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Gong Dehou heard Wen Renhanhai's words, and his face changed suddenly. He never dreamed that he would have such a bad situation today. He knew he would not do it.

"Since that is the case, kill it!" Zhao Yuande was too lazy to ignore the other party. "Do you want to do it yourself, Wenren?"

"I'll do it!" Fang Zhongbo said with hatred on his face at this time, "This person is a member of your Void Chamber of Commerce. It's not appropriate for you to do it. It's better to hand it to me!"

"Also! Then let Brother Fang do it!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"No... Brother Fang spares his life..." Gong Dehou issued the last pleading, but he could not resist the mistakes he had made before.

"Okay! Let's go!" Zhao Yuande saw Gong Dehou's death and nodded to the two. "The way out should be on this continent. Let's look around! Don't let others take the lead." ."

"No, the three treasures on the altar!" Wen Renhanhai looked at the altar.

"The three treasures have gone through endless years, and they have all been abandoned!" Zhao Yuande smiled faintly, "If you don't believe me, listen to your brother and come and see!"

"No! I clearly felt that the three things looked like new, and there was a powerful breath to be released." Wen Renhanhai really walked up, reaching for the sword.

But the moment his finger just touched the sword, he felt as if he poked a pile of sand.

It seemed that the sharp sword was directly shattered into a dust.

"This... how is it possible!" Wenren Hanhai extended his hand to the other two treasures in disbelief, but the result was obviously the same.

"Hundreds of millions of years, no matter how good treasures are exposed in this world, they can’t be preserved. The power of the void here is very disordered, even if people are here for a long time, I may be torn by this chaotic force. Broken!" Zhao Yuande looked at the starry sky with fear in his eyes.

"It's impossible!" Wenren Hanhai didn't feel this way.

"Let's go! These things don't need to be discussed. Our purpose now is to leave here as soon as possible!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand, and he didn't understand all of it. It was a strange feeling anyway.


The three left the statue and set off towards the center of the continent.

There is a majestic giant city in the center of the mainland. Although it is now dilapidated, it can also be seen from the original spectacular scene.

In the center of the giant city, there is also a statue of a cyan dragon roaring upward, but it is obviously smaller than the other five statues, but Zhao Yuande felt a somewhat familiar atmosphere in this statue!

"This kind of breath..." Zhao Yuande frowned, this kind of breath was both familiar and strange, which contained a terrifying thunder coercion, "Is that the thunder dragon..."

His eyes widened suddenly, his face full of wonder.

"Brother Zhao, what are you talking about? What Leilong?" Wen Renhan on the side saw Zhao Yuande's surprised expression, and he couldn't help but show curiosity on his face.

"Don't you remember when I swallowed Tian Tian out of the city and the Xiong family battle, the huge thunder dragon in the sky!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"Remember! Don't say that the appearance of the Thunder Dragon is really similar to this statue!" Wen Renhan Hai nodded.

"I can feel that there really seems to be something hidden in this statue!" Fang Zhongbo on the side looked at the statue a little stunned.

"Can you feel it too?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other inconceivably.

"Yes, I once followed an old man to learn a method of hope. I can see the thunder gleaming around the statue, and the things in it must be related to the thunder!" Fang Zhongbo nodded.

"Well! I feel the same way, let's go in and see!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

At this time, dozens of figures from all directions came toward this big city, and many of them also felt the extraordinaryness of this statue.

The city is very huge, with a size of hundreds of thousands of miles, and although the blue dragon statue does not look tall from a distance, it is only when we get closer that we know that the base of the statue is actually occupied. One third of the size of the city.

They were not close to the statue yet, and they immediately felt a vast and terrifying force coming towards them. They were crushed and could not fly in the sky. They could only fall to the ground and move towards the statue step by step. .

Their spirits and spirits were also suppressed, and the loss of spirits and cultivation practices made them seem to have lost their wings.

"The pressure here is so great that there is not much left to fix our cultivation, and now we can only rely on the flesh!" Zhao Yuande has no worries. His physical strength is unparalleled beyond his realm, even if he is alone. It can also overcome the powerful existence of the eternal middle.

And his soul has reached the eternal peak, although it is suppressed, it can still cover thousands of feet, and it can still cast God's domain!

However, Wen Renhanhai and Fang Zhongbo felt terrified at this time. Although their physical bodies were good, they could be suppressed and they still felt a powerful crisis.

"Don't be too far from me!" Zhao Yuande turned his head and said to the two.

The two followed quickly, within a foot of Zhao Yuande.

When they came to Zhao Yuande, their state of mind and insecurity disappeared, replaced by a sense of security, as if Zhao Yuande was a giant mountain that could hold up the sky dome, and standing under the mountain would never have to worry about the sky falling.

The closer they are to the statue, the greater the pressure. The distance between the statue and the statue is a hundred feet. Wen Renhanhai and Fang Zhongbo have already struggled!

If it were not for Zhao Yuande to share some power for them, they would be very difficult to move one step.

"Is there really an exit here?" Wen Renhanhai couldn't help but wonder. If this kind of pressure is followed, wouldn't it be more pressure to approach the statue? At that time, besides a few perverts, who else can successfully leave here.

"I'm not sure, but it is possible!" Zhao Yuande said.

"No matter what, this is the same direction!" Fang Zhongbo said, "And you see there is not there, there are two people approaching the statue."

Fang Zhongbo pointed you to the distance, where there are really two figures just like them, approaching the statue step by step.

"It's Huang Tianzhi and a woman. It seems that the woman is more terrible than Huang Tianzhi. Huang Tianzhi calls the other party a fairy of Hanyu!" Zhao Yuande had already discovered the two, and their conversation was heard without a word.

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