Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1000: Peace Hotel attacked

Zhang Yi and Jiameng were both very fast, and they arrived at their destinations in a blink of an eye.

I saw there was a crack in the mountain here, and vines grew outside this crack. These plants covered the crack so tightly that the bottom crack was not visible from the surface alone.

This can be said to be a natural trap formed by nature. If someone comes here, I am afraid it will only be regarded as a flat ground, and then they will step on the empty ground and fall into the crack.

At this time, the weak cry for help came from inside this crack.

Zhang Yi and Jiameng tore apart the vines that had been indented in the crack, and saw that the crack was very deep, at least nearly ten meters deep.

And there was a figure curled up on the cracked ground.

As the vines in the crack opened, the sun suddenly shone in, and the curled up figure also raised its head.

That is a pale face!

"Help! Help me! I don't want to die!"

As he saw people, the pale face suddenly pleaded.

And Zhang Yi and Jiameng finally saw that the one curled up in this category was a little girl. The little girl was only thirteen or four years old, and looked like a nearby villager.

Zhang Yi jumped out of this crack as soon as he moved.

He came to the little girl to check, and saw that the little girl had broken a leg when she fell from a height, and she still had a lot of injuries and bruises on her body.

The most serious thing is that the little girl hasn't eaten or drink for a long time and looks very weak.

And this crack is full of moss. These moss are so wet and slippery that ordinary people can't climb up after falling.

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand and stuffed a pill into the little girl's mouth.

As the pill entered the body, the little girl's pale face finally began to become ruddy. With Zhang Yi's spiritual pill, the little girl will be fine.

After Zhang Yi fed her a little more water, he hugged the little girl and said:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you. Tell me, what's your name?"

The little girl replied weakly:

"Little Lotus..."

Zhang Yi nodded, knowing that there was nothing wrong.

This little girl named Xiaohe is the little girl who disappeared in Shanjiao Village, and the little girl that the villagers went into the deep mountains to look for last night.

No one thought that the little girl would fall into a crack in the ground, and was already so weak.

If it weren't for Zhang Yi and Jiameng to pass by this area, otherwise the little girl would have to starve to death in this seam.

Zhang Yi immediately jumped out of the seam with Xiao He in his arms, and walked out of the mountain with her.

Several people walked for about half an hour, they had already climbed over several hills, and finally came to the outside of the mountain.


At that forest fire checkpoint, the villagers still gathered here anxiously.

These villagers have been searching the mountain all night, but they still couldn't find the trace of Xiao He.

Xiaohe's mother has cried to death several times, and is still crying sadly at the checkpoint:

"Xiaohe! My daughter! Where have you been? Come back soon!"

The villagers looked at the sad middle-aged woman and couldn't help but shook their heads slightly.

The village chief couldn't help saying:

"I know everyone has been looking for a night|night has been very hard, but I also ask everyone to bite their teeth and hold on! If today is bright, it is more convenient for us to find someone. So everyone first eat some food and drink some water, and then we continue to search in the mountains !"

A group of villagers answered immediately:

"No problem! We can hold it!"

"It's important to find a child, we are nothing!"

"That's right! Everyone quickly eat and drink to replenish some energy, and then we continue to enter the mountain!"

"Yes! This time you won't stop finding the child!"


A group of villagers have been walking the mountain road all night, and they are all already exhausted.

But at this time they were still impassioned one by one, planning to continue into the mountain to find Xiaohe.

And at this moment, someone suddenly stretched out his finger to the way down the mountain:

"Look over there!"

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads and looked around.

I saw a few voices, quickly coming down the mountain.

This figure is Zhang Yi, Jiameng, Xiaohe and Xiao Budian.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yi held Xiao He and came to the checkpoint. He put Xiao He on the table and asked everyone:

"See if this is the Xiaohe you are looking for?"

The first reaction was the middle-aged woman:

"Xiaohe! My daughter! My dear!"

The middle-aged woman leaped forward and held Xiao He tightly in her arms.

Xiao He also hugged the middle-aged woman and cried:

"Mom! Mom! I miss you too!"

The mother and daughter cried into a ball, and the surrounding villagers couldn't help laughing with relief.

They surrounded the mother and daughter and couldn't help but speak for comfort. Some people rushed to fetch Xiao He food and water, some took off their clothes and wrapped Xiao He's body to keep her body temperature, and some people hurriedly contacted the hospital for preparations. Receive patients.

For a while, the villagers were busy, but they were all very happy:

"Great! The child finally found it! Just be safe!"

