shaking constantly.

It's so cruel!

It is terribly cruel!

These young men and women faced such a brutal restaurant owner at this time. They only felt that they were evil wolves and they and others were little sheep. No one dared to look at Zhang Yi at all.

Zhang Yi continued at this time:

"One person compensates the lobby manager ten million, and then all get off!"

As Zhang Yi's voice fell, the men and women hurriedly took out their mobile phones and started transferring money.

Ten million is not a small sum for them, but it is undoubtedly worthwhile to spend a car to save their lives.

Immediately after a group of men and women paid compensation to the lobby manager, they hurriedly took Chen Shao and the unconscious middle-aged man and fled the place, not daring to pause for half a minute.

Zhang Yi turned around and walked into the hotel.

Wang Erye and Ye Tian hurriedly greeted them, and they said to Zhang Yi anxiously:

"Senior, the Chen Shao you played just now belongs to the Chen family of Qingtaoxuan!"

Zhang Yi asked calmly:

"So what?"

Wang Erye and Ye Tian couldn't help but glance at each other, unexpectedly Zhang Yi would be so calm.

Ye Tian immediately explained:

"Qingtaoxuan is one of the ten strongest schools of practice today! The ancestors of the Chen family are now serving as elders in Qingtaoxuan. And this time on the Taiping Lake expedition, Qingtaoxuan also sent Powerful young men in China participated. You beat that Chen Shao blind in this way, I'm afraid..."

Both Wang Erye and Ye Tian didn't expect Zhang Yi to fight against Chen Shao of Qing Taoxuan, let alone beat Chen Shao in the middle, and the last thing he didn't expect was that he even directly dig out one of Chen Shao's eyes.

Zhang Yi was so cruel without hesitation, I'm afraid Shao Chen won't let it go.

"Qing Taoxuan?" Zhang Yi couldn't help but snorted.

Zhang Yi didn't expect this kind of sect that he had never heard of, would be qualified to become one of the ten strongest sects in the world? If it were placed fifty years ago, this kind of sect might be difficult to enter even the ranks of the second-rate sect.

"I do things. If Qingtaoxuan really wants to make trouble, I will take care of it myself."

Zhang Yi saw the cowardice of Wang Erye and Ye Tian, ​​so he explained the matter clearly.

After speaking, Zhang Yi walked towards his room with his room card.

When Wang Erye and Ye Tian heard Zhang Yi say this, they finally settled in the hotel with peace of mind.


On the other side, the group of men and women had already taken Chen Shao and fled away.

Chen Shao screamed bitterly while covering his eyes, and said bitterly:

"A lowly restaurant owner, dare to beat me like this and blind me all the time?"

"This matter won't just leave it like that! This young master must report it!"

"Check it out for me! Check out the background and everything of this restaurant owner! I want this pariah to pay the price!"

Chen Shao snarled desperately, his expression distorted because of his spite.

The rest of the men and women began to make phone calls to contact all forces.

And the young woman who had talked back to Zhang Yi said coldly:

"Chen Shao, don't worry, I will also contact my boyfriend about this matter and tell me everything!"

"At that time, let my boyfriend know that I have been bullied like this, and he will definitely avenge me!"

"Maybe your guy hasn't arrived yet, my boyfriend has already solved that kid first!"

Although the young woman was pretty, what she said was incomparably gloomy.

After the group discussed, they hurried Chen Shao towards the hospital in the town.


Early the next morning, Zhang Yi, Wang Erye and Ye Tian left the hotel and began to enter the mountain.

According to the map, it takes a long time to go to Taiping Lake.

The three of them entered the mountain together, but met many people along the way.

This time, because of the abnormal changes in Taiping Lake, many people are also holding the same thoughts as Wang Erye and Ye Tian, ​​planning to come here to try their luck. Maybe with good luck, they can get a sip of soup.

Seeing so many people, Wang Erye and Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a little anxious, their pace also became faster, lest they went so slowly that they didn't even have to drink the soup in the end.

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry. He walked while observing the surrounding terrain.

Now the topography of the mountainous area in Fengshan Town has completely changed, making Zhang Yi feel unfamiliar, and he can't find the mountains he had seen back then.

Today's peaks are all new peaks, and although there are many folds and undulations, most of them are not high.

In particular, the trees on the surrounding mountain peaks are not as lush as they were when Zhang Yilai was back then, but have become a little low and sparse, and they seem to have grown within decades.

