Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2060: Tiandaotongbao

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Zhao Yuande didn't know about these circumstances. He and Tuntian entered the Black Rock Passage and stopped in front of a deep passage.

"Where can this passage lead to?" Zhao Yuande looked at the passage and asked curiously.

"Lead to Xuanji Star." Tian Tian said, "but I don't think it's a good time to go out now."

"Why? Is there a strong man waiting for us at Xuanjixing?" Zhao Yuande didn't quite believe it.

"Do you know how powerful Zhou is?" Su Tian suddenly said.

"I don't know!" Zhao Yuande shook his head. He really didn't know, but he heard Xia Yan said that Zhou's talent is amazing. Zhao Yuande guessed that he should be the pinnacle of the supreme fairy king now!

"Let’s not talk about his realm, his control of the void has reached an incredible point, and can appear instantly in any corner of the void. Just now his real body appeared in front of me to warn me and said to stare at you. The strong man is not even an opponent." Swallow swallowed hard.

"This... instantaneously appears in any corner of the void world? Is he Dao Zun?" Zhao Yuande felt incredible.

"No! It should be the realm of the supreme fairy king. If Dao Zun, he wouldn't be so verbose! Maybe he slapped the man to death!" Tian Tian shook his head.

"Why didn't he come to warn me? Instead, he would tell me through you?" Zhao Yuande was puzzled.

"Don't ask me about this, I don't know." Tun Tian shook his head.

"Then we have been shrinking here all the time?" Zhao Yuande frowned, if he really said that if he went out, he would really be caught by the secret strongman when he went out.

And he had long guessed the secret strong man, it should be Dao Tian!

This guy manipulates the invasion of the Nether Realm to the Immortal and the Demon Realm, and the strong man hiding behind the Pantheon may be him, so many things can be explained.

"You can temporarily cover your breath with black rock. I think that even if the strong man in the dark can cover the world of the void, it will not be carefully investigated everywhere. The mysterious treasure of black rock should be able to cover Live your breath and let him not be able to explore!" Swallow Heaven Road.

"What are you afraid of? Just go out!" Zhao Yuande heard his face with delight.

"No! This is not insurance. If you are too close to the other party, the other party may not notice your breath, but the breath of Black Rock will be discovered by the other party. Do you think he can't be moved by this treasure like Black Rock?"

"Okay! You are right!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"If we leave from the two realms of Immortal and Demon and want to enter the Netherworld, there are several roads, teleportation from the Eight View Palace, the Netherworld Chamber of Commerce, and then the Xuanji Star through the Tongtian Tower. I think these three roads will each other Strictly monitored, we better wait for a while in the Black Rock Passage. Isn’t it true that you have a credential? You can go into it and ask what’s going on outside!” Tu Tian suddenly said.

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande patted his head. This series of changes made him a little messy. If he didn't swallow the sky, he would be really dangerous.

Zhao Yuande passed the deacon token of the Void Chamber of Commerce and entered the realm.

As soon as he appeared in the boundary, he saw Situ Ya, Situ Qing, and Situ Feng appeared in front of him.

"Don't say anything, come with us!" Situ Ya grabbed Zhao Yuande and led him directly into a hall.

"Yuande! You are finally here! I'm scared to death!" Situ Qing directly plunged into Zhao Yuande's arms, sobbing gently in his arms.

"Cough! Girl, since this kid is okay, let's talk about the business first!" Situ Feng patted her daughter's shoulder lightly, with a bare smile on her face.

My daughter-in-law now has someone else in her heart, and her father's heart is more or less tasteful.

"Oh!" Situ Qing left Zhao Yuande's arms reluctantly, and came to his father with a blushing face, but his eyes never left Zhao Yuande.

"Did you go there just now?" Situ Ya ordered, "No matter where you are now, don't try to leave through the teleportation array of the Chamber of Void Realm, and the teleportation array of Bajing Palace will not work!"

"What happened in my absence?" Zhao Yuande looked at Situ Qing, feeling a trace of fear in her eyes.

"Hey! Thanks to you leaving early, when..." Situ Ya told Zhao Yuande what happened at the time, and Zhao Yuande's face changed again and again.

"Sure enough!" Zhao Yuande nodded solemnly, "Dao Tian this guy......"

"Remember, it's okay for you to mention this name in this realm, but don't mention it outside, otherwise he will feel you instantly, no matter where you are!" Situ Ya said solemnly.

"I know!" Zhao Yuande nodded. These super powers have reached the limit of this term. Just by calling their names, they will all have a wonderful feeling.

"Fine! You went with us to meet the two old ancestors, but you have to pretend, we can't guarantee that there will be his people in the realm." Situ Ya took out a yellowish sign The seal was attached to Zhao Yuande's shoulder, and Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared into the three people's vision.

