Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1738: understanding

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"The Seventh Fairy World is actually a fragment of Fairy Realm. It is a huge Battlefield of Fairy Realm! In the ancient times, the Fairy Kingdom Battles, in order to protect Fairy Realm, all the Fairy Kingdoms joined forces with a **** and man in this battlefield. Fight to death, and the god-man fell into battle!"

"The fighting power of this god-man is really too strong. The last blow actually penetrated this battlefield. The fragments of this fairyland floated in the endless void sea, which was later discovered by a powerful fairyland and turned into Now the seventh fairy city!"

"Excuse me, how does Shangguan Fairy know all this, but our family didn't get this kind of news!" Someone asked questions.

"This is very simple! As long as you break through the fairyland, you will be invited by the principal of the seventh fairyland world to inform all of this!" Shangguan Rulan replied.

"I don't know why Shangguan Fairy wanted to tell us this?" Someone continued to ask questions.

"Oh! That's what I'm about to say!" Shangguan Rulan smiled, "You know those people who entered the seventh fairy city world before, such as Zhang Fan, Emperor Ming, Ji Mingzhen... Why do they still stay in the first place? Qixiancheng World?"

"I heard that they seem to be exploring a secret realm!" Some people seem to know something, but they don't quite understand it.

"Good! They are indeed exploring, but it is not a so-called secret realm, but the body of the god-man!" Shangguan Rulan startled the thousand waves, and suddenly everyone's face was shocked. , "They all received tremendous benefits in the body of that god-man, and even some people made a breakthrough again, reaching the middle of the fairyland!"

"What! How is this possible, is that the God-man's flesh still there?"

"How many years have passed, how could this be! What is the cultivation of the god-man?"

"The flesh of the god-man uses the word "exploration..." How big is his flesh?"

"This is simply impossible..."


Suddenly, countless people began to talk, and their faces were shocked and unbelievable!

Seeing the expressions of everyone one by one, Shangguan Rulan showed a satisfied expression on his face.

But when she saw Zhao Yuande's four people, she was a little stunned. The four of them didn't move, as if they had known the news for a long time.

She was curious about the four people in her heart, and their appearance would not produce any variables!

But then she couldn't help but glance at the corner of her mouth, and they could not afford any storms because of their cultivation. To know that in addition to these people, she also attracted more than a dozen strong people at the peak of the God Emperor.

The people in front of them are just cannon fodder, and she and the ten **** emperors are the real beneficiaries!

"Don't be excited everyone, this time I'm calling everyone together, just to unite with everyone, let's explore the body of the god-man!" Shangguan Rulan's words seemed like a thunder burst in everyone's ears, blowing them up The man turned upside down and his face was incredible.

"There is such a good thing? We are afraid that it will become your cannon fodder!" Some people are still calm.

"If you don't want to go, you can leave it, no one will force you!" Shangguan Rulan looked at this person, his face slightly stunned, the powerful power belonging to the fairyland suppressed towards the other side.

"I...I..." The man's face changed, his body trembled, and he could not say a word under the pressure of that force.

"Although I am selfish, but it also provides an opportunity for everyone, and the things you get during exploration will definitely not be coveted by others. I can guarantee this Shangguan Rulan!" Shangguan Rulan's voice Clang is powerful, as if a nail is nailed in everyone's heart, "But wait until you get into the depths! If anyone gets the blood of the god-man, he will have to surrender half of it as a reward for me to bring you into it!"

"What is the blood essence of the god-man? What is the role?" Someone suddenly asked this question.

"The blood of the god-man is actually the blood of the god-man. After hundreds of millions of years of mutation, all of these blood have their own spiritual knowledge and have learned various changes. As long as you kill these blood beasts, you can Get Jingxue!" Shangguan Rulan continued, "Of course if you found the Jingxue Beast, if you can't defeat it by paying, you can call me to the past, I promise to only take two thirds of the blood essence, leaving three points As one of your rewards!"

"What can you guarantee, you can follow these rules!" Someone immediately raised this question.

This is related to the decision of their family's lives, everyone's eyes looked at Shangguan Rulan.

"Naturally, I can make a vow of heaven!" Shangguan Rulan solemnly said.

Although she has attracted more than a dozen people now, she knows that they want to fight against the Emperor and they are still too far apart, and they can only make heavy profits to these people and bring them together.

Although these people did not reach the peak of the Divine Emperor, they were more or less capable of entering the seventh fairy city, and they were all geniuses, maybe someone will be promoted at any time.

Although these people are only cannon fodder for a while, they are also a fresh force!

"Good! As long as Fairy Shangguan can make a vow of heaven, we will go with you!" Many people suddenly nodded and agreed!

Things went smoothly, everyone wrapped Zhao Yuande and the four of them, all agreed to Shangguan Rulan's request and promised to explore with her.

However, Shangguan Rulan didn't force them to make an oath of heaven. She didn't take these people into consideration now. If they dared to violate the good conditions here, they would kill on the spot. I believe no one else could say anything.

"Sister Du, why don't you follow me here?" Shangguan Rulan finally found Du Xiner again, with a sincere look on her face.

"My friend is here, I won't go there!" Du Xiner refused lightly.

"Okay! If you change your mind, let me know at any time!" Shangguan Rulan glanced at Zhao Yuande and looked at Rosa for a while.

The astonishment in her eyes flickered away, and she could feel that there was a raging war in the opponent's body, and a sense of danger.

And the figure of the other party also made her feel a bit sullen. The two feelings are intertwined. Shangguan Rulan even subconsciously avoided the look that Rosa looked at!

"Xin'er! You seem to know this person?" Zhou Fei is naturally not a fool, and can see the delicate relationship between the two.

"Well!" Du Xiner nodded slightly. "In fact, we were once friends. Our pure Yangxian Palace and their God of War are in a space plane. Although the two palaces are somewhat hostile on the surface, they are actually alliances in the dark. Because the Temple of Truth is stronger than our two houses and is on the same plane."

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