Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1229: Sect's Secret Realm

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"Brother Zhao, when do we start?" Sun Yang rubbed his hands, looking impatiently.

"We need to prepare a lot of accessories, some of which I carry with me, and the part underneath depends on Brother Sun!" Zhao Yuande brushed a list of five materials in a row, but took the list of the four spirits and shrines separately come out.

"The role of these four spirits of Shengzhi is to enhance Shouyuan. I can make food for about 1,000 years. It should be enough for three people to enjoy. If your Sun family has any predecessors that Shouyuan will do, you can find it." Zhao Yuande smiled faintly, and what he said really surprised and delighted Sun Yang.

"Thank you Brother Zhao! I thanked Brother Zhao for his extended life's grace for all the seniors in the family!" Sun Yang immediately bowed to Zhao Yuande deeply.

"This matter still needs Brother Sun to help me preach a little bit, but I can't divulge my identity." Zhao Yuande wanted to take this opportunity to sell his food square brand.

"Brother Zhao wanted to...?" Sun Yang's eyes lit up.

"Good! Open a gourmet workshop and earn immortal jade!" Zhao Yuande's face glowed with red, and he smiled, "My food is more powerful than the pill, and it can make people enjoy the appetite, or even bring their own materials for processing!"

"Good! Good idea! With Brother Zhao's craftsmanship, people will surely be forgotten!" Sun Yang clapped again and again.

"However, I still need the help of the Sun family. I want to open the food court next to your Wanxiang Tower. This will not only bring more business to Wanxiang Tower, but also allow the Sun family to shelter my food court. , 30% of the fairy jade I earned went to the Suns. What do you think, Brother Sun?" Zhao Yuande offered his opinion with a smile.

"This... good is good, but I can't fully rule this Wanxianglou, I still need..."

"Promise him." Just as Sun Yang spoke, an old voice came from his ear.

"Okay! The ancestor just spoke, and our Suns promised you!" Sun Yang was delighted when he heard the voice.

"Okay! Then we will discuss the details first..."

"Brother Zhao please say..."

Zhao Yuande formulated many regulations. Although Sun Yang did not understand the meaning, according to the advice of his ancestors, he agreed.

The first condition of Zhao Yuande is that whether the food court is open is up to him, and he only cooks food once a day.

Sun Yang then handed over several lists to the following people and asked them to go to various shops in Sun's house.

And Zhao Yuande also took advantage of this opportunity to ask Sun Yang about the Shen Tu family.

As the young master of the Sun family, Sun Yang naturally knew the information of the Shen Tu family.

Compared with what Sun Yang said, it was exactly the same as what Shen Zong said. It seems that Shen Zong did not deceive himself.

But he also didn't quite understand why the other party valued himself so much, and was able to take out such things as the fairy king treasure volume to lure himself.

Now that the authenticity of the other party's claim has been determined, Zhao Yuande feels that receiving the Xianwang Baojuan to help the other party should not suffer a loss. He decided to agree to Shen Zong's request.

It is not difficult for Zhao Yuande to make gourmet food. After a day and night, he walked out of Wanxianglou with satisfaction.

He made three kinds of food, pushed his realm to the top of the realm of the realm, and also understood the rules of the wind.

The elixir of Fengleihua is really too precious. Although it is still a fairy medicine, it is extremely difficult to find. It can be said that it is priceless and marketless.

Moreover, the food produced by Feng Leihua is also very strange, which should contain two rules. If one person enjoys the food, one person can understand these two rules, but if two people share it, it is one person.

Zhao Yuande comprehended the rules of wind, and Sun Yang comprehended the rules of thunder.

Zhao Yuande did not increase the strength of the flesh, but used all the strength to warm up the first star. Now the first star has gradually begun to become dazzling!

However, there are two remaining foods that have not yet been made, that is, the four spirits and the Taoist liquid.

Sun Yang intends to let the three old people who are close to him come to increase his life.

The Taoist Liquid waits until the cultivation enters the bottleneck, and then it will not be wasted if it is used again.

The huge publicity offensive will also be launched after the three family elders take it.

None of this needs Zhao Yuande to worry, he just needs to make food with confidence and earn Xianyu.

Zhao Yuande did not return directly to Dongfu, but went to find a master.

"Tu'er, you just happened to have a headache because the teacher has recently taken a panacea. Look at this panacea..."

Zhao Yuande was arrested by Master Zhong Wuliang as soon as he arrived, and he helped him study Danfang.

Zhao Yuande had the ancient Danfang in hand, and almost ninety-nine of the Danfangs in the heavens and the earth were all recorded on it, so he quickly helped the master to find the defects and successfully helped the master refining successfully.

"Master, I have now reached a bottleneck in my cultivation, and my understanding of various rules is not smooth. Do you see any good solutions?" Zhao Yuande finally had the opportunity to ask his own question.

"You... your kid is already the pinnacle of the realm of the realm! How did you practice?" Until now Zhong Wuliang only saw Zhao Yuande's cultivation behavior, and was almost shocked to drop all the potions in his hands to the ground.

The eyes of Li Meier on the side are even more splendid, and he can be promoted from the field to the peak of the field in just one or two months. How bad is this person?

There must be many secrets in him!

"Cough! Master, I have reached this level of cultivation, and I don't know why!" Zhao Yuande can't say in front of Li Meier. The secret of food can only temporarily hide this matter from the master and wait until there is a chance. Explained to him.

"Okay! Everyone has their own secrets, and I don't have to ask too much!" Zhong Wuliang nodded and did not delve deeper, but continued, "In fact, there are various secret realms in our sect that can make you feel the rules. , The rule is even the avenue. Of course, it takes a lot of resources to open these secret realms, so the price is ridiculously expensive."

"Oh! There is still such a place?" Zhao Yuande heard it, and he was immediately energized. If there is such a place, as long as he can really quickly understand the various rules, he will not be distressed as much as the fairy jade.

You know, the time is too tight for him. He needs to enter the twelve ascendant city before he ends, one by one to find those who have harmed themselves, and let them regret their decision!

At least to reach revenge, he also needs to reach the fairyland. Only when he reaches the fairyland, he can have the confidence to fight the endless black prison, and have the confidence to sweep all the evil spirits.

But there is not much time left for him now.

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