Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 991: Unlock the power forcibly

In today's situation, it will be too late if you don't work hard.

So after speaking, Zhang Yi would pull his hand out of Jiameng's hand.

However, Jia Meng was crying and holding Zhang Yi's hand desperately, just not letting go.

She really couldn't bear to see Zhang Yi go to death like this, but she had no other way, she could helplessly hold Zhang Yi's arm unwilling to let go.

Zhang Yi said helplessly:

"If I didn't die this time, I would promise to be your godfather."

He was really likely to die this time, and Jia Meng and Xiao Budian would not be able to live after he died.

So Zhang Yi didn't mind meeting Jiameng's last wish, not to mention that she was completely satisfied, but she also gave her a hope.

There was a hint of joy in Jiameng's eyes, and then she let go of Zhang Yi's arm reluctantly.

Zhang Yifei stood up and floated in front of the beard monster.

The root monster suddenly opened its mouth|Bar:


Obviously, the root monster has also been irritated by Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi first set it on fire, and then cut off its arm. It had already decided to deal with the little flying insect in front of him!

Immediately, the arms of the root monster quickly closed, and a seal that Zhang Yi had never seen before began to be condensed by the monster.

After the appearance of this seal, the root monsters began to excite a powerful ancient and vast mana, causing the entire space to vibrate.

A spell that seemed to come from the prehistoric era was uttered from the mouth of the root monster.

Accompanied by this obscure spell, ancient words began to appear around this root monster.

These ancient characters have simple pictograms, but they seem to contain great principles.

This is not the characters used by immortals like Tianzhuan, but the original characters created by mankind-Cangjie characters!

The Cangjie character, in the legend, was created by Cangjie, and it is the earliest character of mankind!

According to legend, Cangjie had "double pupils and four eyes". There are only nine people in history books who have double pupils, namely: Yu Shun, Cangjie, Xiang Yu, Chong'er, Gao Yang, Lu Guang, Yu Juluo, Guan Yu, and Li Yu.

Every one is extraordinary!

And Cangjie is one of them.

According to legend, Cangjie followed Xuanyuan Huangdi to tour the black pool forty-five miles northwest of Luonan, the mountain of Dengyang Xu, and he encountered the water of Xuanhu Luoxu, met the spirit turtle and carried the book, Danjia Qingwen, then The change of the world, looking up at Kuixing’s rounding of the universe, observing the traces of the tortoise-patterned birds and insects, creating twenty-eight characters with the palm of the hand, once engraved in the Yin of Xuanhu Mountain, since then, the stone has broken the sky, the characters lead to human beings, and the knots are terminated. The rain falls from the sky, the ghost cries and the dragon hides.

In the myth, on the day Cangjie created the words, a heavy rain fell in the sky, and countless ghosts were crying in panic in the middle of the night.

This is because there are three thousand avenues, and everything in the world has its own way. And what the Cangjie character carries is the way of mankind! The character Cangjie created the light of civilization and carried great merits, so its power is extraordinary.

"Ancient gas refiner, really well-deserved reputation!"

The strength of this root monster once again exceeded Zhang Yi's expectations.

Who would have thought that once it got serious, it would directly use the ability of Cangjie characters!

The Cangjie character has been lost for a long time, and no one in the world knows its specific features, and Zhang Yi does not know it either. He only learned from some ancient books that Cangjie characters are very similar to bird scripts, and he has studied bird scripts, so when he saw the characters around these root monsters, he recognized that this is the legendary Cangjie Character.

As soon as the word Cangjie came out, a huge and mysterious array began to appear between the heaven and the earth.

The golden light of this magic array flickered, and countless array patterns continued to rotate in it. The strong golden light irradiated the tomb space with a golden color, as if everything and everything were plated with gold.

And with the rotation of the magic circle, I saw a vast stream of golden light surging in this magic circle.

At the same time, a golden light appeared behind the monster's head, like a saint! But of course the monster will not be a saint, but a dead thing like a zombie.

So this kind of golden light looks extraordinarily strange!

This trick is very strong!

Strong enough to make Zhang Yi's brows frown.

He knew that he would be killed by this trick!

If no measures are taken, there will only be this result!

Zhang Yi gritted his teeth intently, but he didn't expect that he would finally reach this point.

Immediately Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed it among the space magical weapons, and grabbed ninety-nine golden needles from it!

"The golden needle seals the hole! Help me!"

I saw Zhang Yi's hands quickly grasping these golden needles and stab them towards the key points on his body. At the same time, he was also controlling his human king body, making the human king body soft so that these gold needles could penetrate into it.

