When Ma Xiaoling returned home, she held the check in her hand and was very happy.

In her opinion, this money can be earned back by destroying a few more ghosts, but this is not only money, but also an "excuse" for her to continue with Guo Tianyou!

"Hey, what are you doing here at night?" Ma

Xiaoling was in a good mood and simply asked a few more words.

"No, I'm waiting for you, Master, you can take me as an apprentice!"

Jin Zhengzhong was instantly overjoyed when he saw Ma Xiaoling.

"I don't take disciples. When Ma Xiaoling heard this, her face turned cold, and she directly rejected Jin Zhengzhong's request.

"I'm very hard-working, and everyone is a peer...," Jin Zhengzhong said, but was interrupted by Ma Xiaoling.

"Don't confuse me with you, I've never lied to anyone!" Ma

Xiaoling teased, looking at Kim Zhengzhong with a playful look in her eyes.

"Eh~ Although this is indeed the case

" "But..."

"You take me as an apprentice, I know you think I'm useless and have no ability at all, but think about it, I can usually help you carry things and do coolies, it's okay!"

Jin Zhengzhong wanted to say something, but found that Ma Xiaoling turned around and looked impatient.

"Forget it, sorry to bother you. "

Kim Jong-jung is a little lonely and is about to leave.

"Wait a minute, do you really want to be my apprentice?"

Ma Xiaoling finally planned to give him a chance, like Kim Zhengzhong, if he did this business, it was really feasible.

"yes! I'd love to learn from you.

Kim Jung-jung hurriedly rushed forward and wanted to bow to his teacher.

"Wait, whether I will take you as an apprentice depends on how well you behave.

"Make a golden rooster and show me independently."

Ma Xiaoling ordered.

"Ah, Golden Rooster Independence!" Jin Zhengzhong couldn't react a little, but he still listened to Ma Xiaoling's words, landed on one foot, and raised his hands.

Seeing that the posture was standard, Ma Xiaoling went home and took a roll of toilet paper and wrapped it around his body.

"From now on, as long as you can make it to eight o'clock tomorrow morning, that is, ten hours, you will pass this level. "


!" Kim Jong-jung cheered himself up, "I can definitely do it!" "

Then I wish you all the best."

Ma Xiaoling no longer paid attention to Kim Zhengzhong's affairs, returned to her home, and closed the door.

It's not that she deliberately made things difficult for Kim Jung-jung, if she can't even do this in this business, then to face the ghosts is completely to send her to death.

After returning home, Ma Xiaoling washed up, changed into pajamas, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

In the dream, Madonna came again.

"Xiaoling, you're not well~"

Ma Danna could feel the change in Ma Xiaoling's mood, from the previous Gujing Wubo, to the current heart rippling and undulating.

"I~How can I be!" Ma

Xiaoling sat on the grass beside her, muttering.

"Do you still say no

?" Madonna seemed to see through everything, "Then you say, what's going on with that situation?"

"We're just ordinary friends."

Ma Xiaoling retorted, "Auntie, you also know, Peter is also my friend, what's wrong."

"He's not the same as Peter.

Madonna smiled, like a smiling tiger.

"You're too sensitive, auntie. In

a word, Ma Xiaoling didn't let go of her mouth when she was killed.

"Then why are you so close to him?"

"Well~ You know, I spent a lot of money, and my credit card was overspent recently, so I borrowed 300,000 yuan from him.

Ma Xiaoling told the money she owed.

"What? three hundred thousand!"

Madonna couldn't help but raise her tone.

"You girl, what do I say about you!" "

What can I do then?"

Ma Xiaoling shrugged her shoulders and said that she was also helpless, "Okay, I won't tell you, I have to get up early tomorrow and find a way to deal with Hungry Shura." With

that, Ma Xiaoling walked into the distance.

"Silly girl. Ma Danna looked at Ma Xiaoling's slightly stubborn back, couldn't help but smile, and sighed again, "It's really a bull temper with your aunt."

"But that's fine, at least someone can be there for you and take good care of you."

"Debtors and creditors, hehe, young people nowadays can really play!"

Madonna rubbed her chin and thought thoughtfully, "Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, it's not too early, I also want to sleep in my beauty sleep." "


The next morning, Ma Xiaoling packed up and planned to go to He Yingqiu's house to prepare equipment to deal with Hungry Shura.

After opening the door, I didn't expect that this guy Jin Zhengzhong had really been standing until now, Ma Xiaoling nodded secretly in her heart, at least the perseverance was not bad.

"Hmm, Master, I can pass the test!" Kim

Zhengzhong heard the sound of the door opening and immediately opened his worried eyes.

"Not bad.

Ma Xiaoling nodded slightly.

"Then I can take it off!" Kim

Jong-chung removed all the toilet paper wrapped around his body.

"Then come with me first.

Ma Xiaoling walked into the house with Jin Zhengzhong.

"How? Really going to go to the second level? I'm telling you, one level is harder than the other.

"Of course, it's all going on here, wouldn't it be a disadvantage for me to give up?"

Kim Jong-chung resolutely continued.

"Okay, that's what you said, let's go, come into the house with me.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ma Xiaoling's mouth and took the lead in walking in.

When Jin Zhengzhong saw Ma Xiaoling like this, he thought that he was going to run from time to time, and he had an affair.

"Wow, don't be so exciting, I was originally an apprentice.

Kim Jong-chung was talking to himself.

"Would you like to have some wine?" Ma

Xiaoling asked casually.

"It's okay to drink!

Kim Jung-jung sat on the sofa expectantly, fantasizing about what was next.


Ma Xiaoling brought over a glass of red wine, and Jin Zhengzhong did not hesitate to kill it in one gulp.

"The wine you drank just now was cursed by me, and after drinking it, you couldn't move for five hours, and you won't even blink your eyes.

Ma Xiaoling sat next to her, took another glass of wine and took a sip, and said slowly.

"What do you want to see? It's all my ghost hunting over the years, and if you're okay after watching it, I'll count you through."

"I'm not afraid!" Kim

Jung-jung watched the terrifying scenes on the TV and couldn't help swallowing his saliva, "This... I've even seen a hundred ghosts walking at night, what else is there to be afraid of

?" "Ping's mother, why are you here?"

Ma Xiaoling shouted deliberately.

"Ah~!Ping, don't kill me, I didn't kill you.

Kim Jung-jung shouted with a little crying.

"Mama Ping isn't here, what's your name, scared?" Ma

Xiaoling teased.

"No, I'm not going to be afraid. Kim

Jong-jung will not let go.

"Good luck with that.

After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she picked up her bag and walked outside.

Kim Jung-chung was left alone, unable to move, sitting here watching ghost movies.

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