Rebirth of the Comic Queen

Chapter 132: .Slippy ghost is robbed

Isn't this the young version of Grandpa Slider? ! How can it appear in other people's comics! ?

That's right, when I heard the cat Nanako recognized it at first glance, it was a young person's drawing of Nuliang, who was in the grandson of the slippery ghost that I designed for Ye Xijing.

Take a look at the introduction on the title page, the grandson of the slick ghost, created by the assistant of the original author of the **** of death Mao teacher and the new cartoonist Yun teacher!

Next, let Teacher Yun take everyone into a bizarre, magical and passionate world of monsters, a long scroll of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, which is slowly unfolding before everyone's eyes.

Hearing the cat Nanako raised his eyebrows, he immediately turned to the comic page of the grandson of the slick ghost.

Before the official plot began, the artist of the grandson of the slick ghost described the settings and systems in the comics one by one.

The monsters maintain the fear of their existence and power through the fear and cognition of human beings.

The protagonist possesses three abilities: Mirror Flower Water Moon, Mirror Water Stop, and Ghost Entanglement.

The character design of the protagonist Nuliang Lusheng, the character design of Yuyihu, the character design of Snow Girl and so on have been given the character design.

This is? Want to release all these settings and people in advance, so that everyone thinks this is your work? Xu Yunyun!

Listening to the cat Nanako, you don’t have to guess at all, you can know what is going on!

Xu Yunyun's sudden resignation before, originally made listening to the cat Nanako feel strange, and then the comic book of this wandering manga club has added a serial comic about the grandson of the slick ghost.

Assistant to teacher Mao, the original author of Grim Reaper, and teacher Yun, a cutting-edge cartoonist? Isn't that Xu Yunyun? !

It's really enough! I thought you had some irresistible external reasons that made you suddenly resign and move to another comics agency.

Who knows, it turns out that you made up your mind from the beginning, wanting to steal the cartoon of the grandson of the slippery ghost to get yourself on the altar?

If you stole my creativity and set personal settings, you still have the face to follow my name to attract popularity for you, Xu Yunyun, you are really a shameless and despicable woman!


Hearing that the cat Nanako smashed the manga book in his hand to the ground, the expression on his face was abnormally gloomy.

"Um, Nanako, are you okay?" This is the first time Tingmao Lingquan has seen Tingmao Nanako be so frustrated. One can imagine the anger in her heart.

Listening to the cat Nanako pursed her mouth and said, "I'm sorry, but I didn't control my temper for a while, I'm fine."

She leaned down and picked up the comic book again. "This so-called Teacher Yun is probably Xu Yunyun, right?"

Listening to the cat Nanako glanced at Ye Xijing, "Sister Ye Zi, before leaving, did Xu Yunyun peek at the picture of the person I drew for you?"

"Yeah." Ye Xijing nodded with a sad expression, and said in a low tone, "Some time ago, Xu Yunyun did come to me and asked me something about the grandson of the slick ghost.

Including the setting, the plot, and the personality, I thought she was also interested in this comic, and Nanako, you also told me that in the future, I will probably write this comic together with her.

So I told her everything. Whatever she asked, I told her what.

Who knows, in the afternoon of that day, Xu Yunyun resigned from the cat club. I didn't think much about it at the time, and I was even a little lucky.

Because as soon as Xu Yunyun left, the cartoon of the grandson of the slippery ghost became my work alone, right?

Unexpectedly, Xu Yunyun actually had such an idea. She joined the Wandering Manga Club the next day, and then started to draw comics based on the settings and person designs she had learned from me.

Oh oh oh, Nanako, I'm really sorry, I caused you and the cat club to lose such a good manga like Slippery Ghost. "

"Eh" Hearing the cat Nanako sighed helplessly, stepped forward and patted Ye Xijing on the shoulder, relieved her a few words.

"Sister Ye Zi, don't cry, don't have any psychological burden, it's not your fault.

After all, no one could think that Xu Yunyun would betray us.

And she has been my assistant for so long, no one could have expected that she would do such a thing, so I also have part of the responsibility because I was too negligent. "

Ye Xijing can’t be blamed for this incident. As the saying goes, it’s hard to guard against thieves by day and night. Xu Yunyun has been listening to the cat Nanako as a manga assistant for so long, so who would guard her?

Besides, when listening to Cat Nanako drew the sketches, settings and plots of the grandson of the slick ghost, he did not specifically avoid Xu Yunyun.

So this kind of unprepared emotion naturally infected Ye Xijing, so when Xu Yunyun asked Ye Xijing about the story of the grandson of the slippery ghost, Ye Xijing didn't think much about it, so he said everything. come out.

The comics' creativity, settings, and personal settings were stolen, and the Cat Club attaches great importance to this. After all, this comic is a comic that everyone is optimistic about.

