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Although Zhao Yuande had already exploded all the strength of his body at this time, this black-scale dragonfly was so powerful that it swept across and carried a tremendous force, like a **** mountain crashing into it.

He just kept breathing, and his body flew out like a short-line kite.

However, Zhao Yuande punched a huge blood hole in the tail, so that the huge body of Molong Dragon Jiao seemed to swing in the void.

Zhao Yuande flew a thousand feet away, which stopped the trend of flying backwards in the air.


Mo Linlong Jiao saw that his tail did not kill Zhao Yuande, and his tail was hit hard.

The whole body suddenly turned red as blood, and the big sarcoma on the top of the head exploded at this moment, and a thick dragon horn was drilled out of it. A tremendous power made everyone feel chills.

Suddenly thunderclouds burst in the sky, and a thick thunder fell from the sky, splitting on the body of the Molong Dragon Jiao.

The Molong Dragon Jiao roared, roared upward, the huge body shrank, and became a dozen feet long, and the endless **** light rushed out from its body to fight against the looting of Heavenly Tribulation.

"Isn't it! It was promoted at this moment? It broke through the last shackles and changed from Longjiao to Jiaolong!" Zhao Yuande was a little speechless at this time.

Mo-scale dragon jiao This is to dive into a dragon. If it is a sacred beast after success, it is a powerful existence in the Emperor Realm.

Is it necessary to use the last killer as soon as you come up?

No way! Although the other party is powerful now, it is the weakest time in the Heaven Tribulation.

"Hurry up, otherwise it will be completed in a while, and no one can run away!" Zhao Yuande yelled at Song Xinyuan, and then rushed directly to the Molong Dragon Jiao.

Song Xinyuan looked at the figure of Zhao Yuande's no turning back, and he was very moved. He wanted to help Zhao Yuande to fight the Molong Dragon Jiao here, but if this group of siblings and sisters did not leave quickly, I am afraid that no one could run away after the Molong Dragon Jiao passed the sky. .

"Hurry up! Fly towards Molin City in the north, where there are powerful people from the Divine Emperor Realm!" Song Xinyuan shouted, and commanded many younger brothers and sisters to leave.


As soon as Zhao Yuande entered the thunder robbery of the Moscale Dragon Jiao, he was heavily bombarded by a thick thunder.

"Swallow me!" Zhao Yuande can't resist these thunders at this time, and can only urge the internal vortex to absorb them and transform them into the strength he needs.

The vortex desperately urged it to explode faster than usual.

Countless thunders that fell on him were sucked by the whirlpool whale, but they could not cause him any harm at this moment.

Zhao Yuande was overjoyed, and he knew that this was a sign that the vortex condensed by the Taoist tradition would increase.

"Beast, let me die!" Thunder can't hurt him, he no longer has to worry, his body swings like a real dragon, and he punches **** the head of the Moscale Dragon Jiao who is crossing the robbery.

The Molongosaurus is powerful and has thick skin, but it is in a catastrophe.

It was difficult to deal with the Heavenly Tribulation, and it was impossible to avoid Zhao Yuande's fist at all.


Zhao Yuande hit the Molong Dragon Jiao's head with a punch, and flesh and blood flew suddenly.


Mo scale dragon jiao originally had some difficulties in dealing with the Heaven Tribulation, plus Zhao Yuande, almost let it vomit blood.

This is not normal! Not at all normal!

Everyone else sees the Sky Tribulation and stays away. No one will rush to chase and kill themselves in the Sky Tribulation. This is counterintuitive!

He has been cultivating for thousands of years now, and he has been able to transform human figures, and he is even smarter than ordinary people. At this time, he is sad in his heart and almost wants to cry.

"Beasts eat me another punch!"

Zhao Yuande succeeded in a punch, and was immediately overjoyed. The flame of this punch spewed out, and a flaming phoenix hit his head fiercely.


What Zhao Yuande bombarded was the eyes of the Molong Dragon Jiao. This blow directly exploded its eyeballs, and the power of the horrible flame rushed into its body along the eye sockets, burning its sea-god spirit.


Moscale Dragon Jiao felt the huge pain from his eyes and almost let it faint.

It is extremely furious, and has no energy to fight against the Heavenly Tribulation. I am afraid that he will be killed by this human being before he has survived the Heavenly Tribulation.

As soon as it turned towards Zhao Yuande, it culled.

"Okay! Well done!" Zhao Yuande was not afraid, so he punched.

With the aid of the Heavenly Tribulation, he is confident that he can defeat his opponent.


As soon as he fought, Zhao Yuande was pumped away by the scary power of the Moscale Dragon Jiao.

The blood in his body was pumping, and he nearly shattered the whirlpool of madness.


Mo Lilong Jiao's hand flicked, turned into a blood shadow and rushed to Zhao Yuande again.

But it was at this time that several thick electro-optics were directly split on the body of the Molong Dragon.

The blood and flesh of the scaly dragon scales that smashed to the moment were blurred, and even the bones of Bai Sensen were exposed.

The huge body that was originally thrown in front of Zhao Yuande was twisted into a ball at once, and the blood rain sprinkled on the Great Lake without money.

After a commotion in the sea, countless huge heads came out and greedily sucked the blood spilled from the sky. These heads were actually a scaly dragon dragon.

These huge heads are not less than thousands. When they swallowed the blood, they all looked at the same kind of eyes, and the low roar made them gradually become irritable.

The war in the lake was on the verge.

"Good beast, let me die!" Zhao Yuandeqiang endured the blood and tumbling in his body, and culled again.

"Boom! Boom..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Yuande punched continuously, punching to the flesh, and the blood-splattered body of the ink-scale dragon jelly hit.

Large chunks of flesh and blood fell, causing a huge uproar in the lake water again.

The **** battle broke out in the lake instantly, and the roaring sounds became a piece. The whole big wave rolled and the blood stained the whole lake instantly.

"Roar!" Mo Linlong Jiao was almost killed by Zhao Yuande's series of stormy attacks.

It finally knew that it would be a dead end if he stayed here today and entangled with each other.

It swung down towards the Great Lake with a swing.

How could Zhao Yuande let it escape and hurried away.

One person and one dragon rushed directly into the great lake.

As soon as the Molong Dragon Jiao entered the Great Lake, he immediately entered the Dragon and returned to the sea. His speed increased several times, and he swam towards the dark bottom.


A scarlet electric light rushed into the Great Lake and directly chopped on the body of the Moscale Dragon Jiao, splitting its body into a stagger, and several bones were broken.

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