"You will be invisible in the boundary for the time being, don't talk casually in front of your ancestor's residence!" Situ Ya asked.

"I know!" Zhao Yuande let three people let him lead him through the boundary, and soon appeared in front of a small courtyard.

They carefully pushed the door in and saw that the two ancestors were bored.

Situ Ya took off the spell on Zhao Yuande's shoulder, and his figure reappeared here.

"Little guy, that's good! It's not easy to get news in advance and escape from that guy in Daotian!" The old man nodded to Zhao Yuande and smiled, "Is that guy from Zhou giving you a letter?"

"Yes senior!" Zhao Yuande did not conceal. For these two seniors, he really has a profound feeling, compared with Jiang's eighth prince Uncle is much more powerful.

"Well! I knew that guy would not be at peace. If Dao Tianzhou had already achieved Dao Zun Realm now, he didn't need to stay in this session! He was training talents in secret to compete with Dao Tian!" The old lady smiled, "But this just happened to be cheaper for both of us and cut you off halfway!"

"Uh!" Zhao Yuande didn't dare to discuss this issue, he didn't know what these old guys thought.

But the two have saved Situ Qing, no matter what the reason is, they are kind to themselves!

"You guys are in danger now, I'm afraid it's not easy to come out, or you will practice next to us two old guys for a while?"

"Me, that... there is no need to trouble the two seniors! I still have some small ways to avoid his eyes. If there is really no way out, I will come to the two seniors!" Zhao Yuande arched his hand.

He didn't dare to practice in front of these two. There are many secrets in his body. What if the two had to **** his chance if they were leaked?

"I know you won't agree, okay! I just tease you!" The old lady waved her hand and threw a small silver coin at Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande caught the coin and suddenly felt a sink in his hand.

"This... what is this, so heavy? Why can the substance be brought into this realm?" Zhao Yuande's face was incredible.

"Nothing in this world is impossible!" The old man said lightly, "This one is called Tiandao Tongbao! It was obtained by the two of us in an ancient secret realm that can be brought into the realm, and it can cover the heavens. So that no one can find you!"

"Hey! It's cheaper your kid!" The old lady smiled, "This is the dowry I gave Xiao Qing'er. You can't fail Xiao Qing'er, or the old lady won't spare you!"

"Thank you, Senior!" When Zhao Yuande touched this heavenly treasure, he felt the infinite mystery hidden in it. He suddenly knew that it was a peerless treasure, and it was not as simple as covering the heaven.

He hurriedly thanked them.

"Well! Remember, don't call that name at random, otherwise even this piece of heaven and earth can't save you," the old lady asked.

"Young people know!" Zhao Yuande nodded hurriedly.

"Well!" The old lady nodded and suddenly thought of something again, "Yes, you can also participate in the Wandao Conference eight months later. At that time, countless powerful people arrived, even the old guy could not cover the sky with one hand. At that time, I hope that you will be able to enter the top three and get the qualification to enter the Hall of Chaos.

"Seniors can rest assured that as long as the juniors can participate, the first three will have no problem!" Zhao Yuande is confident. His training may not be promoted after eight months, but the soul can reach the supreme state. The younger generation should have no opponent Yes.

"Don't be too proud, the real genius of the major forces is not worse than you, you still have to work hard!" The old lady nodded and then waved her hand, "Go! Don't let us down."


It took a long time for Zhao Yuande and Situ Qing to tell each other before they separated, and Soul Soul left the boundary and returned to the Black Rock Passage.

"Brother, how's it going?" Tun Tian saw Zhao Yuande returning, and immediately joined him.

"I have learned..." Zhao Yuande told what happened after they left, his face showing anger.

"This old fellow, sooner or later, Grandpa Swallow wants to take off his head and kick the ball!" Swallow is angry, but it is said that Jiang Hengxue is okay, and it can be regarded as a heart.

After Zhao Yuande refined that piece of Heavenly Taoism, he immediately felt as if he had a irrelevant connection with Heavenly Taoism. This thing has no effect on combat effectiveness, but it can increase his understanding of Heavenly Taoism. To make his practice more rapid, he felt that he could cross the peerless fairy emperor realm and enter the realm of the fairy emperor as long as he wanted to.

And this Tiandao Tongbao is just like what the old lady said, it can cover the heavens and let his breath blend into the heavens. As long as he is not willing, no one can sense it.

"Well! Now that we have this kind of baby, let's rush into the Xuanji Star!" Zhao Yuande patted the Tiandao Tongbao hanging around his waist excitedly.

"This baby, I'm afraid it's more mysterious than Black Rock, how could those two old guys give it to you?" Tun Tian felt a bit of hot eyes, this thing was just too much.

"Let's go and say as we go!"


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