Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 948: Disappearing news

After Jiameng and Zhang Yi had eaten, they began to tell Zhang Yi what she knew about the ancient gods and ancient Qi refiners.

After talking about the rock paintings, Jia Meng drank the milk tea in a few sips.

Then she pushed the empty glass to Zhang Yi, blinking a pair of big watery eyes and looking at Zhang Yi beggingly:

"I want to have another drink..."

Zhang Yi could only call Song Lin in and let Song Lin buy another cup of milk tea.

Soon the new milk tea was brought in by Song Lin, and Jia Meng could not wait to start drinking.

After sucking half a cup with a straw, she stopped and hummed comfortably.

"Can you continue talking?" Zhang Yi asked.

Jiameng nodded, then ran to Zhang Yi and sat down next to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly, but saw that Jiameng had taken out a phone with a pink bunny phone case. Jiameng’s little hand clicked on the phone a few times, and then opened a few photos for Zhang Yi to see:

"Look, these are the rock paintings!"

Zhang Yi looked at Jiameng’s mobile phone and saw some very professionally taken pictures appear on Jiameng’s mobile phone screen.

It was a narrative rock painting in a cave, which seemed to be painted by people in ancient times with a very strange paint. These petroglyphs are very abstract, but they are generally recognizable as narrative petroglyphs.

Through these rock paintings, we can see that some ancient secrets have gradually appeared in front of the world.

The first thing that appeared was a picture that seemed to be sacrificing, and I saw countless ancient people crowing around a giant in the sky.

The giant is like a god, faintly like a human, but it doesn't seem to be a human being, but more like something indescribable. While giving people a kind of powerful strength, it also makes people feel majestic and gloomy.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but guess whether this was the ancient **** in the legend.

I saw on the rock paintings that the ancients continued to worship the ancient gods, and at the same time offered sacrifices such as cattle and sheep, and even offered people as sacrifices, and even the number of people offered was quite large. They did not expect that they would even perform cruel human sacrifices. .

Zhang Yi continued to look at the second rock painting.

The content of the second petroglyph is much different from the first one, and it seems to be a battle petroglyph.

Some strange people flew from the sky before, these people have all kinds of weapons. It can be seen that these people are as old as those of the ancients, and they should be humans. But they can fly, but they can use peculiar weapons. They are most likely monks or ancient Qi refiners.

I saw these flying ancient gas refiners attacking the ancient god, and a battle broke out between the two sides, and the fight was inextricable.

However, Zhang Yi noticed that some gas refiners were drawn on the petroglyphs with their heads up and down. Zhang Yi felt that they should be gas refiners who had fallen from a high altitude. They could also be regarded as refiners that were killed and dropped. Air man.

These Qi refiners continued to die, but the ancient gods stood tall, seemingly unharmed. It can be seen that the ancient gods seem to have an overwhelming advantage, much stronger than these gas refiners.

Then came the content of another petroglyph, and what appeared on top of this petroglyph was another scene.

What appeared to Zhang Yi's eyes seemed to be another ancient Qi refiner who came to support him, but this time these Qi refiners seemed to have brought a special weapon.

This weapon has a rectangular shape and was specially marked by the painter. There are some dotted lines around it, which seems to be like light, phantom, or other unpredictable things.

I saw a team of Qi refiners bring this thing over, and then threw it at the ancient god.

And next, is the last rock painting.

I saw that the ancient **** was hit by that magic weapon, as if some kind of mutation had occurred. It seems that the ancient gods have changed from a full|full image to a very thin state. It seems that the painter is also difficult to describe that state, directly depicting the image of the ancient **** as a line, but there are some dotted lines around to maintain the image of the original ancient god.

After this, the ancient **** seemed to have died or lost the power to resist. I saw those gas refiners take away the ancient gods, and finally flew into the distance.

And those ancient humans are still worshipping in place, and I don't know whether they are worshiping ancient gods or those Qi refiners, or both.

And the content of these rock paintings is over here.

After reading these rock paintings, Zhang Yi thoughtfully:

"It seems that some people in ancient times witnessed a battle between gas refiners and ancient gods, and then they left what they saw and heard on the rock wall by painting."

Jia Meng put the phone away, nodded and said:

"We people in the Netherworld Pirate Door think so too."

Zhang Yi asked again:

"Do you think that the rectangular object is the Fengshen list that appeared in the novel "The Romance of the Gods"?"

Jia Meng replied:

"Yes, because we have not only seen this weapon in this mural, we have also seen clues about this weapon in some other cultural relics."

"Oh?" Zhang Yiyi became interested, "Do you have relevant information?"

Jia Meng nodded:

"a part of it."

