Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1844: All caught

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When he turned around and looked at Zhao Yuande, his face again showed a respectful look.

In the Eight Palaces, the rules are strict and respecting the teacher is the most basic rule. Zhao Yuande just revealed his identity. His seniority is two generations lower than that of Zhao Yuande. He wants to call him Zhao Yuande's ancestor!

However, Zhao Yuande did not intend to let him call it in front of so many people, which not only exposed his identity, but also made the other party have pimples in his heart.

Facing this generation of Zhao Yuande, Xuan Ye can only obediently obey.

Feng Rong's face suddenly became very pale. He didn't know why these two men gave up the alliance with him at the last moment, but he knew that it would be hard to be good today!

"What should we do? Or should we avoid the edge?" Feng Rong looked at the three killers. He wanted to see the three men's decisions.

The three of them looked at the treasure on the altar reluctantly and finally decided to leave before talking!

"Go first!" the monkey-like killer whispered.

"Don't you come to kill me? Don't you even have the courage to fight me?" Zhao Yuande walked towards them step by step, with a contemptuous smile on his face, "I will give you a chance, others will not interfere with us." Fighting!"

"This is serious?" Feng Rong looked at Zhao Yuande, his eyes showing strange light. Is the other party stupid or crazy? Dare to challenge himself four!

"I speak and say nine words, Brother Zhang knows me best!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Good! As long as he says he will do it with you, we will not interfere!" Zhang Fan nodded.

"Hey! Are you not afraid to die again!" Feng Rong sneered.

"It will be you who died this time!" Zhao Yuande chuckled.

At this time everyone was present, only Ji Mingzhen and Xuan Ye were somewhat anxious. They knew that Zhao Yuande was very powerful, but they did not have confidence in him to face the top four.

Zhang Qingyan just glanced over Zhao Yuande's shoulder and saw the turtle turtle on his shoulder. He almost laughed out loud.

It seems that this is a bad guy again!

Lord Turtle's counterattack, but it was unexpected, even if it was powerful, such as barbaric, was directly stunned.

Although these people are strong, they have a weakness, that is, the flesh is not particularly strong.

If Lord Turtle shouted to Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan might just be dizzy for a while, and the four might just pass out!

This is the benefit of a strong physical body!

Zhang Qingyan secretly sent a message to Ji Mingzhen and Xuan Ye to let them not worry, she said that Zhao Yuande had a killer skill.

Both of them looked at Zhao Yuande suspiciously. They were curious what the killer's skill was.

"How do you feel?" Feng Rong looked at the three killers again.

"Kill! Kill him before talking!" The monkey-like killer blinked in his eyes.

All three of them are the strongest killers in an organization, but they are the three most powerful killers among the hundreds of millions of killers. Their fighting power is not powerful, but the ability to escape is the most powerful, as long as they can kill Zhao Yuande. , They have absolute confidence to escape from here!

And after killing Zhao Yuande, the four people of the other party might not be able to stop them from leaving. Even they can deter the other party with the power of killing Zhao Yuande, so that they can also get several treasures.

"Since this is the case, let's get started!"

The three killers disappeared into the void instantaneously, leaving only Feng Rong standing alone.

A faint smile appeared on Zhao Yuande's face, and his eyes swept in the void, and suddenly he already had a count in his mind.

His speed increased, but he came to Feng Rong in a flash, and punched him with a punch!

"Endless Hell!"

The black orb in Feng Rong's hands zoomed in infinitely, blocking Zhao Yuande's fist at once.

Zhao Yuande's body retreated, and the endless black prison was a ninth grade immortal treasure. He was shocked back by a powerful force.

"Haha! How strong I am when you are not much stronger than that time, die for me!" The endless black prison expands infinitely and suppresses toward Zhao Yuande.

"When I don't have Jiupin Xianbao?" Zhao Yuande's body swelled into a giant giant, and a piece of Yuanci Excalibur was split in his hand, directly splitting the endless black prison.

"You... you are the one!" Feng Rong saw Zhao Yuande's meta-magic sword in his hand and suddenly understood that Zhao Yuande was the one who drove them away from the Chaos Giant.

"Now I know it's too late!" Zhao Yuande waved the Yuanci Excalibur in his hand and killed him in the air.

"I fought with you!" Feng Rong held his hands at the endless black prison at this time, and his body gradually became dark, but his body merged into the endless black prison in an instant.


Endless Black Prison made a sound of ghost crying wolf howling. It seemed to carry some kind of magical power. Although the sound was not loud, it made people feel dizzy.


At this moment, the three black swords shining with black light pierced Zhao Yuande's eyebrows from three angles like three poisonous snakes.


The three daggers pierced Zhao Yuande's eyebrows at the same time, without any trace of obstruction.

At this time, the endless black prison has already fallen in front of Zhao Yuande. As long as it hits, Zhao Yuande is suddenly crushed into a powder.

But at this time, the three killers and Feng Rong felt a trace of something wrong, which seems too simple!

Facts have proved that they feel correct.

Just when the three killers appeared and the endless black prison came to Zhao Yuande, a figure appeared in the void behind them instantly, not who Zhao Yuande was.

The four of them suddenly felt a creepy sensation in their hearts. They were shocked and wanted to escape.

But this time it was too late, because they heard a roar that made them unforgettable for life.

The roar came from behind them, they didn't think of it, and even if they thought of it, they were too late to guard against it.

The three killers suddenly felt their heads buzzing, blood tumbling in their chests, and blood spewing between their mouths and noses.

The three fell to the ground like three big rocks.

And the black endless black prison was also trembling violently at this time in a huge sound wave, a black shadow was separated rigidly, it was Feng Rong who was shocked by this trembling soul, and could no longer be with the endless black prison Combine.

"Haha!" Zhao Yuande laughed loudly, with a palm in his hand, a sky-high unreal hand, directly took all four guys in his hands, the smile on his face could not be concealed.

Zhang Fan, Ji Mingzhen, and Xuan Ye looked at the little turtle on Zhao Yuande's shoulder in a dumbfounded silence. They couldn't believe that this little turtle could make such a horrible sound.

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