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"This son, can you give me a thin face and let this person go." Lord Luo Cheng turned his head and looked at Zhao Yuande again.

In fact, Lord Luo's heart was twitching constantly!

It was a fool of himself that the dignified city master bowed his head in front of the two Maotou boys.

But there is no way, the other party obviously has a great future, he can't provoke!

"Uh!" Zhao Yuande hesitated slightly.

"Okay! Now that the Lord of the City said so, I will spare him!" Zhao Yuande let go of his hand, but he kicked it between the man's lower abdomen.

"Bang!" This person seemed to be a ball rolling down beside Jin Qing.

"Ah! You... you abandon my sea of ​​blood!" Zhou Qiang's fingers trembled and pointed at Zhao Yuande, his eyes showing a vicious light.

"Humph! It's good to spare your life!" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Jin Qing was suddenly furious, and why would a waste be used to kill him?

The other party was just stepping on his face, and still ruined his face fiercely.

In the cyan world above him, a cyan real dragon jumped out, and the real dragon roared towards Zhao Yuande and spit out a huge column of water!

"Brother Jin! Today is the day of my great joy, just give the little brother a face!" A figure appeared silently in front of Zhao Yuande, his sleeve lightly flicked, and the huge water column washed up into the sky and turned into mist.

At this time, the sun was shining like fire in the sky, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in midair.

The original killing turned into a beautiful landscape.

There was a round of applause immediately.

"Good means! Really good means!"

"This kind of control over the law of water is simply fascinating and amazing!"

"It's worthy of being the first person outside Xuan Jizong, Li Jingyang!"


"Okay! Since Brother Li spoke, I will spare him!" Jin Qing looked at the other party and could only stop.

Today, if I don’t give face to face, I’m afraid it won’t take many days. In comparison with outside disciples, I don’t have a face, and the opponent will definitely target myself.

"Forget me?" Zhao Yuande sneered. "Don't put gold on your face. Today you picked a small life. Thank you, Brother Li!"

"You..." Jin Qing was the grandson of the elders, and even the inner disciples in Zongmen had to give him some face, but he never expected to be ridiculed here.

"Huh! What am I! As a disciple of Xuanji Sect, you colluded with robbers and robbed everywhere. You still have reason!" Zhao Yuande snorted coldly.

Hearing this, everyone immediately turned their eyes to Jin Qing!

Ning Xin, in particular, stepped back a few steps and looked at Jin Qing with an incredible face.

"You... you dare to talk nonsense, believe me or not to destroy your Nine Clan!" Jin Qing felt something bad.

You should know that Xuanji Sect is an authentic Xianmen, colluding with bandits, but it is forbidden. If this matter is true today, he may be punished by Zongmen.

"Threat me? Jin Qing, you don't have this qualification yet, but a grandson of a district elder!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"Jin Qing, can this be true?" Li Jingyang's face sank suddenly.

He is a disciple of the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall, as long as he is promoted to the Emperor Realm, he will directly enter the Law Enforcement Hall. If the other party really colludes with the bandits, he must not be light.

"Brother Li! I can't listen to his nonsense!" Although Jin Qing was angry and ridiculed by Zhao Yuande, he knew that the matter was prioritized. Instead of refuting Zhao Yuande first, he hurriedly explained to Li Jingyang, "I am a disciple of Xuanji Sect, and more It’s the grandson of the elders. I have enough resources to cultivate. What reason do I have to collude with bandits?"

"Humph! Just sophistry!" Zhao Yuande turned to look at Lord Luo, pointing at the desperate Zhou Qiang on the ground, and smiled lightly, "This person is a bandit, Master Lord will not know it!"

"This..." Luo Cheng's face was tight, and there was no sound in his heart.

He knew that his son-in-law was an upright character, and he was a disciple of Xuan Jizong’s law enforcement hall master. If he knew the matter, he must take care of it.

And as long as he admits himself, the grandson of the elder Kim is convicted of collusion with the bandits.

This can be regarded as offending the elder grandson!

But if you don't say it, your son-in-law's personality must be investigated thoroughly.

How can Zhou Qiang bear the means of living in the law enforcement hall, he will soon confess, then he can be considered not a person at home and abroad!

"Yes! This person is indeed a robber. I have paid attention to him before, but I haven't moved him because I haven't caught the real evidence! Today, if this son is willing to testify against him, I can fully confirm it!" Luo Chengzhu pointed out With Zhou Qiang, a great voice of Ling Ran.

"City Master Luo, be cautious and don't forget your identity!" Jin Qing's face changed, and he was not so polite to this City Lord Luo. The other party was just a small city master, and his grandfather could crush a large area.

"Jin Qing, are you threatening my father-in-law?" Li Jingyang was furious and his eyes glared at each other.

"Brother... Do you still believe me?" Jin Qing jumped in his heart and forgot the relationship between the two.

"Okay! You colluded with the bandits and waited to return to Zongmen to accept the punishment from the Law Enforcement Hall!" Li Jingyang looked cold, and did not give the other party a face.

"Good! Good! Li Jingyang, don't think I'm afraid of you, let's wait and see!" Jin Qing no longer concealed his anger, and his brother became Li Jingyang.

"Come on! You are no longer welcome here!" Li Jingyang's eyes froze, and a breath of killing emanated from his body.

"Kick kick!"

Jin Qing was forced to retreat more than a dozen steps by this kind of breath, and then he settled down.

Zhao Yuande was shocked when he felt the killing spirit.

This person has definitely gone through endless killing, otherwise how could he have this murderous spirit!

Even if this person is so powerful, he is a little shocked. There is such a figure among the disciples!

He didn't dare to say a word any more, glanced at Zhao Yuande fiercely, and then set his sights on Ning Xin, who was standing aside and watching the lively Ning Xin.

"Sister... let's go!"

"Oh! Brother, I still have something to do, you go first!" Ning Xin didn't even move her feet, just waved at her.

"Sister..." Jin Qing wanted to say something, but found that the other party ignored him, but walked to Zhao Yuande with interest.

"Hey! You're strong, why don't we discuss it?" Ning Xin's eyes shone brightly, and a pair of jade-like hands kept rubbing, which seemed a bit impatient.

"This..." Zhao Yuande felt a little speechless. This Ning Xin seemed a bit of a fighting madman. Looking at his own eyes seemed to see the prey, which made him feel uncomfortable.

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