Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1419: Four hundred seventy two

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"Brother Zhao?" Sun Yang didn't understand what Zhao Yuande asked him to stay.

"We ate the icefield bear first, so that your physique will be a step higher and the winning rate will be higher!" Zhao Yuande blinked at him.

"Yes!" Sun Yang's eyes lit up.

"Come on! Let's talk about entering the inner world." Zhao Yuandela took him into the other side of the world together.

Many people were not surprised to see Sun Yang and Zhao Yuande disappear.

No one has a secret. Under the eyes of so many people, many methods cannot be used. It is safest to enter the world of the body.

"How confident are you this time?" Zhao Yuande, who entered the other world, looked at Sun Yang.

"There should be 60% to 70% sure!" Sun Yang thought for a moment. "The other party is also one of the descendants of Baidi Palace. I dare not say that 100% can win him!"

"Well! Sixty-seven percent! It's not bad, but we have to take precautions, for example, he hides some cards!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "If you say your shortcomings, the defense is enough now, and the attack power is also fair. It's just that the speed and the spirit of the gods are a bit inadequate, otherwise we will not wait for the basalt blood **** stone. I think this blood **** stone is more suitable for you."

Zhao Yuande took out a blood **** stone and placed it in his palm.

"This blood **** stone is good... It seems that there is a hint of faint spirit in it!" Sun Yang carefully felt the breath in the blood **** stone.

"Well! This blood **** stone is a blood dip of an ancient **** called the true spirit. It has a powerful spirit, and it should greatly increase your soul and realize a certain way about the soul!" Zhao Yuande introduced.

"This..." Sun Yang hesitated first, but quickly nodded, "Okay! Everything is worth it to overcome the daytime scream!"

"Well!" Zhao Yuande nodded and smiled.

As long as he can overcome the daytime tsunami, Sun Yang's self-confidence will be erected. It is inevitable to make rapid progress in practice. Self-confidence is more precious than a Xuanwu Avenue.

At this time in the first palace, Xiao Xiao was fighting with a powerful archaic creature, phantom.

Archaic creatures have nine heads with phantom shadows. The huge flesh is tens of thousands of feet tall. Each head is sprayed with powerful forces of different colors.

At this time, the daytime scream also turned into a giant of thousands of feet, and the battle with the ancient creature's phantom fell into fierce heat.

Although Archaic Biological Shadow is not particularly strong, but its huge body vitality is extremely tough, no matter what terrible moves and how powerful the day screams use, the other party will not die.

During the day, Xiao Xiao gradually learned at this time, this is not anxious, take it slowly!

These twelve levels test a person's comprehensive strength, and it is not as simple as being able to kill one in a box.

His heart quickly got rid of those impetuousness, and began to constantly try to use various methods to weaken the other party's strength, consuming the other party's vitality a little.

Time passed quickly, Zhao Yuande and Sun Yang reappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Everyone immediately felt the difference of Sun Yang, a mysterious and powerful breath diffused from his body, giving a strong sense of oppression.

"Is he really hurt before, but is he recovering now?"

"The breath on him has changed, and I don't think it's lost to the daytime scream!"

"It looks like a good show is about to be staged!"

"I used to think that the daytime screams will definitely win, but I didn't expect..."

"It finally became interesting..."


These onlookers began to have little confidence in Sun Yang at all. They felt that Sun Yang's chance to win the daytime wolf was almost non-existent.

But seeing Sun Yang's current state, the balance in their hearts also began to tilt!

At this time, the sorrows of the younger brothers and sisters all showed dignified colors on their faces, and they all looked at Sun Yang in a strange way.

Even if there are always some young people who have fan strategy in the city, his face is very unsightly at this time, he knows that the other party is a mischief, but there is no way to do it!

"Second Brother, you said this time..." said the woman in the red suit with a solemn expression.

"Hey! I don't know!" The young man holding the fan shook his head gently.

"If the big brother really loses, will he be angry with you, I think we still... leave this first!" The woman in red pulled his arm.

"Hmm! How is this?" The young man with a fan hesitated.

"Brother Tantrum comes up, and no one can stop him! If he loses, he will lose face, and by then you may be the first to suffer such an idea!" The woman in red persuaded.

The young man with a fan knows that the woman in red is not alarmist!

"Wait a moment, don't worry now, I still believe in the strength of the master!" The young man with a fan nodded.


"Okay! Brother Sun! Let's let Xiao Xiao lose all the light during the day and let him leave here naked!" Zhao Yuande patted Sun Yang on the shoulder and nodded to him.

"Haha! Good! Xiaoguang **** during the day, it is very exciting to hear!" Sun Yang laughed, looking a little crazy, walking towards the first palace.

"Hey! You can finally rest assured!" Zhao Yuande's face smiled with relief.

The blood **** stone just now allowed Sun Yang to realize the Thousand Soul Road of the Ancient Demon Avenue, which caused Sun Yang’s soul to explode several times and reached the peak strength of the Divine Emperor!

And the physique of the flesh is also constantly improved under the moisturization of the flesh and bear of the mutant icefield bear!

You know that the Icefield Bear mutated by consuming a drop of blood from the Chaos Giant Clan, so the mutant Icefield Bear's flesh contains a trace of Chaos Giant's power!

This time Zhao Yuande's harvest is also very large, his third star is about to open.

At that time, if he tried harder, he might be able to start it, but because of Sun Yang's relationship, he still forced to hold back.

Soon after Sun Yang walked into the first palace, a bright brilliance suddenly appeared in the palace.

This kind of brilliance rushed into the sky, as if a sky sword was directly inserted into the sky.

"What's the matter? Why is there such a vision?" Many people's faces showed incredible light.

"Look, look, there is a change in the ranking of the jade jade outside the palace!" someone screamed, pointing at the jade jade outside the palace.


Everyone watched around Jade Bi.

"Look here, the daytime screams entered 472!"

"What! No one can enter the 500 in tens of thousands of years. Although it is only 472 now, it is compared with many sages and many ancient powers!"

"This is the historical ranking! Among the millions of geniuses since the founding of the Zodiac, it can be ranked in the top 500..."

"You must know that the current Emperor of Spiritual Deficiency was only four hundred and sixty-one. Look here!"

"Huh! Why can't we see the names of the first four hundred, just a blur?"

"As long as someone enters the top three hundred ninety-nine, the name will appear within the top three hundred! And if you want to see the top ten, you need to enter the top ten!"


Many people pointed at Jade Bi, and there was much discussion.

Many people just thought that Sun Yang had a chance to overcome the daytime scream, but at this moment their confidence was shaken again!

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