"Love? What is Love? The

general continued to pour a sip of wine, leaned against the stele, and patted Riley's stele, "Tell me, what is love?"

"Do I love Jingle Bell or Nuwa?"

"Am I Jiang Zhenzu or a general?"

"What the hell am I going to do, who can tell me!!"

The general was restless for a while, turned into a zombie, with red eyes and fangs, and roared angrily in the sky, "Roar~!"

"Why are you playing with me like this?"



A man was dressed in a gray coat and sunglasses of the same style as Guo Tianyou, with a smile on his face.

After walking out of the airport, he then stretched his waist, "It's still the most comfortable air in China!" He

pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed, "Hey? "

Big brother, surprise!"

"I've returned to China, am I surprised, surprised, happy?"

"What! Did you go abroad?

Situ Fenren's face suddenly fell, "Okay, I originally wanted to give you a surprise, then you and your girlfriend have fun, don't treat others badly."

"Leave it behind."

Hang up the phone and throw it in your pocket, "Let's take a taxi yourself!" Stop

a car, "Master, go to Jiajia Mansion!"

"Okay!" The driver got out of the car and began to chat with Situ Fenren, "Young man, look at you like this, you just came back from a foreign country?"

"Master, how do you see that?"

Situ Fenren was also in a good mood, so he chatted with the driver.

"Look at you like this, you know that you are studying abroad, and the people who drink foreign ink are different and educated!"

The driver gave a thumbs up.

"Haha, master, you have won the prize." Situ Fenren was still a little embarrassed, "Now the domestic development situation is very good, no worse than foreign countries!"

"That's right!" The driver sighed, "There are really not many young men like you who can still return to China."

"Just take your time, our country will get better and better, and life will get better and better!"

"That's right, the lad said it well!"

The two chatted on the road, but it was quite pleasant.

I finally drove all the way to the outside of Jiajia Building.

"Master, fare." Situ Fenren handed over the money.

"No, those who return to China like you are for the benefit of the country, and the two of us are so close that we don't charge money."

The driver waved his hand again and again, not wanting to collect the money.

"Master, everyone is out to support their families, so there's no need to do this."

Situ Fenren threw all the money in the car and waved his hand to the driver, "Master, goodbye." "

Young man, you..."

The driver was also helpless, so he could only accept the money and leave.

Situ Fenren straddled the bag over his shoulder, carried the suitcase in his hand, and walked towards the Jiajia Building.

"Huh? Where does the eldest brother say the new home is?

Situ Fenren took out the message that Guo Tianyou sent to him before, because he looked down at his mobile phone, he didn't pay attention to the front, and suddenly collided with a person.


" Situ Fenren knew that he had bumped into someone, and he was a little embarrassed, so he hurriedly took down the bag, put it on the box, and bent down to help the person up, "This young lady, I'm sorry!" "

It's okay, it's okay."

Wang Zhenzhen had a very good temper, and when she heard Situ Fenren's apology, she forgave the other party directly.

Holding Situ Fenren's hand, Wang Zhenzhen stood up with the help of strength, looked up, and happened to be looking at Situ Fenren.


Situ Fenren looked at the face in front of him, feeling so familiar, so kind, and she was so cute~

"You're Situ Fenren, right?"

Wang Zhenzhen broke Situ Fenren's identity in one word.

On the contrary, Situ Fenren was surprised, "You know me?" "

Hmm." Wang Zhenzhen nodded happily, "I am friends with Tianyou, and he showed me your photos." "

Big brother, he... It really is. Situ Fenren laughed a little embarrassedly when he heard it.

"My name is Wang Zhenzhen, I wonder if Tianyou has mentioned you to me?"

When Wang Zhenzhen said it, she was a little embarrassed.

"The eldest brother told me that the fierce one is his girlfriend Ma Xiaoling, and the other one who seems to be gentle and kind is Wang Zhenzhen, right?"

Situ Fenren said with a smile.

"I'm not as good as I say."

Wang Zhenzhen said shyly, seeing the luggage behind Situ Fenren, "I'm sorry, I just talked and forgot that you still have so much luggage."

"I'll get it for you."

Wang Zhenzhen wanted to lift Situ Fenren's bag, but unfortunately, it was too heavy.

"Haha, it's okay, I'll just come by myself."

Situ Fenren picked up the bag and didn't mind.

"By the way, now that Tianyou is not at home, Fusheng went to Uncle Qiu again, I have a spare key at home, I will go and get it for you."

"Okay, I'm sorry for you."

Situ Fenren thanked.

"No, I'm the owner of Jiajia Mansion, and it's right to do these things."

The two walked into the elevator together, and Wang Zhenzhen looked at Situ Fenren next to him, feeling a little excited.

Tianyou really didn't lie to me, and he was really gentle!

No matter how you look at it, it's a good fit to be a boyfriend.

No, no, Wang Zhenzhen, what are you thinking! I haven't skimmed it yet.

"What are you going to do when you get back?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Situ Fenren said honestly, "But as long as you can help your eldest brother, it doesn't matter what you do."

"Your brother's relationship is really good." Wang Zhenzhen said enviously.

"It's the eldest brother who takes good care of me."

Every time he mentions Guo Tianyou, the corners of Situ Fenren's mouth will always be upturned uncontrollably.

Wang Zhenzhen went home and quickly took the key, and sent Situ Fenren to the door of the house.

After entering the house, Situ Fenren looked at the spacious new home and couldn't help nodding, the eldest brother is still quite good at picking places, I like it!

"I've heard Tianyou say that this room is what he has always left for you."

Wang Zhenzhen pointed to a bedroom and said.

"Thank you, Miss Wang!"

Situ Fenren thanked him again.

"You don't need to call me Miss Wang, it's too rusty, you came to Jiajia Mansion, everyone is a friend, and you will be like them in the future, call me Zhenzhen."

Wang Zhenzhen said.

"That's good, Zhenzhen."

Situ Fenren did not refuse.

"By the way, you just came back today, and Tianyou is not at home, so you might as well go to my house to eat."

After Wang Zhenzhen finished speaking, she felt that she was too enthusiastic, and explained, "Actually, I don't usually do this, because you and Tianyou are brothers, so I will be like this."

"Then I'll be respectful and obey my fate, my eldest brother said before, your cooking is delicious, and it just so happens that I have a good mouth."

"Okay, I'll go home and get ready now, and you'll come over for dinner later."

Wang Zhenzhen said a little apologetically, "It's just that there may not be Western food, I'm afraid it won't suit your appetite."

"How come, I'm also Chinese, how can I not get used to eating Chinese food."

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