Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 997: Injury counterattack

Gong Sichan sat paralyzed at the entrance of the robbery cave, and couldn't help crying bitterly.

She has always regarded Jiameng as her daughter, but she did not expect that she would have fallen into a desperate situation now, which made Gong Sichan both sad and regretful.

She wanted to desperately rush into the ancient tomb to find Jiameng, but the only trace of reason was telling her that not only could she not save Jiameng when she entered, but she would even be burned to death in it.

Today's ancient tombs are full of hot gases and fires, and even the flames produced by the burning liquid are not ordinary flames.

This flame is somewhat similar to the flame of a napalm bomb. As long as a person is touched, the flame will continue to burn through the body and into the internal organs of the person until the bones are burned.

And this kind of flame is much more fierce than the flame of napalm, and even the true energy of the practitioner is difficult to resist. Basically, those flames can burn through the true energy of the practitioner and hurt the practitioner’s in an instant. Physical body.

Rao is a cultivator like Gong Si Chan who enters and will be burned to death after a long time.

It is precisely because of this horror that the sect master and the great elder of the Youkong Pirate Gate desperately blocked it, lest Gong Sichan could not even rush into the ancient tomb to find Jiameng, and then the Youkong Thief Gate would lose another precious elder. NS.

The sect master turned his head and looked at the disciples of Youkong Pirates, who were sitting on the grass in the distance and rested on the grass and had a grey-faced face. He couldn't help but sighed:

"Hey, I didn't expect this ancient tomb to be so dangerous. This time, it has damaged many of our elite players in the Uokong! Even now that ancient tomb is full of fires, everything will be burned down, we Even if the fire is extinguished before going down, I am afraid that there will be no gain. This time... it's really a big loss!"

When the great elder heard this, he couldn't help but sigh:

"I thought we could have an 80% chance of winning in the tomb this time, but now I have discovered that we don't even have a 10% chance of winning!"

The two sighed for a while, and couldn't help feeling sad.

At this time, the group of disciples who saw Tian Zhezong also stood up cursingly and planned to leave.

The disciples of Tianzhezong came to **** treasures, and fights were second.

But now they have gone through a life of nine deaths in the ancient tomb, and now they have finally escaped and finally found that 80% of all the treasures have been burned clean in the fire, which makes them even more frustrated.

Without the treasure, coupled with the escape from the dead, the disciples of the Tianzhe Sect had no plans to fight with the people of the Youkong Pirate Sect. They just wanted to leave here now.

And the people of Youkong Thief Sect also had no plan to continue fighting, they still slowly left by the people of Tianzhezong.

On this hillside, the number of people was suddenly reduced by half, and only the people from the Youkong Pirate Gate remained on the spot.

The reason why the people from the Youkong Pirate Gate stayed was only because Gong Sichan had been sitting at the door of the Pirate Cave, crying and unwilling to leave.

Everyone knows that Gong Sichan has a deep affection for his beloved disciple. Now Jiameng is damaged in the ancient tomb. It is no wonder that Gong Sichan cried so sadly.

The sect master and the great elder couldn't help but plan to talk to each other and take Gong Sichan away from this sad place.

Anyway, if the fire in the ancient tomb was not extinguished, it would be of no use for a group of people to guard it here. It would be better to wait until the fire was extinguished and they would check again. Maybe they could still find some leftovers.


At this moment, only a weird sound was heard in the ancient tomb.

This sound is very weird and sharp, as if something is moving and shuttle at high speed, like the sound made by violently rubbing the air.

"What happened? Is it tempering?"

The doormaster and Gong Sichan were startled, and couldn't help but were about to look into the thieves.

However, at this moment, a large group of flames suddenly burst out from the thieves.

This scared the sect master and Gong Sichan back to avoid the rising flame.


The flame rushed out of the robbery hole almost ten meters high, just when everyone was horrified, they saw a golden streamer flying out of the rising flame and shooting towards the distant mountains and forests!

The streamer was extremely fast and unbelievably fast. Almost in an instant, the streamer disappeared into the distant mountains and forests, and even everyone could not see where the streamer went.

"Then... what the **** is it?"

The sect master looked around in amazement as if trying to find the trace of the golden streamer, but in the end he found nothing.

The rest of the people couldn't help but stare at each other, obviously no one knew what that streamer was.

However, at this moment, a strange noise suddenly erupted from the tomb.

The sound was like an evil spirit roaring at the slightest.

"What happened again?"

The doormaster looked at the ancient tomb in horror, not knowing what else would come out.

However, at this time, people were surprised to find that a large group of black liquid appeared in the ancient tomb.

Those black liquids are very sticky and creamy, just like petroleum or asphalt.

