Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1703: Get close

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"Come on! Maybe we can get a good chance in the Sixth Fairy City, even if we fly into the sky!"

"Good! I heard that someone has inherited an ancient cave house, and now it has begun to retreat. It is estimated that the next 20 will be able to enter the top 20!"

"After watching this battle, I have to go out and try my luck. I heard that someone found a celestial python in the extreme north. The celestial python..."

"Hush! Quietly, the less such information, the better!"


With the flow of people, the three quickly reached the arena.

At this time, the battle in the arena has begun. The two women are the strongest of the God Emperor's Peak. A wild battle seems to be a powerful killing machine. Every move is extremely fierce!

And the other side is advancing and retreating, and the battle is light and calm, as if there is no trace of dust between walking!

The wild nature is Leng Ruo Ning, and the light wind and cloud is Zhou Ming.

However, at this time, Zhou Ming was obviously suppressed by the other party, as if only the power of parry did not fight back.

"Brother Zhao, do you say my family will lose too badly, for example, the whole body of the clothes was shattered and accidentally fell in front of me..." Zhou Fei's eyes showed bright light, like two twinkling little stars, " Ouch! Why did you pinch me, girl!"

"I pinched you to be polite to you! If I find you like this, I will kill you!" Yu Rosa gritted her teeth, "Zhou Ming is my friend!"

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! How do I know that Zhou Ming is your friend, just a blunder, just a blunder! I'm talking about that cold Ruoning will not break the clothes......" Zhou Fei quickly changed his mouth, but his face was exposed A bit pleased and said, "Yu Mai, if there is a favorite man in Zhou Ming, why don't you introduce her to me!"

"Go!" Yu Rosa punched him in the face with impunity.

"Oops!" Zhou Fei covered her face, looking full of pain, but in your eyes you have a feeling of enjoyment.

Zhaoyuan De seen laughing at the side, this week to fly is too spanking, love to beautiful women around Minato.

Even if it is beaten, it will feel like taking advantage!

"Brother Zhao, do you say that Zhou Ming will lose too badly, if she is in danger, can Brother Zhao help save her?" Yu Rosa was looking at Zhao Yuande at this time, and there was a little pleading in her face. color.

"Save her?" Zhao Yuande grinned, revealing a mysterious smile, "Zhou Ming will not lose at all, you will know by reading it!"

"She won't lose?" Yu Rosa was a little unbelieving. Although she was cultivated as a late Emperor Emperor, her eyes were still a long way from Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande can see at a glance that Zhou Ming is defensively counterattacking, and the other party's attacking power is strong. As long as he can defend, he will wait to be harvested!

At this time, the most anxious thing was actually Leng Ruoning. She felt the other party’s powerful defensive power. No matter how violently he attacked, the other party seemed to be a ball with amazing resilience, not only able to block her attack back, but also Caused a huge anti-seismic force.

She knew that if she didn't change her tactics, she might lose herself!

But now that she is already on the string, it is basically impossible to change, is it necessary to use the last...

Leng Ruoning's face showed a bit of hesitation. That move was the same as the enemy. Even if he couldn't die, he might be seriously injured!

If you are seriously injured, I am afraid that you will delay your cultivation, it is better to admit defeat, but just lose face.

Just return to the Seventh Immortal City and participate in the exploration of the True God's corpse. As long as you get a drop of True God's essence blood, you will be reborn. Will it be easy to defeat Zhou Ming at that time?

"I admit defeat!" Leng Ruoning is a person who does things simply and decisively. He immediately stopped the storm-like attack and directly admits defeat.

Everyone present was almost stunned. This guy was thundering and raining. The violent attack just insisted for more than a dozen breathing time, and he directly conceded!

However, there are many people like Zhao Yuande who have eyesight, and they see the awkward situation of Leng Ruoning.

There are only two results of uncontrolled splurge like her, one is to defeat the opponent before the power is used up, and the other is to be defeated by the opponent after the power is exhausted.

Obviously Leng Ruoning can't see the hope of defeating the other party, so he will directly admit defeat.

"Zhou Ming, goodbye to our seventh fairy city, I will challenge you again!" Leng Ruoning said lightly, and flew towards the sky-tower!

"I won't let you wait long!" Zhou Ming's voice was very soft, but it clearly passed into everyone's ears.

"Where is she going to?" Zhao Yuande looked at Leng Ruoning and couldn't help asking Zhou Fei around her.

He clearly felt a little anxious in Leng Ruoning's tone. What was she going to do with that giant sky tower?

"I don't know." Zhou Fei shook his head.

"That giant tower is the passage to the Seventh Immortal City, named Tongtian Tower. As long as you can pass through the Tongtian Tower, you can directly enter the Seventh Immortal City!" At this time, a gentle female voice came through.

Zhao Yuande turned his head and saw that it was the woman named Zhou Ming who didn't know when she appeared beside Yu Rosa.

Tongtian Tower Zhao Yuande couldn't help thinking of the Tongtian Tower in Xifengzhou. Is there any connection between the two Tongtian Towers?

But this thought just turned around in Zhao Yuande's mind and disappeared directly.

How is it possible that the two may just have the same name!

"It turns out to be Miss Zhou!" Zhao Yuande arched his hands, a smile appeared on his face.

This woman cultivates a very powerful supernatural power of water, the soft water, all attacks falling on her will be weakened by 50%, and fighting with her will be a higher level than her to win.

Of course, this is also for ordinary people. If Zhao Yuande is confronted, she may be instantly slapped into a slap.

"Gudong!" Zhou Fei couldn't help swallowing a sip at this time and hurriedly stepped forward. "Girl Zhou, I'm Zhou Fei, but the two of us are a family. Maybe we were a family five hundred years ago. Get closer and closer!"

A pair of eyeballs twirled around, glancing continuously at Zhou Ming.

It's a pity that Zhou Ming was in a robe, and the cover was so strict that he was disappointed!

"Oh! The two misunderstood! Actually, I am not surnamed Zhou, this is just my track number! Zhou Quanming is clear, nothing more!" Zhou Ming smiled slightly.

"Oh! Haha! It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Zhou Fei was disappointed, and there was one less topic shared with this big beauty.

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