Zhang Yi looked around and knew that the old man hadn't lied. The terrain here was indeed destroyed by a powerful force, and the current terrain was re-formed later.

Several people walked for a while, and suddenly only heard the roar of a helicopter above their heads.

Everyone raised their heads, only to see an armed helicopter flying over everyone's heads from a high altitude and heading towards the mountains.

"That's the plane of Qingtaoxuan!"

Suddenly someone recognized the helicopter and called:

"This plane is exclusively for the younger generation of Qingtaoxuan disciple Wu Bo! Wu Bo is one of the rarest among the younger generation of disciples!"

As this person spoke, a group of people on the ground couldn't help but raise their heads, their eyes full of envy.

And soon, the abnormality reappeared!

I saw in this mountain forest, I don't know when countless petals fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, only two rows of young and beautiful women stepped on the canopy and moved quickly past everyone's heads. These women were holding flower baskets in their hands, stepping on the canopy and passing by while spraying the petals in the flower basket into the air.

Then, a figure suddenly appeared.

This figure is agile and fierce, his feet stepped on the petals falling in the air, and he moved quickly toward the distance as if stepping on the flat ground.

Both the woman who sprinkled the petals or the man who stepped on the petals disappeared into the depths of the mountains and forests in a blink of an eye, and could no longer be seen.

When people saw this step, they couldn't help but be amazed:

"What a strong light work! Who is that?"

The sharp-eyed person had already recognized the man's identity and explained:

"That's Jiang Zhiqiu, the proud disciple of today's first swordsman to blow Huayi Sword! Jiang Zhiqiu is an outstanding figure among the younger generation of disciples of the Foil Foil School! His sword skills are so superb that he even won the praise of Huayi Sword!"

Another person said:

"Jiang Zhiqiu will also serve as the youth representative of the young generation of our Long Country, and is eligible to participate in the international youth extraordinary contest!"

When people heard this, their expressions were shocked and envied.

Another said:

"It seems that this time the incident of Kanshui Lotus in Taiping Lake really attracted the participation and competition of young talents from all over the world! This time the battle for Kanshui Lotus may be to decide the major players. A battle to send the younger generation of disciples to the rankings!"

Amidst the people's exclamation, Zhang Yi, Wang Erye, and Ye Tian continued to move forward.

As they go deeper into the mountains and forests, there are fewer and fewer people around them.

After walking for a while, the group finally came to the top of this mountain.

At this moment, the line of sight suddenly widened.

Everyone looked around, only to see a huge lake appeared in front of people.

This huge lake is surrounded by rolling mountains, shimmering in the sun. The big lake is so vast that if it is the sight of ordinary people, it is impossible to see the other side.

Under natural conditions, it is difficult to form such a large lake in the middle of the mountains, and only man-made forces can cause it to appear.

With such a large lake, people who have been in the jungle for a long time suddenly feel cool and relaxed, and their moods and sights also suddenly become brighter.

"This is Taiping Lake..."

Zhang Yi looked at the big lake in front of him, frowning slightly.

He can be sure that there was no such big lake in Fengshan Town before, and if man-made forces want to create such a big lake, it must at least reach the level of the fit state.

However, almost all the powerful combination realms that Zhang Yi knew died during that trip to Mount Tai, and no one else would deliberately come here to create such a big lake.

"Could it be that there is really an unknown powerful force that once broke out here?"

Zhang Yi looked at the big lake in front of him, couldn't help being amazed.

At this time, someone reminded:

"Hey! Don't go any further! Going further is no longer an area that we are qualified to explore. Let's just take a look here!"

Zhang Yi and others followed the prestige, and it turned out that a large number of people came here and did not continue to move forward. Instead, they set up tents here, and at the same time raised their binoculars and looked into the distance.

Ye Tian couldn't help asking:

"why is that?"

The man couldn't help pointing to a warning sign in the distance:

"Didn't you see it? It's already at the edge of the restricted area! If you go further, you will encounter the formations laid by Fuxingmen in the past. It is easy to die!"

Ye Tian and Wang Erye saw that a lot of warning signs had been inserted or hung around here. These warning signs were made by the residents of Fengshan Town to prevent unsuspecting tourists from entering by mistake. Lost his life.

As the man explained, he pointed in another direction and said:

"Have you seen? Qingtaoxuan's helicopters did not dare to fly over this limit. Their planes were parked there. Everyone only dared to get off the plane and not walk forward. Those who dared to cross this cordon, also There are only people who are extremely proficient in the battle method and have superior strength! There is another kind of..."

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