The black liquid poured into the mouth of the robbers almost instantly, enveloping all the flames in it.

The doormaster and Gong Sichan looked at the surging black liquid in amazement, and saw painful faces appearing in the liquid, and it seemed that one hand was struggling in the viscous liquid, like countless people. I want to get out of the liquid.

Such a weird and shocking scene is too bizarre.

When the sect master and Gong Sichan were about to take a closer look, they saw that the black liquid fell back quickly, and finally disappeared into the darkness completely.

At the same time, the ground on which everyone stood was torn apart in an instant and collapsed.


The doormaster stretched out his hand and grabbed Gong Sichan, and then his stature rose sharply, and they jumped to a place where there was no collapse in the distance.

I saw that a large piece of ground around the robbery cave collapsed deeply, forming a huge pit.

And in those places that collapsed, there was actually a lot of mud, and no trace of the ancient tomb was seen.

"What about the ancient tomb buried in the ground? How does it feel... as if it disappeared all at once?"

People looked at the collapsed place, that is, at the bottom of the deep pit, in astonishment. There was no trace of man-made construction except for the mud.

You know, not long ago, an ancient tomb was buried here.

Rao is the first floor of the ancient tomb. It is also a huge and magnificent building, and there is even a magnificent immortal palace.

But now it feels like the ancient tomb buried in the soil disappeared out of nowhere in an instant. As the ancient tomb disappeared and the soil layer lost its support, it collapsed.

No one knows what kind of energy can make an ancient tomb disappear out of thin air.

The doorkeeper and Gong Sichan thought of the golden light that had just jumped out of the ancient tomb. They only felt that the disappearance of the ancient tomb must be related to the golden light.


That golden streamer was Zhang Yi and others who quickly escaped from the ancient tomb.

Zhang Yi somersaulted the clouds too fast, and the leader of the alliance and Gong Sichan who were approaching the quiet door of the thief could not catch Zhang Yi's trace at all, but could only catch a faint golden light.

In almost an instant, Zhang Yi had already flown away from this ancient tomb and fell into the nearby mountains and forests.

His hold technique basically disappeared at the same time, so that the ultimate mechanism of the ancient tomb was triggered, causing the entire ancient tomb to disappear.


When he landed, Zhang Yi had difficulty keeping his figure, he slammed into the ground hard, and even smashed a big tree at his waist.

Zhang Yi almost fell to the ground, Jiameng and Xiao Budian fell to the side, and the dead body fell to the other side.

The human skin monster on the corpse is now screaming fiercely:

"Help me! I don't want to die! I want to come back to life! Help me, I will promise you anything!"

I saw the human skin monster constantly twisting around the dead corpse's neck, as if wanting to be completely separated from the dead corpse, but was bound forever.

And in the sun, whether it was the human skin monster or the dead corpse, their epidermis actually began to appear one after another big blisters, followed by these big blisters bursting, as a burst of blue smoke rose, they Actually began to slowly melt.

Whether it is a corpse or that human skin monster is the soul, there is nothing they fear most than the sun, which is the heaviest of the sun.

Now, under the sunlight, the dead body that has not decayed for thousands of years has finally begun to gradually turn into a pool of corpse water.

And this spirit body is even more afraid of sunlight, in the sunlight it will be destined to quickly dissipate.

Zhang Yi barely got up from the ground, staring at the human skin monster and sneered:

"All this is God's will! This is your fate! It is also your own responsibility!"

Not everyone is qualified to control their own destiny, at least this human skin monster does not have it.

The human skin monster screamed sternly, and finally it melted slowly, turning into a pool of sticky fishy corpse water like the dead corpse.

At this time, this evil monster of human skin finally died completely.

As the dead body melted, something seemed to slowly appear in the dead body water.

Zhang Yi was about to take a closer look at the contents of the dead body. He suddenly stopped, his face turned very pale.


He couldn't help but spit out a violent mouthful of blood.

After that, he saw that the golden needles that he had pierced into his body suddenly flew out of his body and nailed them to the surrounding trees.

The Golden Needle Secret Technique finally could no longer suppress his injury.

His injury was fierce backlash at this moment, coupled with his strong action and use of immortality, it made this backlash more serious.

At this moment, Zhang Yi's skin suddenly became bruised, and his eyes became as if he was stained red by blood. This is because the blood vessels in his body burst one after another, causing the blood to spread in the flesh. Come.

"not good!"

As soon as this thought came together, Zhang Yi fell to the ground and passed out into a coma.

"Godfather! Godfather! Are you okay!"

In the faint, only Jia Meng's anxious voice sounded in Zhang Yi's ear.

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