"Thank God, it's fine if nothing happens! Otherwise, I really don't know what to do?"

"Isn't it? Thanks to the little brother who brought the child out."

"We have to thank them, this is Xiaohe's lifesaver!"

"Huh? Where did that little brother go? He was there just now!"

"Yeah, why did we disappear after two minutes of work?"


When the villagers were busy and wanted to thank Zhang Yi, they realized that Zhang Yi was gone.

No one knew where Zhang Yi went, and no one wanted to know how Zhang Yi disappeared around in just two minutes.

They didn't know that Zhang Yi and Jia Meng had already left with extremely fast figures.

Zhang Yi and Jiameng left the mountain and then returned to the town.

Jiameng also called her master Gong Sichan. When Gong Sichan learned that Jiameng was okay, she cried on the phone and wanted to see Jiameng immediately.

It turned out that the people from Youkong Pirate Gate also happened to return to the town.

Zhang Yi didn't like contact with the people of Youkong Pirate Door, especially that Gong Sichan was even more annoying to him.

So Zhang Yi asked Jiameng to meet Gong Sichan by himself, while he waited for her in the parking lot.

After Zhang Yi waited for about an hour, she finally saw Jiameng holding her Dan Jing and came to the parking lot to find Zhang Yi.

"Are you really willing to come back?" Zhang Yi said, "I thought you would give me a call to tell me not to wait for you. You will stay with your master in the Netherworld Pirate Gate."

Jia Meng said:

"I haven't finished the ceremony of worshipping you as godfather, I won't leave!"

Zhang Yi smiled, stood up and rubbed Jiameng's head.

Jia Meng opened her mouth and continued:

"Remember the Xiaohe we saved? You know, when I saw her and her mother reunited, I cried! I want my relatives too! That kind of when you don’t know whether something happened, There will be people who miss you and worry about you and help you find your relatives!"

Having said that, Jia Meng hugged the little bit in her arms tightly, and then took Zhang Yi's hand:

"Now I have a little bit, and I also have you! We are relatives, we can't be separated!"

Zhang Yi smiled:

"Get in the car, it's time to go home."

With that said, Zhang Yi took Jiameng into the car.

They drove all the way and started to return towards Changle City.

When I came, there were only two people in the car, but now when I go back, they are all a little bit strange.

Xiao Budian was very curious about everything in the car. It crawled and tossed for a long time, and finally lay in Jia Meng's arms and fell asleep when he was tired.

It can be seen that Xiao Budian doesn't have the slightest worries, and it is it who lives the happiest.

Since the distance is not too far, Zhang Yi and Jiameng have already returned to Changle City near dusk.

However, when they drove close to the block where the Peace Hotel was located, they found that it was crowded with many people.

Zhang Yi could only slow down and drive past slowly.

However, at this time, I saw a fire truck wiping Zhang Yi's car and leaving the block.

"Where is it on fire?" Jia Meng looked at the leaving fire truck in surprise.

Zhang Yi drove on, but saw many people outside the Peace Hotel, pointing to the Peace Hotel.

This made Zhang Yi frowned.

He knew that something must have happened!

Sure enough, as he approached the Peace Hotel, I saw a huge change here.

The glass windows and doors of the Peace Hotel are basically shattered, and the plaques of the hotel have also been torn apart. Even the walls of the restaurant collapsed, and a lot of broken stones and bricks were everywhere.

At the same time, I saw some hideous claw marks on the walls of the hotel, and even on the ground in front of the door.

These claw marks look like they were left by some kind of beast, and these claw marks are still very big, it can be seen that the size of the beast must be huge.

All these traces show that the Peace Hotel has been attacked!

After seeing all this, Zhang Yi couldn't help but look gloomy.

After he stopped the car, he quickly got out of the car and walked towards the restaurant. Jia Meng hugged Xiao Budian and hurriedly followed.

After entering the hotel, I saw a mess inside.

The tables and chairs were damaged a lot, and the dishes were all broken.

And I saw a beautiful female employee who just happened to meet her, it was Song Lin.

"Boss! You are finally back! This time is fine!"

Song Lin's anxious face quickly became calm after seeing Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is her backbone, and when she sees Zhang Yi, she will not come to feel at ease.

Zhang Yi asked:

"Have any of our people been injured?"

Zhang Yi's first sentence was not about the loss of property, but about the employee's situation first. Song Lin couldn't help but feel more moved.

Song Lin immediately replied:

"The injured have been sent to the hospital. There are our employees and guests. I went to the hospital to see them just now. Fortunately, none of the injured are in danger of life. It's just..."

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