Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 981: Snatch the blood of God

Zhang Yi raised his head and looked towards the top of the tomb, only to see a hideous grimace on the top of the tomb!

The grimace has red eyes, young crops and fangs, disheveled hair, very vicious!

However, this is not a real grimace, but a huge stone sculpture.

Someone carved the top of the tomb into a grimace.

Such a grimace was horrible and condescending as if looking down at anyone who entered the tomb.

"These stone plates are filled with the blood of the gods, and the ghost face above the head, does it mean that the blood of the gods comes from it? Or does it mean that the gods are dead and the ghosts are in power?"

In ancient times, the distinction between gods and ghosts was often not so obvious. The term "ghosts and gods" basically uniformly represented some supernatural and mysterious existences. When the ancestors worshipped ghosts and prayed for gods, there were not so many distinctions.

In later generations, the distinction gradually became apparent. As the saying goes, "Little ghosts are ghosts, and big ghosts are gods." It is a ghost or a god, and what is emphasized is power.

As long as the power is strong enough, ghosts can also become gods.

"Huh? That ghost face... no entrance?"

Zhang Yi could clearly see that the ghost face stone sculpture did not continue to the entrance to the tomb on the next floor.

"Is this the last floor of the tomb? Or, what mechanism needs to be opened?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while, and gradually had some associations in his mind.

On the first floor of this tomb, there is an Immortal Palace.

On the second floor of the tomb, Zhang Yi encountered a monster who claimed to be immortal.

On the third floor of the tomb, Zhang Yi got a pill that could bring the dead back to life.

Now this is the fourth floor of the tomb, and there is actually a **** blood with extremely strong life energy. The longevity gate used to rely on the **** blood to refine the longevity liquid that can extend the life of the person.

Everything seems to revolve around things like longevity and immortality.

"It seems that the temptation of immortality is really powerful. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many princes, generals, and peerless powers have wanted to have eternal life."

Immediately, Zhang changed his hands and raised his hands, and an invisible force was immediately generated.

I saw the eight drops of divine blood among the eight surrounding stone plates flying towards Zhang Yi and falling into Zhang Yi's palm.

But at this moment, I saw eight drops of divine blood merge into one, forming a group of bright red blood slowly creeping in midair, and the power of the surging divine blood suddenly became stronger.

After the eight drops of blood of the ancient gods were fused together, the superposition of the life energy was no longer as simple as one plus one equals two, but it had already taken an unusually strong change.

Along with this strong life energy fluctuation, the hideous ghost face on the top of the tomb suddenly reacted.

I saw that the ghost face's eyes suddenly became redder and red, as red as bleeding.

At the end, it was really bleeding!

I saw drop after drop of red blood falling from a high altitude, and finally landed on the eight stone plates, each of which was no more, no less, just one drop.

After the blood dripped from each plate, the ghost face's eyes slowly returned to normal.

"There is even the blood of the ancient gods?"

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi couldn't help being slightly surprised:

"What on earth is it? How much blood of the ancient gods can be produced?"

Zhang Yi took out a porcelain jar and put the blood of the ancient **** into the space artifact.

He wanted to see again, would the ghost face above his head change in any other way.

At this time, a blast of voice came.

It turned out that the disciples of the group of Youkong Pirates also followed the passage to this floor of the tomb.

Immediately afterwards, the disciples of Tianzhezong also came.

Zhang Yi has stated his position and will not participate in the struggle of either party.

So this caused Tianzhezong and the people of Youkong Pirates to return to the original situation where they were evenly matched and fearful of each other. In the end, the two sides still maintained restraint and did not continue to fight, but both wanted to grab the secret treasure in this tomb first.

So both sides continued to explore the tomb, and at the same time they were on guard for each other, and they were also looking for this opportunity to deal with each other.

When the two groups of people came to this tomb, they couldn't help but stare at everything around them in surprise. Obviously, they also felt very strange about this place.

It was the first time they saw such a funnel-shaped room.

"Look! There are eight stone plates! There must be something good on it!"

"The stone pans held by these stone statues must be full of treasures!"

"Look! The master named Zhang Yi is on one of the stone plates. He must have gone to fetch treasures! Let's go to the other seven!"

"That's right! Let's speed up, we will be robbed if we are too late!"


With a chaotic scream, I saw people from the Youkong Pirate Door or Tianzhezong all crawling towards the stone plates at this time.

At this time, Jia Meng also came to Zhang Yi's side.

She looked at the blood in the stone plates and couldn't help asking:

"What are those?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"It's an agency."

The blood life energy of these ancient gods is very powerful, but most practitioners can feel it. Another peculiar effect of the blood of the ancient gods is that it can be integrated with the human body.