Zhang Yiyu said:

"Show me quickly."

Jia Meng suddenly blinked her big eyes at Zhang Yi, giggling and saying:

"Meow! Why do you want to show it to you now?"

Zhang Yi smiled slightly, he didn't mean to that, equivalent exchange was normal.

He knew that Jia Meng was about to start talking about conditions, so Zhang Yi asked:

"what do you want?"

Jia Meng tapped her lips with her finger and thought for a while, then suddenly smiled:

"I want you to raise me! Raise me like a father raises a daughter!"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly:

"Your request is too much!"

Jia Meng's mood suddenly fell:

"I have been bullied by other children since I was a child. I envy those children who have fathers. They can ask their fathers to help revenge... and their fathers will buy them many good things, including candy, toys, card issuing, and A lot! And me? I can only look at them, envy and jealous of them... Do you think that everyone I meet wants to recognize my father? If you are not at the bottom of the lake, you are too kind to me, and I am so touched, otherwise I will not I want to recognize you as my father!"

Zhang Yi couldn't help but laugh after hearing this:

"It really scares me that you have to recognize your father like this. Let's change the terms!"

Jia Meng glared at Zhang Yi in a bad mood, and then said:

"What's the matter with a godfather? Well, since you want me to change terms, then I will change! I will live in your restaurant from now on, I want to eat delicious food every day! And have milk tea every day! I want you to take care of me!"

After listening to Zhang Yi, he didn't believe it:

"On these conditions?"

Jia Meng replied:

"This is what I think of for the time being, and I will talk to you later when I think about it. But you don't have to worry about me lying to you, I won't eat you in vain here, I will tell you every day I’ll tell you a little bit about the ancient Qi refiners until I have figured out the conditions I want!"

After listening to Zhang Yi, he didn't have any comments.

After all, it's okay to know something about ancient Qi refiners and ancient gods.

First, after all, those things haven't appeared yet, and secondly, Zhang Yi's injuries are still unhealed, and even if he knows those things, he still can't take action.

So Zhang Yi agreed:

"no problem."

Jia Meng handed the empty cup she had just finished to Zhang Yi:

"I want to drink another cup of milk tea, meow!"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, the little girl in front of me looks very petite|small and young, but why is she so appetizing? Not only can they eat, but they can also drink.

So Zhang Yi could only call Song Lin and let Song Lin come to entertain Jia Meng.

When Song Lin greeted Jia Meng, she seemed a little absent-minded. She couldn't help but swipe her finger on the phone, as if she was looking for these things.

While flipping the phone, she wondered:

"Strange... Why is it missing?"

Zhang Yi asked casually:

"What's missing?"

Song Lin answered strangely:

"Boss, the video of you assaulting Qingtaoxuan disciple Wu Bo before dawn today is not found! The news I just watched this morning, I saw the live video at the time. But now, I can’t find it on the Internet. It’s a video where you made Wu Bo kneel and kowtow!"

Zhang Yi asked:

"Has all the news gone?"

Song Lin shook her head:

"It's just that the video is gone, but the relevant news is still there. But these news are just a simple sentence, such as this'The Qingtaoxuan disciple was defeated by a mysterious figure at Taiping Lake at dawn today!' You see, it's just a simple sentence The words, although they are right, they cover up the key information."

Zhang Yi took out his mobile phone and took a look at the news feed. It was like Song Lin said that the events around Taiping Lake had been simplified into some humble information. If it weren't for searching for it, no one would pay attention.

Moreover, the information did not say which Qing Taoxuan disciple was defeated, nor did it say how it was defeated by someone, let alone the process of defeat, but just an understatement.

Jia Meng, who was drinking new milk tea by the side, said:

"This is not surprising. Qingtaoxuan is one of the top ten practice sects today. They have the power, power, wealth and people. They want to make some news that is not good for Qingtaoxuan disappear from the Internet. This is not what it is. It’s difficult. This time, Wu Bo, a talented disciple of Ting Taoxuan, was beaten by Zhang Yi to kneel down and begged for mercy. This completely lost Ting Taoxuan’s face. Fortunately, it happened at Liming Shifen and most of the people at that time paid it back. Failed to get up, so not many people saw the news. Qingtaoxuan also had enough time and room to eliminate the news, so that the public did not know what was happening."

After Jia Meng's words were finished, Song Lin suddenly realized:

"It's like some celebrities who have bad scandals will spend money to ask people to delete posts and delete news!"

Jia Meng nodded, saying that's it.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

A Qingtaoxuan has the ability to erase the news of a duel. Then, how powerful is it to erase the deeds of so many sects and heroes fifty years ago?

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