Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1489: Increased difficulty

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There is no way, this is the reality, people are so powerful, the three forces that can be suppressed by one person nearly a thousand people dare not look up.

Of course, although these people fear Zhao Yuande in their hearts, they did not feel that they were inferior to each other.

Because most of them are geniuses and are outstanding, their age looks like they are in their twenties, and in fact some people are already forty or fifty!

They think that Zhao Yuande is in the right place because he has a scary fairy sword in his hand!

And as long as these have the trial space, they have the strength of the Divine Emperor Realm, even if they are not Zhao Yuande's opponents, they will not be easily slaughtered like this.

They are the **** emperor realm strong, they all have their own pride.

Of course, if they reach the outside world and meet Zhao Yuande again, they will soon know how ignorant they are.

On the contrary, it is the three strongest of the three major forces. At this time, the shock in the eyes is terror.

In the scene just now, the three were deeply shocked, and they instantly felt the gap between themselves and Zhao Yuande.

They clearly felt that even if they got out of the trial space and restored all their strength, they might not be Zhao Yuande's opponents.

After getting this conclusion, they were all struck by their own conclusions.

There is no fighting spirit at all, and there is no end to it!

"Okay! Everyone is practicing in the safety zone. No one is allowed to step out of the safety zone without orders!" The three people issued orders one after another, and then each found a place to practice silently.

Zhao Yuande saw the effect of deterrence reached, and his body disappeared into the void in an instant.

At this time, some practitioners of other forces silently walked out of the safety zone. They looked at the place where Zhao Yuande disappeared, and there was a little excitement in their eyes.

Previously, these forces were rushed into the safe area by the three forces, so that they clearly have endless mysterious places to explore but are bound.

Now it's finally okay, Zhao Yuande's appearance has brought them hope, and they are also grateful to Zhao Yuande in addition to awe.

And Zhao Yuande had already appeared at the junction of the Emperor District and the World District at this time. He knew that his actions would definitely frighten the three forces to be honest for a few days. He left Zhao 14 in the security zone.

In case something goes wrong, Zhao XIV can contact himself immediately.

And now he is going to the Emperor District, he is going to break through the five passes of the Emperor District. The Five Passes of the Emperor District naturally have rankings and restrictions.

He didn't want to go through the level before he appeared, so the situation was full!

He entered the Emperor District and, according to his own memory, soon came to the Trial Palace in the Emperor District.

At this point, it had become a relic of the seabed. A hazy mask blocked the turbulent seawater, and dozens of people sat cross-legged in the safety zone.

Zhao Yuande changed his appearance and entered the first level immediately.

What relieved him was that he was not sent out, but entered directly.

When Zhao Yuande entered the first hurdle, the people who sat cross-legged opened their eyes.

"Huh! Why are there people who can go in, isn't the number of trials already full?" one of them asked in a puzzled way.

"This... maybe it was the last time he entered that he didn't pass the test, went out and practiced for a while and came back to pass the barrier!" another humane.

"Oh! How bad is this guy's talent, how could he be sent to the Huntian Immortal Kingdom for trial!"

"Hey! Maybe someone has a relationship! The patriarch's parents and children, the family's young master..."


Where do they know, because Zhao Yuande is the blood of the royal family of the Heavenly Kingdom, they have this qualification to enter at will!

Zhao Yuande walked into the first hurdle and found that it appeared in a gigantic performance martial arts stadium, which seemed to stand in the void, surrounded by hazy white mist.

But he was standing alone in the center of Yanwuchang, and his opponent did not appear directly.

"You are here!" The ancient and majestic voice rang again in Zhao Yuande's ears.

"Senior, it turns out that you are presiding over the two trial palaces!" Zhao Yuande suddenly felt double cordial when he heard this voice, and he could not help showing a look of excitement on his face.

"Well! Because you are the royal bloodline, even if the trial and defeat has reached the on-line, you still have the opportunity to enter the trial!" The ancient majestic voice said, "But because you are the royal bloodline, the difficulty of trial will also be greatly increase!"

"It doesn't matter!" Zhao Yuande is very confident in his strength, and he will not be afraid of any increase.

"That's good! The first level of trials begins!"

As soon as the ancient and majestic voice fell, the lights and shadows around the martial arts field flickered suddenly, and there appeared a ghost image.

"In the first game, if ordinary people come to try, there will be twelve enemies of the same level as you, and you will be thirty-six!" The majestic voice fell, and the figure around him was solid, it was thirty. Six.

Zhao Yuande glanced at the 36 enemies immediately, all of them were cultivated in the middle of the Emperor Realm, 28 humans, 3 demon clan, 3 demon clan, one void beast, corpse demon One!

Although each of these thirty-six men is aggressive and has a killer eye in their eyes, for Zhao Yuande, they are simply here to deliver food!




A cry of kill came into Zhao Yuande's ears, and 36 enemies of the Emperor Realm rushed towards Zhao Yuande.

There are actually eight human strong men condensed into a set of gossip array, a huge gossip map reflected in the void, the bright light illuminates the entire void.

"Huh! It's all chickens and dogs!"

His figure shook into Kunpeng's real body, and a golden light swept across, directly tearing the two demon races rushing in front of him, and one demon race torn into pieces!

"The Famine World gave me suppression!"

The sweeping Zhao Yuande had already appeared in the void at this time. His palm slightly turned over, and a huge deserted world rushed out of the void, striking **** the Eight Diagrams.


The fragile Eight Diagrams seems to be a piece of glass, which was directly smashed by the impact of the old world.

The eight people spouted a blood arrow with their mouths open, and then the whole body burst apart, and **** bones spilled over the battle platform!

It was only a moment that Zhao Yuande directly beheaded Eleven as an opponent, but the remaining twenty-five opponents seemed to have no fear at all, and roared and continued to rush up.

"Good to come!"

Three stars gleamed in Zhao Yuande's body, and his body suddenly slammed into 25 opponents.

"Boom! Slap!"

In just a few breathing time, all the opponents were exploded by him alive, blood mist flying all over the sky!

Zhao Yuande's power is so powerful, how could these enemies be his opponent in the same realm as him!

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