Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 954: Jia Meng's cleverness

Jiameng took off the grenade from the waist of the veteran when the veteran could not recover, and at the same time she raised her hand and laughed loudly:

"This thing is fun! I'm going to play this!"

The veteran who reacted was startled, and hurriedly said:

"Little girl! You can't play with this thing casually! Give it back to me soon!"

With that said, the veteran was about to reach out and **** the grenade in Jia Meng's hand.

However, can Jiameng's things be robbed by a veteran?

Jia Meng's figure flashed agilely, and she ran far away.

The veteran hurriedly pursued:

"Quickly change it to me! That thing can't be played!"

However, Jia Meng ran, and then pulled off the grenade's bracelet, laughing loudly:

"Fun! Really fun!"

The veteran saw that Jia Meng had pulled off the grip of the grenade, and he was frightened and hurriedly shouted:

"Everyone is here! The grenade here is going to explode! Little girl, throw away the grenade in your hand!"

The yelling of the veteran finally attracted people's attention.

When people saw a little girl running around holding a grenade that pulled off the bracelet, everyone was immediately alarmed.

Immediately, the people on the rice field ran away in panic and desperately looking for any shelter to hide, lest they would be blown to death by this grenade.

"Fuck! Whose kid is this? You run around with a grenade. If you want to die, don't take me!"

"Yes! Where's her sir? Don't you come out to take care of it?"

"Nima! Run! The bear kid ran towards us with a grenade!"


The crowd fled in horror.

Jia Meng held a grenade in the back and chased everyone away.

The veteran was still chasing and shouting at the back, but how could he catch up with Jia Meng.

Jia Meng ran for a while, and saw that after finally evacuating people, she would stop:

"What? So this thing can't be played, it should be thrown away? Okay! Then I will throw it away!"

Immediately, Jia Meng threw the grenade towards the pigpen she had been staring at by the side of the rice field.

Immediately afterwards, the grenade exploded in the pigpen.


As the grenade exploded, a piece of blood was seen splashing out of the pigpen.

The pigs raised in the pigpen were immediately killed by grenade, and the fragments and steel **** from the explosion of the grenade made those pigs blown into flesh and blood, which was horrible.

The people around were so frightened that they lay down, lest they would be hurt by the shot steel ball.

Zhang Yi nodded slightly when he saw this scene:

"It's quite clever."

Zhang Yi could naturally see Jiameng's intentions.

Jia Meng deliberately used the appearance of a bear kid playing with a grenade to scare everyone away. This acted to quickly evacuate everyone.

Otherwise, if Jia Meng is kind enough to persuade one person to speak alone, then not only will it be inefficient, it will not necessarily have any scientific effect. She was so scared, but the effect was obvious.

In the end, Jia Meng threw the grenade into the pigpen and blasted the pigs to death. This was to use those pigs as bait to lure monsters.

Monsters need to eat meat, and they can eat human flesh or animal flesh.

And after the pigs were killed, the strong smell of blood flew everywhere. With the addition of the fresh pork and pig bones still bloody, these are undoubtedly a strong temptation for the hungry monsters| .

Therefore, the monster beast will first enjoy this easy-to-handle supper, and then hunt and kill the living people who will run away and hide.

Zhang Yi also admitted that Jia Meng is a little clever.

At this time, as the explosion ended, the danger was lifted, and everyone gradually got up from the ground.

The veteran even rushed to Jia Meng and cursed angrily:

"Which child are you? Do you know how dangerous you were just now! You are not only harming yourself, but also others! If you were a man, I would have slapped you a few times!"

Jia Meng ignored the veteran's scolding, she raised her head and pointed at the night sky:

"Uncle, the monster beast is here!"

The veteran glanced back subconsciously, his complexion changed drastically.

I saw that above the night sky, a black shadow was slowly landing with its long wings flapping.

At the same time, the sound of flapping wings and a low roar also sounded, followed by that shocking feeling!

The veteran hurriedly took out the tied whistle from his neck, and then blew a sharp whistle.

While blowing his whistle, he shouted:

"The monster beast is here! The monster beast is here! Hurry up everyone to hide! My comrades-in-arms, it's time for us to protect everyone!"

The veteran blew his whistle and hurried to command the crowd.

With the whistle of the veteran, the rest of the veterans started to take action.

These veterans are well-trained and have already had a plan.

I saw that they had a clear division of labor. Some veterans ran to direct the people to hide, some ran to prepare their weapons, and some ran to launch vehicles to prepare for support or retreat, and so on.

As the veterans took action, the scene suddenly became full of order.

Due to Jiameng’s frightening dispersal, the people were far away from the empty rice fields. This made it very convenient for the veterans to command, and basically they were in place without any need to organize people.