To this end, Maomai Club has secretly spent a lot of time and effort to pave the way for this step of comics.

But before they had completed all the preparations to launch this comic, they saw it appeared in the comic book of another comic agency.

This kind of thing, in all fairness, think about it in another way, it is impossible for anyone to stand up to this kind of thing.

After all, I had prepared for so long and took a lot of thought to conceive a comic. It was originally planned to be a new work and boarded in my own comic book, and it became an instant hit.

Who knows, the peaches are picked off by others, and no one can stand it.

Ah, I worked so hard to plant a seed, and then took care of it, watered, fertilized, and dewormed. Finally, when it was harvest time, a thief suddenly appeared and picked the fruit.

If you change this kind of thing to a hot tempered person, you would have carried a knife and slammed into the Wandering Soul comics club, and found Xu Yunyun, the white knife went in and the red knife came out.

"Nanako, what do you think of this matter?" Listening Mao Lingquan asked suddenly.

Listening to the cat Nanako was taken aback, "Ah?! What do you mean?"

Listening to Mao Lingquan shrugged and said: "It means it literally, what kind of attitude and means do you think we should use to deal with this matter."

"Um" I heard the cat Nanako a little dazed, "I don't know, shouldn't this kind of thing be decided by the seniors of the cat club, dad?"

"It stands to reason, it is true." Hearing Mao Lingquan said, "However, if we follow the solutions we have discussed, we will immediately sue Xu Yunyun and Youhun Comics.

Suing Youhun Manga Club to buy Xu Yunyun and steal the cat teacher who copied our cat club, and Nanako your manga works.

This is the easiest, fastest and most effective method, but in this way, the Ghost Comic Club and Xu Yunyun may be over.

We still don't know the situation now, we only know that Xu Yunyun has stolen Nanako's cartoon creativity and character.

And whether there is any hidden information in it, everyone is not clear, perhaps the ghost comic club used some means to intimidate and lure Xu Yunyun to betray.

Or maybe it was Xu Yunyun who had some evil thoughts himself and stole Nanako's cartoons of your grandson of the slick ghost, and then jumped to the wandering manga club in an attempt to draw a **** through the grandson of the slick ghost.

If it is the former, then if you directly sue the Wandering Manga and Xu Yunyun, Xu Yunyun will have to bear the name of the plagiarist, and he may face jail. The Dragon Kingdom in this world has taken great efforts to protect intellectual property rights. Not only is there no piracy, but if malicious plagiarism or plagiarism is found in other people's works, the uncle of the police will come to the door to drink tea, or even be sentenced for serious cases!

Xu Yunyun has also worked in our cat club for a long time, and has always been your assistant to Nanako. There is hard work without credit.

And if in the latter case, Xu Yunyun took the initiative to steal the cartoon of the grandson of the slippery ghost and jumped to the Wandering Manga Club as his step into the body, then the situation is still the same.

After all, the Wandering Soul Manga Club may not know that Xu Yunyun's manga was stolen from Nanako, if you directly sue them.

Those who will bring irreparable loss to the prestige of the Wandering Manga Club are all those who run the comics club. Although they are opponents, they maliciously hurt others and slander others. I hear Mao Lingquan and Mao Mai clubs. Can't do it! "

Listening to the cat Nanako nodded secretly, no wonder Dad had to come here by himself, it turned out that it was because of these considerations.

Listening to Mao Lingquan is asking about listening to Cat Nanako's attitude towards Xu Yunyun. Although Mao Lingquan did not say directly, but listening to Cat Nanako can also understand that the possibility of the second one is higher.

After all, the comic about the grandson of the slippery ghost is still in preparation, and the cat club has not released any wind. How could the ghost comic club know this comic.

Taking a step back, even if the Wandering Soul Manga Club knows that there is a comic like the grandson of the slick ghost, they don't know the plot or any setting.

Would they spend a lot of effort to buy and threaten Xu Yunyun to steal such a comic that they don't know whether it can withstand the test of the market?

I am afraid not. The Dragon Kingdom in this world is very strict in protecting intellectual property rights. Any plagiarism and plagiarism will be highly valued by the relevant departments.

So, let alone the grandson of a slippery ghost, even if it is the **** of death who listens to the cat Nanako now serializing, the Wandering Soul Manga Club is estimated to be unable to make the determination to cross this thunder pond.

After all, the gain is not worth the loss. Yes, if you can plagiarize the **** of death, you can indeed make the ghost comic club stand out in a short time.

But if someone discovers plagiarism afterwards, the ghost comic club will instantly fall from the altar of the world, and will also be crowned with the hat of a plagiarism, such consequences, no matter which comic club can bear. !

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