When someone touches the blood of the ancient gods, they will be fused with the blood of the ancient gods, causing some strange changes in the body.

Changshengye can make changes to the body through taking and injection. And the blood of Cain, the ancestor of the blood family, can make people become a blood family. As for what effect the blood of the ancient gods in this stone plate will have, it will not be known until someone touches it.

After Zhang Yi knew this feature, he never used his skin to directly touch the blood of the ancient gods, but instead used mana to support it.

But others may not be so cautious.

So Zhang Yi already wanted to understand that the blood of these ancient gods was a mechanism here.

Either it is used to harm those who touch it, or it can trigger other organs.

And Zhang Yi's caution just now made him take the blood of the ancient gods, but he didn't trigger the mechanism. Therefore, the mechanism automatically refills the stone plate with new blood of the ancient gods, which is equivalent to resetting the mechanism.

Those two gangs of Youkong Pirate Gate and Tianzhezong are now roaring around, it is difficult not to trigger the mechanism.

It would be nice to say if there were only professional people like Youkong Pirates, but now there are more people like Tianzhezong, suddenly there are too many variables.

I am afraid that the Sky Thief Gate will be affected by Tianzhe Sect. In order to compete with Tian Zhezong for treasures, the people of Nether Sky Thief Gate will also make mistakes.

Jiameng heard Zhang Yi say that these blood are organs, so she couldn't help but said anxiously:

"Since it is an agency, why not remind everyone?"

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"In the face of treasures, it's useless to say anything. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

As the saying goes, if there is 50% profit, people will take risks; for 100% profit, people will dare to trample all human laws; if there are 300% profit, people will dare to commit any crime. Even risk hanging.

People die for money and birds die for food. For the sake of wealth, people can not even have their lives.

Jia Meng didn't believe it, she turned around and shouted at everyone:

"Everyone, don't touch the blood! This is a mechanism! It's dangerous!"

With Jiameng’s cry, the people of the Youkong Pirates could not help but hesitate, while those of the Tianzhezong rushed towards the blood of the ancient gods like crazy dogs, wanting to see these are not ordinary products. The blood of the ancient gods was snatched.

And as the people of Tianzhezong looted, the people of Youkong Pirates could not help joining in these looting. Youkong Pirate Gate has long seen the people of Tianzhezong unhappy, so it is even more impossible for them to **** the treasure smoothly.

Suddenly, the two gangs robbed each other for the blood of these ancient gods, and even fought.

Jia Meng yelled anxiously, but at this time the two groups were already angry. Regardless of Jia Meng's yelling, they all rolled up their sleeves and did it.

At this moment, Jiameng finally realized what Zhang Yi said.

Once people get crazy, he will not believe any truth before him.

And the first to **** the blood of God was a disciple of Tianzhezong.

I saw him holding the drop of blood in his palm excitedly, and shouted:

"I got it! I got it! It's mine...Ah! What's wrong?"

This Tianzhezong disciple who had robbed the blood of the gods suddenly screamed.

I saw that the drop of blood in his palm slowly melted into his palm.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the blood vessels in his palm seemed to have some bright light, and these bright lights were surging along his blood vessels towards his heart.

And this Tianzhezong disciple seemed very painful, and couldn't help screaming loudly.

Jiameng couldn't help but ask Zhang Yi:

"What will happen to him?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"He will die. Originally, if the power of this divine blood was absorbed by him, then it would be a good fortune for him, and he could get stronger power. But unfortunately, his physical body is too weak to bear. He couldn’t help the power of God’s blood that was beyond his ability, so he would be squeezed into his heart by the power of God’s blood and died. And this death process would continue several times, because the powerful life energy of God’s blood would repair his The heart and body pulled him back from a state of dying, and then squeezed his heart again! This will continue for several times before he can completely die and be liberated."

The human body is fragile, which is notorious.

Therefore, when taking some strong drugs, people can only gradually increase the dose a little bit, and they dare not take too much at one time. This sacred blood can be regarded as an extremely powerful medicine that nourishes, and taking too much at one time can cause death.

Jia Meng couldn't help being shocked when she heard this method of death.

As Zhang Yi said, when the light from the Tianzhezong disciple's hand surged to his heart, his expression suddenly changed, and he spouted a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground convulsively.

He convulsed for a while as if he was about to die, but soon his pale complexion quickly turned ruddy, and his eyes opened.

Just when he couldn't help but want to get up from the ground, he suddenly covered his chest again, and then fell to the ground with a spout of blood.

This process continued for several times, until at the end this disciple finally lay on the ground motionless and completely died.

And this kind of situation did not just happen to this disciple.

Anyone who snatched the blood of the gods and touched the blood of the gods with their skin quickly suffered such a tragedy.

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