I saw that many veterans were ready after setting up the bunkers, and at the same time all the searchlights were aimed at the monsters in the sky.

In the light of the searchlight, Zhang Yi and Jiameng finally saw the true face of the monster beast clearly.

I saw that it was a ferocious giant tiger, this giant tiger was much bigger than an ordinary tiger, basically there were three cows as strong as the total.

The most amazing thing is that a pair of bat-like wings grows on the back of this giant tiger.

At this time, the giant tiger flapped the bat's wings and fell rapidly, and the giant tiger's target was the pigs that were blown to death by the grenade.

Jia Meng had already returned to Zhang Yi's side at this time. She looked up at the giant tiger in the sky holding a pink fist and said:

"This monster has eaten so many innocent villagers! I must kill it, lest it continue to harm the people!"

Zhang Yi stared at the giant tiger and felt the breath of the giant tiger.

He has already judged that this giant tiger is not very strong. But the giant tiger has a flying feature, which is a bit tricky.

Zhang Yi was unable to fly at will because of his injuries. So it's easy to defeat the giant tiger. In addition to defeating the giant tiger, you have to prevent it from flying to the sky and fleeing, which is difficult.

"It seems that we have to paralyze it first..."

In Zhang Yi's mind, there was already an idea quickly.

As the giant tiger descended rapidly, everyone on the ground could feel the strong airflow generated by the giant tiger's wings that are more than six meters long, as well as the special smell of the giant tiger's body.

And as the giant tiger landed to a certain height, the group of veterans finally made a move.

An veteran who just listened loudly commanded:

"Fight! Shoot!"

Immediately, the veterans moved towards the giant tiger in the sky and immediately pulled the trigger of the gun in their hands.

For a time, only the sound of gunfire was heard.

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!..."

Intensive gunfire resounded through the small mountain village.

In the flames of the guns, countless bullets poured towards the giant tiger.

Zhang Yi saw this scene and shook his head slightly:

"The most powerful place of monsters is their bodies. These guns are not powerful enough."

Sure enough, these countless bullets fell on the giant tiger, but they seemed to be tickling the giant tiger, posing no threat to the giant tiger, and even the giant tiger's fur could not be broken.

In surprise, the veterans also took out their powerful weapons.

I saw an veteran carrying a shoulder-mounted bazooka aimed at the monster beast that had been lowered, and then slammed the trigger.

Along with a red light, the rocket slammed into the giant tiger in the sky.


As a ball of flame exploded in mid-air, the rocket had accurately hit and exploded.

Seeing this, the veterans couldn't help but cheered.

In their opinion, even a tank could be destroyed by this rocket bomb, and the monster beast must be unstoppable because of its rough skin.

However, the cheers of the veterans stopped abruptly.

After the flames in the sky dissipated, the monster beast's hideous appearance reappeared.

The monster beast was blown up by a rocket bomb, but it only scorched its fur a lot, and it still failed to cause damage to the monster!

On the contrary, this explosion also angered the monster beast.

The monster beast opened its blood basin and yelled at everyone on the ground:


Amidst the roar of the monster beast, ordinary people only felt shocked.

The roar of the monster beast seemed to contain some special deterrence, which made ordinary people feel disappointed.

At this time, the giant tiger had already descended swiftly and pounced on the group of veterans.

The veterans were frightened by the roar of the monster beasts, and for a while they were out of control and unable to escape.

The situation suddenly became a crisis, and the group of veterans was about to be killed by monsters!

Jia Meng couldn't help but want to do it.

Zhang Yi reached out and stopped her:

"Don't worry, someone has already acted."

Jiameng looked in the direction pointed by Zhang Yi, and she saw several figures that had sneaked around behind the monster beast.

"It's them!" Jia Meng couldn't help but be surprised.

It turned out that it was not someone else who pounced behind the monster beast, it was Liu Yunhan's group of ancient warriors.

I saw Liu Yunhan's group of ancient warriors quietly approaching the monster beast relying on their agile figures. Just when the monster beast had landed on the ground and was about to attack the group of veterans, the group of ancient warriors moved!

"Monster! Suffer to death!"

Liu Yunhan was the first to pounce, and she slammed up at the monster with a palm.

It can be seen that Liu Yunhan's palm is extremely powerful, and her strength may have reached the level of a master. This palm can even easily split the armor of the tank.

I saw that Liu Yunhan's palm slammed on the back of the monster beast, causing the monster beast to stand unstable and almost fell.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Yunhan's companions all rushed forward and began to attack the monster beast.

The few of them cooperated with each other very tacitly, as if after long-term training, under their joint efforts, the storm-like attack suddenly fell on this monster.

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