Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1232: Ten days and ten nights

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"Senior? Senior? What are you smirking about?" Zhao Yuande looked at the old man in front of Xianjun and couldn't help but speechless for a while. This guy had been smirking for a while, wondering if he was daydreaming and broke through the fairy emperor realm!

"Cough! It's okay, it's okay!" The old man also felt that there was something wrong with him.

"Boy, what other rules do you want to comprehend?" The old man had a longing in his eyes. He wanted to see what kind of miracle Zhao Yuande could create?

"Since today, I won't leave the fairy jade without spending my body!" Zhao Yuande directly threw out ten million high-quality fairy jade.

"This..." The old man froze directly. It seems that this kid didn't scare me to death today, but he refused to give up!

"No, I will immediately notify the ancestor of this matter, so that the ancestor will also be frightened!" Watching Zhao Yuande stepping into the door of time, the old man felt that his heartbeat was a little faster.

"Jin Yuanzi, what the **** happened?" Soon a voice came into the old man's ear.

A figure appeared in the void and was also an old man, with a goatee upturned, which seemed like an old country man.

This is the Fairy Fairy Emperor!

"Master Zu! The kid you mentioned just arrived..." Jin Yuanzi immediately respectfully told everything to Juexian Emperor.

"Oh! To know that this kid has reached the Emperor Realm in the lower realm, and it is also expected that he can understand so many rules thoroughly. Don't worry about him, let him understand it!" The Jade Emperor said lightly.

"However, the rules and rules of the lower realm are very different from the fairy world. This person can understand these rules in such a short time, and it is already an absolute demon!" Jin Yuanzi said.

"Good! This person is the Chaos Eucharist, known as the third physique of the heavens and the world. Can you say that he can not be evil? From then on, your character is to protect his safety. If he can grow up in our Xuanji Sect, Arise, in the future our Xuanji Sect will inevitably reap his friendship. Do you know how many other identities he has?" Jue Xian Emperor said.

"Zhou's reincarnation, I can't see this, I don't know if he is hiding or has..."

"He died and died, and I don't know what method to survive. It should be no longer the reincarnation of Zhou! But his other identity is the disciple of Zhang Ling, the heir to Bajing Palace! You know what it contains This kind of meaning!"

"Know that..."

Between the two chatting, they suddenly saw the light door representing the rules of time flash, and Zhao Yuande collapsed in one step.

"Fivety-eight breaths! This..."

Zhao Yuande didn't stop, turned and walked into the next light door, representing the light door of the space!

"Forty-nine breaths...Nima, this is so ridiculous!" Jin Yuanzi couldn't help twitching his mouth, even swearing.

"Calm! Calm! You are an immortal monarch!" Although Juechen Immortal Emperor was surprised in his eyes at this time, his face was still old.

As soon as Zhao Yuande turned around, he entered the light gate representing samsara.

"He... what is he going to do! This is not possible! The door of reincarnation for millions of years, no little guy in the realm of the realm can realize it, and they will only enter the enlightenment after they reach the fairy realm..." The Jade Emperor was dumbfounded.

"Yes! Even if I am, I don't understand the rules of reincarnation now. If he succeeds, it doesn't mean that I'm a fool!" The scarab's mouth grew unbelievable!

"Cough! I'm gone, I can't stand this blow!" Jue Chenxian Emperor felt that if he watched here again, he would be blown away!

You know, when Juechen Immortal Emperor realized the rules of reincarnation, he fully realized an hour in the Gate of Light!

If he was not the master of Xuanji Sect at the time, I am afraid that he would be ruined!

He was afraid that Zhao Yuande would have realized it after dozens of breaths, wouldn’t he be a fool!

"Er! Ancestor walks slowly!" Jin Yuanzi showed an awkward smile on his face, he just couldn't go, otherwise he didn't want to be hit!

"You... came out? Was it successful?" Jin Yuanzi saw Zhao Yuande walking out of the reincarnation door and hurried up,

Because at this time Zhao Yuande was full of big men, his face was full of weakness, as if fighting against the people for ten days and ten nights.

"I finally realized it, and I will reach the limit if I don't realize it!" Zhao Yuande walked out and lay down on the ground, wearing a gruff mouth and a ugly face.

"You...really..." Jin Yuanzi didn't believe it, staring at Zhao Yuande with both eyes.

"Really!" Zhao Yuande said these two words weakly and passed out.

"One hundred and forty-eight breaths, this demon! Why didn't Tian Lei kill him directly!" Although Jin Yuanzi said something unpleasant, he still hurried forward, and the powerful fairy power poured into the other's body, but He found that Zhao Yuande's body was full of blood and full of spiritual power, but his spirit was weak. "It turns out that the spirit of the soul is very consuming. I can't help it. You can rest yourself!"

So far, Zhao Yuande has realized ten rules of five elements, wind, thunder, time, space and reincarnation in just a short time!

He was really excited. He was able to understand so many rules in a short period of time. This has exceeded his tolerance limit. If his soul is not strong enough, I am afraid that the sea of ​​knowledge has already exploded!

"The kid is too greedy, you will have nothing to do again in a few days, and now you are hurting the soul and deserve it!" Jin Yuanzi placed Zhao Yuande on the stone platform he practiced, and there was a trace of gloating in the corner of his mouth.

If Zhao Yuande saw it, he would definitely scold the old guy for gloating.

I don't know how long it took before Zhao Yuande woke up dizzy.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the rickety old man.

"Senior, how long have I slept?" Zhao Yuande touched his still-painful head and couldn't help but speechless.

He thought he was a super genius and never thought of reaching the limit.

Especially when he finally realized the rules of reincarnation, it seemed that he could experience countless reincarnations in just one hundred and forty-eight breaths, making his head seem to explode.

If it were not for him, he would definitely fail in the end!

Next time, it will be really memorable. When comprehending various laws, you must take your time slowly.

"It only takes ten days and ten nights!" Jin Yuanzi said lightly.

"Ten days!" Zhao Yuande was shocked. He hadn't fully recovered after ten days of sleep. How tired he was this time!

"Good! Ten days! After you go back, you must not be able to say this time, otherwise your cultivation may be very easy to attract other sect hunts!" Jin Yuanzi's expression became very solemn.

"Seniors, rest assured, I'm close to my life! Goodbye!" Zhao Yuande waved at him and turned away.

"Hey! Boy, the fairy jade you gave me is not enough, it is more than one million!" Jin Yuanzi suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted.

"Senior, I have consumed so many immortal jade here at once, you give me a discount!" Zhao Yuande walked faster and faster, and when he said the last word, people had stepped into the teleportation array and disappeared .

"Your kid!" Jin Yuanzi gasped his beard and glared. "I don't believe you will not come next time, and I will let you make up next time!"

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