(Please add a bookshelf, it's important for the data.) Also, in the early stage, because the protagonist has no memory, he will go through the original plot, but after Luo Yu, he will change it, and he will not always follow the routine. Please take a look at it patiently, please~~)

"I can't die yet, I haven't married you yet!"

Ma Xiaoling's face turned pale and fell into Guo Tianyou's arms.

Tianyou has experienced a lot of things, he was originally a crying man, and when he saw Ma Xiaoling like this, he finally couldn't control his eyes, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"We~ we still have to have a daughter

!" "The name is Tianya!" Ma Xiaoling said angrily, feeling that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and she was about to close her eyes completely.

"Xiao Ling! Xiao Ling!" Guo Tianyou gently shook Ma Xiaoling's body, trying to wake her up, "Don't leave me, we have gone through so many things, and we are finally about to enter the wedding hall, you can't leave me at this time

!" "As long as you believe in miracles, we will definitely meet again, just believe it, if you don't believe it, you must not do it

!" Ma Xiaoling exhaled heavily, and a smile was forced on her pale face, "Bad zombie, I'm sorry!"

Finally, Ma Xiaoling's hand slowly drooped.

Guo Tianyou felt the dissipation of Ma Xiaoling's breath, and could no longer control the grief in his heart, holding Ma Xiaoling's corpse, and slowly stood up.

"Why? Why do you do this to us?!"

Tianyou's eyes turned blood-red, and two zombie fangs grew out, looking very powerful.

The dignified red-eyed zombie was like a helpless child at this time, kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly.


" "Don't leave me!" At

this moment, above the sky, the moon turned blood-red, looking very strange.

Subsequently, a whirlpool formed in the entire sky, revealing a faint purple thunder, highlighting the extraordinary.


A bolt of lightning struck Guo Tianyou, and with his red-eyed zombie physique, he was knocked unconscious.


At the last moment when Guo Tianyou was sober, his hands were still holding Ma Xiaoling's hand, and he didn't let go.

"As long as Guo Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling are together, no matter what difficulties there are, we will overcome them, definitely!"

"Where is this?"

Tianyou's consciousness gradually came to his senses, he was sitting in a dilapidated room, looking at everything strange around him, but it was so familiar.

He only remembered that he and Xiao Ling, the United Human King, had finally destroyed their fate

! But Xiao Ling was seriously injured in the battle and died in his arms, and under his grief, he was struck by a purple thunderbolt, and then he came here!

"Is this heaven?"

Just as Tianyou was stunned, the door was opened from the outside, and a young woman who looked to be in her twenties, with a turban on her head, dignified and beautiful.

"You're finally awake

!" "Ah Xiu!!" Guo Tianyou's pupils shrank suddenly, and the person in front of

him was Ah Xiu! He finally remembered where this

was! This was in 1938, after destroying Kazuo Yamamoto's base camp, he was injured and exiled to Hongxi Village!

Why did he return here now?!

Just as he wanted to get up, there was a tingling pain in his chest, and Guo Tianyou couldn't help but exhale in pain

, "Ah!"

"You're seriously injured, don't move now.

Ah Xiu helped Guo Tianyou to lie down, and handed him the medicine, "Hurry up and drink the medicine, it's better soon."

"Thank you.

Guo Tianyou glanced at Ah Xiu with complicated eyes, but still took the bowl and drank the Chinese medicine.

"I want to be quiet, can you please go out for a while?"

"Okay, I'll go out first, and if you have something to call me."

Ah Xiu's eyes revealed a trace of love for Guo Tianyou, in this kind of war era, who doesn't like this kind of big hero?

After Ah Xiu walked out, Guo Tianyou lay on his back on the bed, with infinite doubts in his eyes.

What the hell happened? Why did he go back to 1938?

Could it be that fate has not been extinguished! Guo

Tianyou thought that the Holy Mother of Yaochi had used the three books to change the world and make them all forget their identities.

"How come?"

Guo Tianyou already doubted in his heart at this time, and he fell into the illusion again.


Just when Tianyou was in a hurry, a purple lightning flashed on his chest, which seemed to contain infinite power.

"It's... The lightning that struck me that day!All of this is real, not an illusion!"

Seeing this arc of electricity, Guo Tianyou finally confirmed that everything he had experienced before was true.

If this is not a dream, then he really returned to 1938, and there is still a year before he was bitten into a zombie by his generals.

"What the hell am I... What should I do?"

after making sure that this was not a dream, Guo Tianyou was caught in a dilemma.

Now that Tianyou knows what happened to him, if he wants to, he can completely avoid the generals, or even leave Hongxi Village, and completely escape the fate of becoming a zombie!

Is this really what he wants most in his heart?

He has too many people to care about...

If that happens, I won't know them anymore.

Especially, Xiaoling!

After experiencing so many things, Guo Tianyou is no longer the mother-in-law and mother character of before.

In his life, he has loved two women, the first is A Xiu, and the second is Ma Xiaoling.

Faced with Ah Xiu's death, he was very distressed and regretful, but he never thought of turning the other party into a zombie.

In the later dim life, he thought that he would go on like this, until he lost all hope and became a crazy zombie, and by chance, he replaced his grandson Tianyou's identity, walked in the sun again, and became friends with his grandson's partners.

It was at this time that he met the second woman he fell in love with in his life, and the woman he loved the most, Ma Xiaoling, a female celestial master.

Unlike Ah Xiu, when Ma Xiaoling was about to die, Guo Tianyou's heart was like a knife, and he only felt that he had fallen into the hell of Ah Nose, he had no way to watch her die, and chose to be willful once, to bite her into a zombie!

At that time, he completely understood one thing and recognized his heart.


at the simple roof, Guo Tianyou thought of Ma Xiaoling's voice and smile, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"There are also generals~" Thinking of this person who is also a teacher and friend, Tianyou's eyes became deep, and he didn't know how to treat the generals.


The new book sets sail, everyone, the data is really important, and how long the author can write depends on the amount of the new book. Let's move our little hands, click on a reminder, five-star praise, support the author~~

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