Lucky Star used yellow talismans to stack them, and at this time, Ma Xiaoling was controlled by the possession of early spring, and she couldn't swallow it when she was stuck in her throat.

"Water~water!" Ma

Xiaoling said as loudly as she could.

Guo Tianyou saw what Ma Xiaoling meant, and hurriedly ran to the lake on the side and scooped a handful of water with his hand.

hurriedly sent it to Ma Xiaoling's mouth, but before she could wait, water flowed out from between her fingers.

"Hurry up!"

Hearing Ma Xiaoling's urging, Tianyou simply didn't do anything, stuck his head into the lake, sucked a mouthful of water, and then turned around quickly, fixed Ma Xiaoling's shaking head with both hands, and his lips were directly pasted, crossing the water into Ma Xiaoling's mouth.

Ma Xiaoling has never kissed anyone since she was a child.

Besides, Tianyou's appearance made her a little overwhelmed and let the water enter her stomach.

Lucky Star finally swallowed it and played a role to knock Hatsuharu out of his body.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaoling also didn't care about settling accounts with Tianyou, and hurriedly released the divine dragon.

"Fight, fight, fight, all, array, column, in, front!

" "Ang~~"

The dragon groaned loudly, and the divine dragon flew out of the void, circling and flying towards the early spring, dispersing the resentment in her body.

Ma Xiaoling played a lucky star and included the early spring in it.

"Who killed you?" asked

Tian You.

"It's Kazuo Yamamoto!"

got the answer he wanted, and then Tianyou was relieved.

"Stinky policeman, you dare to take advantage of me!" Ma

Xiaoling raised her eyebrows and glared at Tianyou, and the magic wand came over.

"I'm here to save you, too.

Guo Tianyou hurriedly dodged left and right to avoid Ma Xiaoling's attack.

Ma Xiaoling is angry, and her subordinates are also measured, leaving room for every move, for fear that they will really hit Guo Tianyou.

"Forget it!"

Ma Xiaoling couldn't beat Guo Tianyou a few times in a row, but her anger disappeared a lot.

"Come with me.

Ma Xiaoling took Guo Tianyou to Chuchun's father and returned her clothes to her father.

"This is the clothes of early spring, we will overdo her, you can rest assured.

Seeing the old man's sad appearance, Ma Xiaoling was also uncomfortable.

As soon as he came out, he met Ah Ken who had been waiting outside for a long time, "Miss Ma, this is your three million commission and a discount card!"

Ma Xiaoling took the check, and after confirming that it was correct, she responded with a smile, "It's a pleasure to cooperate with you rich people."

"Excuse me, is your name called Domoto Shingo?" Guo

Tianyou looked at Ah Ken's appearance and guessed in his heart.

"Haha, the gentleman laughed.

Ken didn't answer.

Besides, Tianyou didn't know Mago Domoto, but he knew his son Shizune

Domoto! A powerful dreaming zombie!

I didn't expect that after Kazuo Yamamoto became a zombie, there would be so many chain reactions.

"Now that it's over, we're not going to linger here, goodbye.

After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she walked straight away, and glanced back at Guo

Tianyou, "Hey, Guo Tianyou, are you still leaving?"

Guo Tianyou followed.

Ah Ken looked at Guo Tianyou, and a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes, Guo Tianyou must also be

a zombie! And it is a second-generation zombie who was bitten by generals like Kazuo Yamamoto sixty years ago!

With him, maybe he can really kill Kazuo Yamamoto, so that he and the future can become ordinary people again.

Thinking of this, Ken couldn't wait to start preparing.

On the other side, Ma Xiaoling pulled Guo Tianyou to the peacock's temple.

"Master Peacock, you have always been compassionate, I think you should be very willing to help Chu Chun. The

peacock saw that Ma Xiaoling was begging for herself, and she also smiled, "Since you are so powerful, wouldn't it be good if you overtook her

?" "Why bother to come to the poor monk

?" "Hey, stinky monk, are you finished?" Ma Xiaoling was also angry when she saw the peacock holding on.

Originally, it was a peacock who robbed his own business, but now he seems to have done something angry and resentful!"

The peacock threw out his hole cards directly.

"I can give you half a million commission. Ma

Xiaoling took out these, which hurt more than cutting meat.

"Poor monk, don't!" Peacock refused directly.

"Hey, I can't imagine that you still have such noble sentiments!" Ma Xiaoling was a little surprised, this stinky monk actually didn't want commissions, that's the best.

But the next sentence made Ma Xiaoling instantly blew up.

"I want all the commissions

!" "You are shameless!" Ma Xiaoling turned around and left, "It's not a big deal if you don't exceed!"

The peacock also turned around and went back to the temple leisurely.

Seeing that he was still indifferent

, Ma Xiaoling had to speak, "One million!" "One and a half million! This is the most, and I want to return to the original

!" "Deal!" Peacock could see that this was already Ma Xiaoling's limit, and immediately agreed.

"Count you ruthless!" Ma Xiaoling wrote down a check and handed it to the peacock, along with the lucky star who received the early spring.

"I'm telling you, give me a good overdose, or I'll pluck out your peacock feathers.

"Amitabha!" The peacock's purpose was achieved, his hands folded, "The donor is kind and charitable, and the auspicious people have their own natural appearance!"

Ma Xiaoling couldn't listen to the peacock's words now, and turned her head away with a sullen anger.

Seeing this, Tianyou shook his head helplessly, it was always like this, it seemed that he had to talk about money in everything, and he was very cold-blooded.

But Guo Tianyou knows that none of these magic weapons used by Ma Xiaoling to collect ghosts are cheap, and sometimes he even has to put money into them.

"Wait a minute. Guo Tianyou stopped Ma Xiaoling.

"What's wrong? I'm telling you, I'm in a bad mood right now, so it's best not to mess with me!" Ma

Xiaoling said with a strong sense of resentment.

"You look back.

Guo Tianyou pointed to a place in the temple.

"What?" Ma Xiaoling turned to look, only to see peacocks and a group of children with schoolbags playing.

Guo Tianyou's voice came from the side, "The peacock is highly respected in the vicinity, not because of his ability to collect ghosts and catch demons, but because he has adopted many orphans, and he grabs that commission with you, also for this."

"I'm an orphan too, and I'll be happy if you give me this money."

Ma Xiaoling still said this, but the smile on her face betrayed her.

"Let's go, it's done.

"I just had a massive hemorrhage, and you're out of the car.


Before leaving, the two beckoned to the peacock.

The guy seemed a little embarrassed, and smiled at the two of them a little shyly.

"Alright, kids, wash your hands and go to dinner.

After taking the children down, the peacock held the lucky star in his hand, turned the rosary in the other hand, and recited the Buddha's name.

A golden light fell, completely overtaking the early spring.


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