Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2125: Ning Rushui

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Now that I saw Zhao Yuande coming and wanted to ask Zhao Yuande for help, but worried that the other party would not agree, he deliberately said that Zhao Yuande had entered the inner disciple's hall, making these people greedy.

Only then can there be a conflict with Zhao Yuande, and then the two people should be able to defeat these people together, and it can be regarded as a shame.

But Zhao Yuande was so clever and old-fashioned that he saw Wan Zhen said this intentionally. Although he didn't know the purpose of the other party, he made him very unhappy.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had also helped in the fifth hall before, he might just flip his face with the other party.

"Boy, take out your storage ring and let us see!" As Zhao Yuande walked to the attic, those people gathered around and looked at him with a bad look.

"Go away!" Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared instantly, and the next person closest to him was directly punched in the face by his punch, when his head was directly shattered.

"You..." Everyone suddenly looked scared and pale after seeing this scene.

None of these people are fools, they instantly knew what Wan Zhen really meant, and their vicious eyes swept over Wan Zhen.

A bone-chilling chill swept Wan Zhen's whole body, making him tremble involuntarily.

He knew that he had offended these people, and he no longer dared to turn around and walk away, his figure soon disappeared.

Zhao Yuande snorted, explained the dead man's storage, and strode toward the attic.

His forging power combined with the achievements of swallowing the formation of the sky, the formation of the attic broke through effortlessly. As soon as he entered the attic, Zhao Yuande felt that the power of heaven and earth came from the attic.

There are rows of bookshelves in the attic. A variety of books are placed on the bookshelves. It is not these books that release the power of heaven and earth. It is a small tree planted in the middle of the attic with colorful fruits. Each fruit releases a different heavenly breath.

"I rely on! This is the tree of heaven! Now we are well developed!" Tun Tian excitedly almost jumped out of his body world, "Hurry up, let me out, hurry up!"

"Tian Dao tree? Who are these people, are these fruits delicious?" Zhao Yuande released the swallowed sky from the inner world, and his eyes also showed a curious look.

"Eat a fart, this thing is the treasure of auxiliary cultivation. If you practice under this heavenly tree in the future, the speed will definitely be several times faster!" Tian Tian rubbed his hands excitedly, his face suddenly showed strange colors, "I You know, this must be the residence!"

"That? Is it the lord of the Galaxy Sect?" Zhao Yuande said.

"Bah, your kid is just like this. Will the Sect Master live here? Is this the residence of the disciples of the inner door, will the Sect Master live here?" Tun Tianbai said with a glance, "This was the first genius of the outer door, Ning. Rushui's residence! I heard that the woman had become a supreme at the age of 18, and she was given a heavenly tree by her lord, and promised to accept her as a true disciple when she entered the eternal realm!"

"Goodong!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help swallowing a saliva. "My God, at the age of eighteen, I entered the eternal realm, this... what a **** is this!"

"People's parents are all supreme strongmen. They were born in the fairyland, plus the innate Taoist body, as well as the five palaces and ascending the ladder. It is not difficult to achieve full supremacy at the age of 18!" .

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande also nodded, and Tun Tian said well, this person's innate conditions are too good.

"You don't need to envy, in fact your Chaos Giant family is supreme from birth, and a little practice can achieve supremacy." Tun Tian once again threw a bombshell, "And there are countless powerful races in this starry sky, every The freshmen of a race are all supreme, and there is a powerful monster called the Star Eater who is born as the supreme strongman. It is specialized in devouring the stars and will be able to compete with Dao Zun in adulthood.

"Okay! Don't talk about it anymore, my confidence will be blown away by you! I have practiced for so many years, even a newborn baby is not as good as..." Zhao Yuande was speechless.

"Then hurry to find a way to transplant this tree of Heavenly Dao into your other side of the world. In the future, the cultivation speed in the other side of the world will be ten times faster than the original one! And the other side of the world may evolve a complete heavenly path and become a world comparable to the void. Complete world!"

"What are you waiting for, do it quickly!" Zhao Yuande took out a fairy sword and was going to dig this heavenly tree.

"Don't worry, you will destroy Tiandao Tree like this!" Swallow Tian hurriedly stopped him, "I am afraid that the root of Tiandao Tree has spread all over the attic, I think this is a big project, we are afraid to move the entire attic ."

"What! The attic is moving away!" Zhao Yuande's eyes widened. "Could the entire attic be dug out?"

"You're right, just dig out the whole thing! But before that we have to break all the formations here, otherwise you can't move away!" Swallow nodded, "but there may still be good in the attic Things, let's go through the attic first!"

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded and walked toward those bookshelves.

But what disappointed him was that although the books were all made of a special metal, the above records were formations that he was not interested in, Fu Zhuan Tao.

However, he can't waste these things, and all of them are included in the inner world together with the bookshelves.

Follow the stairs to the second floor, here is a training room.

On the weapon racks around, there were a handful of weapons and weapons. Zhao Yuande caught the eye and suddenly found those immortals that were above their lowest rank.

There are hundreds of varieties of swords, halberds, axes, yokes, bell towers, ropa ribbons...

"Damn it's extravagant!" Tian Tian scolded.

"It's all about selling goods in shops!" Zhao Yuande swept over and found that these immortal treasures are not low-grade, but they are not very outstanding, it seems that they are just decorations.

He swept away all the treasures, and all the weapon racks with extraordinary materials were also taken away.

"This futon is good!" Tian Tian swallowed his eyes on a purple futon in the middle of the room, grabbed it excitedly in his hand, and looked up and down. Yes, if you sit on it and practice, it will be easier to communicate heaven and heaven."

"Don't study it anymore, just put it away!" Zhao Yuande turned around and found no other valuable things, so he continued to go up.

"According to my memory, the next floor should be Danfang, but I don't know if this Ning Rushui is proficient in Dandao, if you are not proficient, there is nothing to expect!" Tun Tian put away the futon to keep up In the footsteps of Zhao Yuande.

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