Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1464: The power of truth

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"Thunderbolt symbol? It's really troublesome!" The skull was slightly shocked, but the next moment its crystal-like palm protruded out, grabbing towards the lightning that formed the thunderbolt.

When the palm of your hand came into contact with electro-optics, there was a sudden noise.

Although the palm was blackened by electricity, it was not damaged. At this time, it extended another palm and continued to grasp the electricity.

"This skeleton is really good!" There was a trace of surprise in the skull's voice. Its palms grabbed a flash of lightning at this time, and then pulled towards both sides, suddenly revealing a gap.

The skeleton stepped out of the Thunder Prison in one step, and the glittering eyes looked at Sun Yang, which seemed to show a contempt.

"This..." Sun Yang was stunned by the skull's performance.

"Don’t be surprised, this is a bone of the most celestial body. After I got it, I continuously tempered it for millions of years, but after all, it is just a corpse, which can’t bear my soul, and can’t take me out of this ghost. Place! But now you show up, hehe!" The twinkling eyes of the golden light stared at Sun Yang with great expectation.

"Huh! I don't care who you are, you are all dreaming! Don't you know that cultivation here will be suppressed in the Emperor Realm?" Sun Yang looked very serious, and his conversation with the other party actually wanted Zhao Yuande to recover quickly Although he could not defeat this skeleton, Zhao Yuande certainly had a way!

"Suppression is good in Emperor Realm, but physical strength is not suppressed. I only need to rely on the physical strength of this skeleton to subdue you! Believe me, you can't escape my palm!"

The sound of the skull seemed to be full of bewitchingness, and it penetrated into Sun Yang's sea of ​​knowledge, as if it was a magic spell that kept ringing!

"You dream!" Sun Yang forced down the fluctuations in the sea of ​​knowledge and slowly put away the knife in his hand. Since this had no effect on the other party, he had to use the flesh to confront the other party!

Sun Yang's body is the Qianyuan Immortal Body. Although it is not as good as Zhao Yuande's Chaos Holy Body, and has its own particularity, it is almost the same as the other's Zhiyang Immortal Body, and it is even stronger in some places.

Sun Yang gave up the knife, and his body was tumbling with blood and blood, and he rushed to the sky. A big dragon composed of blood gas appeared above his head.

"Oh! Your physical body is not simple, Jiang Ran is not weaker than Zhiyang fairy body, yes! Not bad!" The voice of the skull was not surprised but rejoiced, and the light in the eyes was more intense.

"Let's talk nonsense, let's fight!" Sun Yang's body was surging at this time, his fighting intentions were surging into the tide, and he stepped towards the other party step by step.

Just now, he told Zhao Yuande that he would have this opportunity for himself in the future, but he didn't expect that this opportunity would come just after he had just finished speaking!

"Okay! Okay! Then come!" The heliotrope flower above the skull swayed gently, a fragrance overflowed, and the whole space was shrouded in flowers.

Sun Yang naturally smelled the fragrance of flowers too. He subconsciously took a hard breath, but at this moment the palm of the skull was pressed directly towards his head.

The unbelievable speed makes people feel terrified.

"Hey!" The skull's voice pierced into Sun Yang's ear like a magic sound, making him almost cover his ear directly.

"Bao Mi coax!" At this moment, a loud Buddha sound sounded, and echoed throughout the cave.

Zhao Yuande squeezed the printing tactics, opened a lotus flower, and the lotus flower turned into three golden characters, which appeared in the void.

"Ah!" Hearing the sound of the Buddha, the skeleton seemed to be hit directly on the head by a sledgehammer. The whole body shuddered, almost sitting directly on the ground.

"The six-character mantra of Buddhism! would anyone in the fairy world know this kind of magical power!" The skeleton was shocked and his voice trembling.

Zhao Yuande squeezed the printing formula, did not answer, but showed a faint smile. At this time, he seemed to really become a Buddha.

Since the opening of the third star, Zhao Yuande has already contained the power of terror in his voice. Now, with the six-character mantra of Buddhism, it is even more powerful. The power of the eruption is ten times more powerful than that when used alone!

This sound of Buddha not only dispels the interference of the skeleton on Sun Yang, but also makes Sun Yang feel as if he is shining in the warm sunlight at this time, he feels that his whole body is full of power!


Sun Yang was blessed with a six-character mantra and punched the jade-like palm of the skeleton with one punch.

Sun Yang's body receded continuously, and he took a dozen steps back to stabilize his footsteps. A trace of blood ran out from the corner of his mouth. Obviously, the body was rebounded by the force and received a little injury.

The skeleton's body also retreated, even though it was a few steps less than Sun Yang, but it was also a stagger almost stumbled by a dead bone on the ground.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande could not help but nodded when he saw Sun Yang's punch.

"Take me another punch!" Instead of being frustrated at this time, Sun Yang's eyes were red with excitement.

He was obviously at a disadvantage just now. He even felt that he was not the opponent of the other party, but now that Zhao Yuande had a blessing of the Buddha's voice, he was even as good as the opponent. How could he not be excited in his heart.

He was urged by his ardent fighting spirit, and madly attacked the skeleton, each punch was bright with stars, and each punch was enough to break a mountain.

"Boom boom!"

The two will retreat with each impact. A wave of terrifying shock waves swept through the cave wall. The whole cave began to sway continuously. Thick stone stalactites fell down with the top of the head, just for a while. The ground is full of gravel.


Suddenly a loud noise came from the top of my head, as if the entire cave had collapsed!

I am afraid that these two guys will continue to collapse the cave if they continue to fight like this, and then they will be buried in the depths of thousands of kilometers underground, and it will take effort to go out!

Zhao Yuande's brows could not help but his head was spinning fast, but he didn't want to interrupt Sun Yang's battle like this.

He clearly felt that Sun Yang had grown up in this battle, and he knew that if it were interrupted, Sun Yang would never encounter this opportunity again.

"Brother Sun, hit the other party in this direction!" Zhao Yuande suddenly remembered something and sent a message to Sun Yang.

Sun Yang looked at Zhao Yuande and nodded silently.

Sun Yang's attack became more and more violent, and the skeletons beat back again and again, but this time the skeleton did not find that Sun Yang had quietly changed direction.

At this time, Zhao Yuande has quietly propped up his own inner world, covered by the yin and yang according to the sky mirror, and even Xianjun can't explore Zhao Yuande's inner world.

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