Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1445: Ghost three-headed vulture

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He felt the other party's intention to draw together, but he did not intend to agree, and the things he needed now could not be given to the other party.

Although Sun Yang knew that Zhao Yuande would not answer the party, he was still very touched when he heard his words.

But An Yunlan on the opposite side was not able to offend him, so with a smile on his face, he said half-jokingly, "An fairy, you are too much!"

"Hehe! Brother Sun, don't mind!" An Yunlan didn't feel embarrassed when she heard Sun Yang say this, and she smiled slightly, "Why don't we set up an alliance with your Sun family?"

The Peerless Immortal Emperor is not an ordinary Immortal Emperor Powerhouse. There are only eight in the Central Immortal Territory, and it is still the Eight Great Immortal Emperors. There is no such Emperor Emperor in other continents.

One of the five major forces in Baihezhou, like the Sun family, is only an old ancestor with a peak in the mid-term of the Xiandi Emperor. The entire Baihezhou may only have a strong man in the late Emperor.

If this immortal emperor could grow up to be an extraordinary emperor, Anjia would retreat to the alliance with the Sun family, and Zhao Yuande would reap great benefits after he really grew up.

"This matter still needs the ancestors to make a final decision, but the ancestors will definitely be very happy with the alliance with Anjia!" Sun Yang's face suddenly showed surprise when he heard the other party's words.

"Since Master Sun Shao agreed, then this matter is so settled! I go out and discuss with my mother, I believe that in a few days the family will receive good news!" An Yunlan smiled.

When everyone looked at Sun Yang, they couldn't help but show jealousy and envy!

Being able to become Zhao Yuande's brother, this person is really shit!

Not only did Cultivation rise as a rubbing rub, but even the mortal injuries were completely healed, and now it is also linked to the super family of the central fairyland of Anjia!

The people of Shen Tujia are also very excited about this matter. Sun Yang is their son-in-law of Shen Tujia. The relationship between Shen Tujia and Sun Jia is also an alliance. Since Anjia and Sun Jia want to form an alliance, naturally the joining of Shen Tu family is indispensable!

With Anjia's presence, they no longer have to look at Baidi Palace's face in Baihezhou!

"Brother Zhao, shall we continue the second hurdle?" An Yunlan looked at Zhao Yuande, his eyes showing expectation.

"Okay! I mean that too!" Zhao Yuande nodded, then turned to look at Sun Yang Road, "Brother Sun will continue to run?"

"Yes! I think that according to my strength, I should be able to reach the seventh level!" Sun Yang is also confident!

"Maybe after going through the following four levels, your strength will be improved again, and maybe you can get through the eighth level!" Zhao Yuande encouraged.


Seeing that Zhao Yuande was so confident, and as they said, they all got a certain benefit after breaking through the border, and everyone on the scene started to move.

Many people took their steps and walked to the Trial Palace.

As soon as Zhao Yuande entered the second palace, he suddenly discovered that he appeared between picturesque landscapes.

The place where I am is on a high mountain. A white light curtain covers the whole mountain. This is the safety zone.

While Zhao Yuande was observing the surrounding terrain, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, covering the blazing sun, and a strong odor of odor entered Zhao Yuande's nose.

He couldn't help looking up, only to see a violent bird in the sky appearing in the sky. The violent bird had three huge heads, two pairs of huge flickering black flesh wings, and two pairs of sharp claws flickering in the cold light.

This fierce bird is like a huge bat, but the body is covered with soft black feathers, especially three heads. The one in the center seems to be a golden Dapeng. Shine.

And on the left is a black vulture head with bright black hair, a pair of eyes full of fierce and sharp light.

The one on the right seems to be a human head, but the skull is covered with purple big bags. Under the big bag, it seems to contain nauseous pus.

"Netherworld three-headed eagle phantom, third-grade fairy beast, born under the Nine Nether, was transformed into a body by the Nine Nether Demon God, extremely fierce..."

Xiao Jin, who had been standing quietly on the shoulder of Zhao Yuande before, saw the body of this ghostly three-headed vulture, and couldn't help but shake his eyes, as if seeing the facts that made it unacceptable.

"Tweet! Tweet!" Its cry made people feel sour in their hearts.

"Does the head in the middle have anything to do with your golden-winged Dapeng family?" Zhao Yuande suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't help asking the little guy.

"Tweet!" Xiao Jin understood Zhao Yuande's words and lightly tapped his little head, his sad eyes showing in the golden eyes.

"Hey! It's a pity it's just a phantom!" Zhao Yuande sighed softly.

"Tweet!" Xiao Jin's constant tweets seemed to be talking to Zhao Yuande.

Although Zhao Yuande didn't understand this language, the two people had the same heart and quickly understood what the other side meant.

Xiao Jin said that although this is just a ghost image, it is an ancestor that simulates it, the first ancestor Jin Peng. If that brain can obtain and refine the energy in it, I am afraid it will have a huge effect on its growth.

"Haha! Xiaojin, don't worry, since this is the case, let's work hard!" Zhao Yuande looked at the ghostly three-headed vulture in the sky as if it were a sky dome.

He has now turned on the third star, and his power has soared more than ten times compared with the first level. He can fight against the power of the Divine Emperor Peak Stronger than the physical power. He is even more than the ancient creatures here. Like an ancient creature!

The greatest skill of the Nether Three-Headed Vulture, whose realm is suppressed in the realm of the world, should be flesh and speed. Zhao Yuande also happens to be strong!

So without hesitation, he rushed out of the light curtain and flew towards the ghostly three-headed eagle in the sky.


The moment the ghost three-headed eagle appeared in Zhao Yuande, the six pairs of eyes suddenly showed an extremely excited light!

Especially at the moment when I saw Xiao Jin, the golden light in the middle golden head and a pair of eyes shot a hundred feet, like two heavenly swords!

In an instant, there was a fierce collision between Zhao Yuande and the Nether Three-Headed Vulture. The fists collided with sharp claws, sending out a brilliant brilliance.

The opening of the third star not only greatly increased Zhao Yuande's power, but also increased the terrible physical defense. The ghost claw of the Nether Three-Headed Vulture collided with Zhao Yuande's claws and could not break Zhao Yuande's skin!

Zhao Yuande's punches are stronger than punches, and punches are fiercer than punches, and a huge wild world emerges from the void, constantly striking the nether three-headed vulture.

At this time, Xiao Jin also flew high into the sky to continuously attack the head of the middle Jinpeng. Xiaojin's speed now surpassed that of Zhao Yuande's Kunpeng's true body. Although Jinpeng's head continued to emit golden light, he couldn't hurt Xiaojin at all. The face ripped off by Xiao Jin's claws was full of golden blood!

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