Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2167: Powerful and nonsensical

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The old man with long eyebrows is also simply, a big hand waved a token and fell into Zhao Yuande's hands.

The old man with long eyebrows drifted away with the brother and grandson.

Zhao Yuande looked at the other party a little unexpectedly. He had already made other preparations, but he didn't expect this long-browed old man to make such a decision!

But soon he also wanted to understand that the other party was doing something for others to see. If a big customer like Zhao Yuande would be bullied by a second-generation ancestor, who would dare to come here and consume it? Signboard?

Now sacrifice the face of a second-generation ancestor, in exchange for everyone's goodwill, why not do it.

Sure enough, as Zhao Yuande had expected, the old man with long eyebrows had just finished speaking, and the eyes of the people watching around him turned on.

Many people were very impressed by the Meteor Square of the Daewoo Dynasty, and the next time they want to buy Taikoo Meteorite, they will definitely regard this as the first stop. At least they can protect their interests from being infringed.

However, Zhao Yuande knew the good intentions of the old man with long eyebrows, but Yu Wenfeitian didn't know it, but he didn't dare to make it. He could only look at Zhao Yuande with a vicious look and then rushed out of the Meteor Star.

"This guy is not a good thing. Sooner or later, it will cause me trouble. I might as well find a chance to kill him!" Zhao Yuande looked at the other person's back, and a murderous heart came into his mind.

"You..." The woman named Jin Yu felt the terrifying murderous energy from Zhao Yuande's body, and her legs were trembling. She stammered a little, " won't want to kill...Yuwen Feitian" Right!"

Zhao Yuande suddenly awakened, and quickly quelled his murderousness, and a warm smile appeared on his face: "How come, do you think I look like that kind of fierce person?"

"Like!" Jin Yu nodded affirmatively, "I just faced you just like a fierce monster, just like I was going to eat me!"

"You must feel wrong!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand, "Go! Take me around, I want to buy more Taikoo meteorites!"

"Okay!" Jin Yu gave Zhao Yuande a deep look and saw that the other person's eyes were clear, and there was no such terrible breath on his body. Instead, he felt like he wanted to be close.

Probably just now I felt really wrong. Jin Yu shook his head and took Zhao Yuande up in the Meteor Fang.

Zhao Yuande has watched more than a dozen Swire meteorites in succession. Only two of them are true Swire meteorites. Others are just ordinary meteorites. Zhao Yuande can't help but wonder. Is the Meteorite Square deceived? Or is it Meteor Star Square to come out and lie?

However, the two real Taikoo meteorite should contain some metal that can be used to make Xianbao, and the price of these two pieces is very high, up to trillions.

Zhao Yuande was not interested in this, so he didn't shoot.

Archaic meteorites are divided into three categories according to their materials. The first type is all rare metals. Such archaic meteorites can often see their unique materials at a glance, and they are very heavy. They are the heaviest of all types.

The second type is the rock type, which may contain various things, or fragments of various treasures in the ancient times, may be corpses, or may be some mysterious substance.

The treasures left by these ancient wars wandered in the void, attracting countless stars and dust, growing larger and larger, and eventually forming meteorites wandering in the stars.

The third category, and the rarest one, is that it contains a star core!

This is usually some dead stars, drifting in the chaotic sea for countless years, after countless impacts, it becomes smaller and smaller.

These three types of Taikoo meteorite have the highest value in the third category, the lowest value in the first category, and the second category has the most changes.

The half-human archaic meteorite that Zhao Yuande just bought should be the second or third type.

"Mr. Jiang, the last batch of Taikoo meteorite is in front!" Jin Yu took Zhao Yuande to a small lake and pointed to the shore of the lake not far away.

Zhao Yuande saw dozens of large and small archaic meteorites on the shore of the lake, the largest of which was the size of a house, while the smallest was only the size of a fist.

The environment is quiet here, and there are not too many people. Only a few white-haired old men are sitting under a big tree talking and drinking tea!

"Oh! It's Jinyu girl!" One of them always wears a yellow robe with a bun on his head, and he holds a whisk in his arms, which looks a bit like a fairy bone.

"It's Grandpa Yun Daozi!" Jin Yu immediately smiled when he saw this old Taoist, and walked up with Zhao Yuande.

"Jinyu girl, who is this boy, won't it be your little lover?" a white-haired old man quipped.

This old man has a horse face, and the facial features are compact, which makes people seem to have an urge to laugh.

"Grandpa Liu! You... what are you talking about!" Jin Yu's face flushed, she quietly turned her head and glanced at Zhao Yuande, and found that the other party was at ease, as if she hadn't heard anything, which was considered reassuring.

"Several grandpas, this is a distinguished guest. In the front, I bought the ancient meteor called the True Spirit. My grandpa asked me to accompany him around." Jin Yu hurriedly explained.

"Oh! The little guy has courage!" Several old men looked at Zhao Yuande with some shock at the same time.

They know the value of the true spirit, but it is 300 billion high-grade immortal jade, even if they are the strongest people in the eternal realm who want to take it out, they feel a little pain.

"The little guy is not easy!" The old Taoist named Yun Daozi looked up and down, and his face suddenly appeared dignified.

"It's really not simple. It's under the age of thirty to reach the supreme state, and the body is stronger than me!" The old man named Liu also nodded again and again.

"This is really not the little love of Jinyu girl... Jinyu girl is not so blessed!"

"Powerful...very powerful...powerful and unreasonable!"


"Seniors, don't praise me." Zhao Yuande Zhao Yuande was looked up and down by a group of old men, his face showing a little embarrassment.

"Several grandpas, now you know!" Jin Yu reluctantly spread his hands, "This is really a VIP!"

Although the explanation was misunderstood, Jin Yu still had some minor uncomfortable feelings. Her grandfather is also a figure who is too elder and supreme, why can't he deserve this person?

"Oh! It seems that the little guy is planning to come here to select a few ancient meteorites!" Yun Daozi got up and said, "I'm fine with the old man, and I'm familiar with the situation here, so let me introduce you!"

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