Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Well! Your answer, your eyes make me more at ease to give them to you!" The old man barely smiled.

"I don't know how you want to arrange these people? Do you want them to enter the fairy realm or return to the lower realm?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"I want them to find a quiet place to live. Don’t step into this place like me to fight for the first line of heaven. I want to let them into a higher level and neglect them. I want them to live a simple and happy life. Even if you don’t practice, it doesn’t matter! That kind of life is at least fulfilling and at least true!" the old man said here, and the breath has started to become a little messy.

Zhao Yuande could hear a deep remorse from the old man's words. His story must be very...tragic!

He couldn't help thinking of his wives, his children's family, and he hadn't been reunited with them for a long time!

After the end of the twelve ascendant city this time, we must accompany them more and don't let them down.

"Oh! I have such a place..." Zhao Yuande wanted to talk about his own world, but was interrupted by the old man's hand.

"You decide it yourself!" The old man's attitude is as if Zhao Yuande is the person he trusts the most.

"This piece of chaotic sapphire is yours in the future, but don't rely too much on it. It is dead and you are alive!" The old man moved the chaotic sapphire in front of Zhao Yuande.

"Thank you, Senior!" Zhao Yuande knew that this was the old man's gratitude to himself and the gratitude for the placement of the group of people.

"Come with me! They may have been waiting for a long time now!" The old man took a deep look at the two graves, and there was a gentle color in his eyes, and said softly, "I will come back to accompany you soon... forever!"

Zhao Yuande moved, but did not say anything, but silently followed the old man and walked out of the small courtyard.

At this time, the small courtyard was already full of people. They watched the two of them walk out of the small courtyard, especially the old man's eyes filled with reluctance.

"Old ancestors, let's leave together too!" A burly young man's eyes burst into tears and fell to his knees.

"Old ancestors..." Others also knelt to the ground.

"Okay! Get up!" The old man waved his hand, and they all stood up involuntarily. "I asked you to this little friend. You can listen to his arrangement with confidence, and he will take you to a very good place. ..."

"Ancestor... We don't want to be separated from you!" It was the burly young man who touched the tears on his face.

"Xuan' are my favorite younger generation, but your sky is not in this dark place. You should have a new life, a new have to take them... cough..." pale.

"Don't tell me, ancestors, can I agree?" The burly young man knelt down to the ground again.

"Well!" The old man nodded, and there was a trace of reluctance in his eyes. He turned to look at Zhao Yuande, "Xiaoyou, you take them away!"

"Seniors rest assured, I promise you will do it!" Zhao Yuande focused his head on the old man.

"Okay! What I'm waiting for is your sentence!" The old man's face showed a happy look.

"Don't you resist!" Zhao Yuande swept his sleeves, and all the more than 100 people in front of him were sent to the other side of the world.

In the world on the other side, he helped them to open up a pleasant place with rich aura and beautiful scenery.

"Here... is that the sun in the patriarch's mouth?"

"So warm, so beautiful..."

"That's water...a big lake..."

"What animal is that... so cute!"

"Here is so strong..."


All these people were excitedly looking at the beautiful scenery around them, looking at a large and beautiful palace, and looking at the fertile fields...

They felt an uncontrollable happiness!

Zhao Yuande presented this picture in front of the old man.

The old man glanced at it, and then almost exhausted his last power to turn back to the courtyard.

The courtyard door closed with a creak, and it was silent.

Zhao Yuande felt something blocked in his heart...

But he didn't stay here much, he just took a deep look at the courtyard and turned to leave.

Chaos Sapphire had a great effect on Zhao Yuande, but he didn’t use so much, but cut off a small piece, and all the others were sent into the other side of the world, buried under the land where they live!

I believe that there can be some peerless genius among these people who are nourished with chaotic sapphires, and the future will depend on them!

Zhao Yuande left the huge bluestone and killed all the way under the earth, and finally returned to the huge sea of ​​blood.

The Sea of ​​Blood has lost its vitality and vitality at this time, and no more blood beasts have flowed out of it.

All of the six channels are empty!

Only a group of muddled blood beasts kept wandering in the passage.

He did not pay attention to these blood beasts, but drove all the way, and soon rushed out of a dark passage.

As soon as he rushed out, he felt a sudden tremor of the earth, countless mountains and rivers were shaking, and small cracks began to appear on the earth.

Zhao Yuande knew that the body of the Chaos Giant was about to shatter, and the first task now is to leave here quickly!

He flew to the sky, and from afar he saw a skylight in the city, straight into the sky, and he could vaguely see many people shaking in the light.

As soon as his figure flashed, he disappeared into place, and he appeared in the city the next moment.

There was already a mess in the city at this time. Everyone was rushing towards the spot of light. Their faces were all horrified. Obviously they already knew the news of the collapse.

When Zhao Yuande came to Guangzhu, this place was already full of people.

"Don't squeeze everyone, as long as you take out 10,000 pieces of high-grade fairy jade, you can safely leave here, otherwise don't squeeze here!" A middle-aged man with a somewhat obscure face glanced coldly at everyone.

"Where are we going to find top grade immortal jade, aren't you embarrassing?"

"Good! Shouldn't these guardians of your Twelve Immortals City teleport for us for free?"

"Why are those people able to enter, and why did they not pay the top grade immortal jade!"

"Turn on the teleportation array immediately, otherwise we will break through!"


"Humph! You guys really think you are the arrogant of heaven! You are used to walking outside, and you want to be wild in front of me! Let me die..."

The middle-aged man's eyes were ruthless, one hand protruded out of the sky, and he directly caught the young man who just said he would break in.

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