Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1199: challenge

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In a long sigh of sighs, the force test was completed, all passed, and Zhao Yuande's thirty-nine-nine-dollar force successfully reached the top.

"Next is the test of qi..."

Aura is not weak for Zhao Yuande. He has an endless blood sea, and the aura has a vast storage, which easily passed the assessment.

As for the test of the following gods, naturally it is to test the soul!

He did not dare to expose all the powers of the gods and souls. With the experience of force testing, this time he successfully concealed the powerful gods and spirits.

The last four tests were completed, a total of 118 people passed the assessment and successfully obtained the qualifications of outside disciples.

Gongsun Ming gave Zhao Yuande a deep look. He had no way to keep him in the miscellaneous area, but he had a way to make him have no place in the outside door!

"Go! You guys, follow Master Deacon to the outer gate! When you arrive at the outer gate, you will be re-evaluated, and your cave house will be arranged according to the ranking of the evaluation, and resources will be allocated..." The old man said goodbye to everyone. Full of exclamation.

"Okay! Let's hurry up and practice, a few of our elder brothers!" The old man waved to several other old men.

Several other elderly people also sighed and hurriedly returned to their caves.

The road to cultivation is long, and these people do not know how many years they have lived, because they are limited to qualifications, and they are stagnant!

Nevertheless, they did not give up!

They knew that it would be death if they gave up waiting for them!

Only by continuously raising the level, Shouyuan will continue to rise, and only when it reaches the fairyland will it have a longer Shouyuan...

One hundred and eighteen disciple disciples, with the footsteps of Gongsun Ming, soon came to the disciples area.

At this time, a large number of outside disciples have gathered here. They are here to watch the excitement, and also to collect specific information about the promotion of outside disciples.

"Master Deacon!"

"Master Deacon!"


When these outside disciples saw Gong Sun Ming, all of them were wearing worship colors on their faces, and many of them were filled with emotion.

The deacon of Gongsun is really rising too fast, and some of them are disciples who entered the door with the deacon of Gongsun. However, due to the qualification problem, there has been no way to break through.

And others, at this time, have been promoted to fairyland and become a deacon above!

"Waimen disciples have their own cave mansion. The spirit of fairy spirit contained in each cave mansion is different. There are highs and lows. You need to pass a competition to sort out the ranking and start from the first. As long as you have enough power, you can challenge the outer disciples of any cave mansion. As long as the challenge is successful, the treatment given by the outer disciples’ cave mansion and even Zongmen will be replaced by you!"

Gongsun Ming explained to everyone while walking.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help feeling a headache for this rule. It seems that if he wants to choose a good cave, he must be prepared to be challenged at any time.

The outer door is really cruel, compared to the cruelty of the miscellaneous area countless times, perfectly interpreting the law of the fairy world respected by the strong.

"This competition is also very simple, that is, fighting, I will rank you according to your performance, as long as you are not satisfied with your ranking, you can challenge upward!" Gongsun Ming waved his hand, and a golden list appeared In the void, 118 names were recorded in order.

"This is your ranking, let's start challenging!" Gongsun Ming glanced at everyone, and then sat cross-legged.

Everyone looked at the ranking, and bursts of discussion broke out.

Zhao Yuande glanced at the top name, and it was himself!

He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, it seems that this Gongsun Ming really is looking for his own troubles. In addition to strength, his performance is quite satisfactory. According to the rationale, it should be shot at the eighth or ninth place, but now ranked first, instantly Become a public enemy.

There is no time limit for the challenge, and there is no rest in the middle. If Zhao Yuande only shows this strength, he will eventually be stepped on by everyone.

"I want to challenge you!" Soon the first person to challenge will come!

This man is called Fang Hongming. He has a powerful soul, surging spiritual power and good strength!

His ranking was originally in the ninth. When he saw that Zhao Yuande, who only knew brute force, ranked first, he couldn't help but rush up.

"Okay! Come on!" Zhao Yuande nodded lightly. He hadn't put these people in his eyes.

At this time, they were already in a huge cultivation square. This is the place where the disciples of the outside monastery would compare and compare on weekdays.

In just an instant, dozens of battles began!

"Zhao Yuande cheer!" Just outside of the disciples who were not far away at this time came a beautiful female voice.

Everyone's eyes gathered in the past.

I saw a girl with an exquisite figure, big eyes, and brighter eyes than the stars in the sky. She was beckoning Zhao Yuande.

"Well? Why did this woman know him?" Gongsun Ming looked up and found that the girl turned out to be Fan Ying.

The girl got the favor of Feng Jue Xianren and was accepted as a disciple, because she was well-behaved and obedient, and won the favor of Feng Jue Xian Ren.

Although the Fengxian immortal is a deacon like him, the other's cultivation is an immortal state, which makes him terrified.

The disciples of such people are better not to provoke themselves!

Although Gong Sunming wanted to make Zhao Yuande unable to get out of the door, it was only a small request for others, which belonged to him.

It is also because Zhao Yuande is just an insignificant little person. If it continues, it will affect his reputation and status in the sect, and he will give up without hesitation.

All the promises are for his own strength and service. He cannot provoke the Fengxianxian because of a small promise.

But no one can do anything wrong with this, if the other party can cope with the past, then forget it, if he can't cope with it, it's bad luck!

Anyway, I won't shoot again!

Zhao Yuande naturally also heard Fan Ying's cry and turned his head to nod and smiled slightly.

"Come on! Come on!" Fan Ying blushed, and she felt the gaze cast by the people around her, and her voice became thinner.

Not far from Fan Ying, Li Donglei and several outside disciples stood together, and his face was extremely gloomy.

"Why did Fan Ying pay so much attention to handy disciples?"

"It seems that between the two... Brother Li, you don't know it yet!"

"Brother Li, would you like me to teach you this kid and let him know that Fan Ying is your woman!"

"Hum! Look for death... I will peel him alive!" Li Donglei's eyes were burning with jealousy, and the whole person almost exploded. He glanced coldly at Yu Tong around him, and his voice became extremely cold. "Yutong, this is what you do, why is he still alive!"

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