The speed of his hands was so fast that it seemed to form a welcome, so that people couldn't catch his hands at all.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Zhang Yi had already pierced all the ninety-nine gold needles into various acupuncture points of his body, and even these gold needles completely pierced Zhang Yi’s body, leaving even a little bit in his body. No part of the outside can be seen.

But Zhang Yi's hands were suddenly intertwined, controlling his own true energy to surge wildly in his body.

"Success or failure, just watch it once!"

Zhang Yi has decided to fight for his life to take the trick of this root monster.

What he is using now is a secret technique for forcibly recovering!

Even though Zhang Yi was injured by the trident of that artifact, he almost died, which greatly reduced his strength after being seriously injured.

And the meaning of this strength reduction is that he is now unable to exert his full mana due to his injury. It is not that his mana has disappeared, in fact his mana is still in his body.

Because of the serious injury, Zhang Yi could only use a small part of his mana, not too much. Otherwise it will aggravate the injury and even lose life.

Everything has to be restored slowly, and when his physical body has recovered partly, he can use more of his mana. When his physical body is fully recovered someday, then he can also exert full mana.

This was originally a gradual process.

However, now, facing that powerful root monster, Zhang Yi had to break this gradual process.

What he is using now is a method of forcibly using more mana-the Golden Needle Secret Art!

Through the Golden Needle Secret Technique, Zhang Yi can suppress the injuries of his body, so that he can use more and stronger spells.

However, this is not without cost.

He suppressed his injuries forcibly and forced stronger spells, so once the effect of the Golden Needle Secret Art was over, his injuries would inevitably counterattack and become more serious.

By then, the probability of Zhang Yi's death has reached 70%!

He has only a 30% chance of surviving, and among these three levels, 100% of his injuries will aggravate and become weaker.

But now if Zhang Yi doesn't do this, there will be no chance of survival.

So instead of dying, it's better to give it a go!

After the Golden Needle Secret Technique was performed, Zhang Yi's blood vessels began to glow for a while.

At the same time, Zhang Yi's face became flushed, as if he had drunk alcohol.

At the same time, Zhang Yi finally dared to use the power that had been in the dust for a long time.

Soon, the surging true Qi surged in his body, and this feeling made Zhang Yi as if his body was quickly filled.

"The familiar feeling... the familiar power... finally came back! Now, let me fight you hard!"

When the voice fell, Zhang Yi's breath suddenly shook.

A powerful breath rushed out of his body, and instantly swept the tomb space.

Along with the surging of this powerful aura, the countless icy fragments on the ground were rolled up one after another, swirling around Zhang Yi and the root monster madly.

With the emergence of this breath, I saw that the monster's mouth could not help but let out a burst of exclamation, followed by a series of words.

And the human skin monster growing on the neck of the root monster also said in surprise:

"Boy! How strong are you... on earth? The monster said, you'd better give up quickly, you are trying to kill yourself by fighting it like this! You have been seriously injured, and your forced action will only kill yourself!" "

Unexpectedly, this root-beard monster was so knowledgeable and full of eyesight that he could see through Zhang Yi's injury.

After listening to Zhang Yi, he smiled and asked:

"Is it scared?"

The human skin monster was silent for a while and replied:

"It feels a serious threat now... I don't know, how did you do it?"

Zhang Yi continued:

"Just keep watching, let me prove everything to you!"

At this time, I saw that the root monster seemed to realize that Zhang Yi would not give up, so it had already begun to take action.

I saw that the seal in its giant hand was constantly changing, and the spells in its mouth became more and more frequent.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared in the huge golden circle in the sky and those Cangjie characters.

In this golden light, even a cultivator like Jia Meng could not open his eyes at all, and could only cover his eyes with his hands.

At the same time, I saw a golden light in the horror circle slamming down towards Zhang Yi from a high altitude.

This huge golden light is about ten meters thick, and it hits down fiercely, as if it can destroy everything in the world!

However, Zhang Yi held his breath and concentrated his attention, then raised his fist and slammed hard at the golden light that had been struck down.

"This time, I will let you know what a real King Quan is called!"

Although Zhang Yi had used Renwangquan before, the power of the Renwangquan that he showed at that time was too weak.

And now, as Zhang Yi forcibly urged the power in his body, finally, his human king boxing can truly exert its power!

Immediately, as Zhang Yi slammed into the sky, a powerful effect suddenly came into being.

The power of his fist was so terrifying that even the space on his fist that was hundreds of meters upward was squeezed into layers and wrinkled, and even some spaces were directly torn to produce some small space cracks.

This punch has just been made, and this power is already appalling!

The human skin monster stared at all this blankly, only endless shock in its eyes!

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