Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1781: underground

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But at the next moment, a huge figure appeared from above his head.

Zhao Yuande felt numbness in his scalp for a while, and his body hurried directly into the void, but God Soul looked at this huge figure clearly!

This is a huge vulture with a long body, a pair of eyes as sharp as a blade, and two claws are easy to cut the void, giving Zhao Yuande a very dangerous feeling.

"Blood Devil Eagle, a Sixth-grade Fairy Beast, possesses the ancient blood beast Kunpeng, the golden-winged Dapeng bloodline, and extremely bloodthirsty..."


Zhao Yuande felt that the void behind him was torn apart at once, and a big paw grabbed him fiercely.

He couldn't dodge one, and his back was cut directly into a big mouth, and the blood suddenly spattered out.

There was a violent itching from the wound, and this guy even had a violent toxin on his claws!

"It's a terrible poison!" Zhao Yuande felt his head faint for the next moment, almost fell straight down.

He hurriedly urged the immortal body, and then expelled the toxin out of the body, but at this time there was a black scar behind his back, which could not be removed in a short time!

"It's terrible!" Zhao Yuande's complexion changed slightly, his body disappeared again in the void, and he appeared thousands of miles away the next moment.

"This guy is really terrifying. If I change to someone else, I'm afraid I will be killed by toxins soon!" Zhao Yuande felt the uncomfortable feeling still coming from behind, and his face changed.


But at the moment he thought about it, there was a violent wind behind him again, and he felt the terrible crisis just now.

"Can I do it wrong!" Zhao Yuande almost cried without tears.

The speed of the blood devil was incredible, but it was just terribly catching up with him!

His figure flashed again and escaped into the void.

He who improved his cultivation behavior, the distance he traveled in the void has soared from thousands of feet to thousands of miles, but he still can't escape the other party's pursuit.

He can only escape into the void again, and it will be thousands of miles away next time.

However, the blood devil seemed to recognize him, and he followed him like a shadow. As soon as he appeared, he felt the breath of the blood devil.

Helpless, can only continue to escape...

After traversing the void for seven or eight times in a row, he escaped such a long distance, and the blood devil was still hotly pursued.

"I...I can't escape into the ground? I don't believe you are a bird, and you won't be able to escape!" Zhao Yuande was unable to step into the void again, and appeared on the ground next time.

"Give me in!" Zhao Yuande shrank, and escaped directly into the ground.


The blood devil swooped down from high altitude, and a claw pulled out a large pit that was hundreds of feet deep from the sand-filled earth!

But this is no longer useful!

As Zhao Yuande thought, this blood devil did not have the ability to escape, it can only helplessly hovering in the sky continuously for weeks and weeks, and finally gave up helplessly!

In this vast desert, the blood devil eagle encountered this kind of deliciousness, but did not expect that he would be escaped by him. The blood devil eagle could not help screaming in the sky!

Zhao Yuande escaped thousands of feet underground and hurriedly covered his breath with his yin and yang sky mirrors. After hiding for a long time, he felt that the powerful breath above disappeared.

"Hey! Very powerful, this guy is at least equivalent to the peak of the fairy king. I am afraid that the guy who picks the star may not be able to take advantage from his claws." Zhao Yuande saw that the blood demon eagle would not escape the technique. Only one heart was put down.

But he hadn't been happy for a while, and suddenly felt a slight vibration of the earth, and several powerful breaths forced him from not far away.

"This is..." Zhao Yuande's soul swept away, and his face suddenly turned black, turned out to be a large group of tens of centipedes.

"I rely on! Each group of big centipedes is equivalent to a fifth-grade fairy beast!" With so many items of fairy beasts and centipedes, he couldn't help feeling the numbness of his scalp.

In this dried-up inner world, a group of centipedes come out as Fifth Grade Fairy Beasts, and a bird is a Sixth Grade Fairy Beast. I wonder if there are any more powerful among them?

If there is any, I am afraid that my life will be lost here!

Why is there such a powerful fairy beast here? Before this inner world did not dry up, what kind of powerful existence still existed in it?

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but yearn for it. If such a powerful creature is born in his own inner world, can he drive them to fight?


Centipede had already caught up at this time, a pair of dark green eyes flashed a fierce light, their bodies seemed to be wearing a layer of black iron armor, flying in the earth without any hindrance, like a flat ground.

Zhao Yuande had just seen it in an instant, and at the speed of these centipedes, he couldn't escape them at all!

There is no third way to escape from the underground or fight with them.

But there was the blood devil on the ground staring at him, he would rather face these centipedes.


Zhao Yuande rushed towards several centipedes without hesitation.

In his hand, there was more Yuanci Excalibur, and his body became larger accordingly, and he immediately fought with several centipedes.

But I didn't expect that the Yuanci Excalibur had a magical effect on these centipedes. The seemingly dark iron armor on these centipedes actually absorbed some rare metal from the ground and was quenched.

The Yuanci Excalibur has a strong attraction to them, causing them to lose their balance in battle.

However, the iron armor on them is exceptionally strong, and the Yuanci Excalibur has to work hard to split.

After half an hour, he finally solved these centipedes.

For the centipede Zhao Yuande, there is a kind of disgust in the heart, so I don't want to see their corpses for the second time. I quickly clarified the direction and continued on under the earth!

But this way is destined to not be calm. Like this huge centipede, he has encountered no less than three or four batches, and there are all kinds of weird bugs. Although they are not as powerful as the centipede, they are all disgusting. .

Zhao Yuande feels that after going out from here, I am afraid that he no longer wants to walk under the earth!

But after traveling tens of thousands of miles, he suddenly found that there was no way ahead.

Under the ground in front, it was all a huge blue rock, and the rock did not know how big it was, so his spirit could not detect its size.

The degree of hardness is no less than the defensive power of a five or six grade Xianbao. Even if he cuts with the Yuanci Excalibur, he feels a little difficult.

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