Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2211: Misfortune

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In contrast, his power of chemical boxing did not know how many times it was improved, which was really a big surprise.

But now there is no cultivation practice, without the power of the fairy, the chemical boxing can not be fully displayed, otherwise he is confident that he will defeat Huang Tianzhi with one punch.

He awakened Wen Renhaihan and Fang Zhongbo.

"Brother Zhao, we are dragging you down!" Fang Zhongbo bowed to Zhao Yuande as soon as he woke up.

"Ah! Anyway, we are all friends! And our task is only to find a way out, not a fight!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"The way out should be in that direction!" Wen Renhanhai looked at the huge vortex in the void.

"Good! Here suppresses the soul and cultivation, but does not suppress the flesh. As long as we climb the high mountain, it should be able to be sent out." Zhao Yuande pointed to the giant mountain straight into the sky.

"Hoo! What are you waiting for, go away! The feeling here is really depressing!" Wen Renhanhai exhaled for a long time and stood up.

Soon the three of them knew what was called Wangshan running dead horse, and they clearly looked at the giant mountain in front of them, but they even walked for a day and night in a row, still in sight!


There was a sound of water waves not far away, and a strong pavement of moisture came.

They soon came to a large river, the river was dark, and there was a strong smell of odor.

Zhao Yuande took out a low-level Xianbao and dived into the water. When he withdrew it, he found that the Xianbao was corroded.

"This... what kind of water this is! It can corrode Xianbao! If it is poured on people, wouldn't it..." Wenren Hanhai said, his eyes lighted up slightly, "It's better to get some river water, maybe at the crucial moment. Can defeat the enemy!"

"This is the nine robbery waters. I am afraid that if you touch a little bit under the Supreme Realm, it will rot all over the body. If you are unexpected, even the strongest in the Supreme Realm can't bear it..." Zhao Yuande appraised, and he was shocked.

"This is too sinister!" Fang Zhongbo frowned.

"Brother Fang, don't be too pedantic, this method is just in case, we only use it when we meet people like Huang Tianzhi!" Wen Renhan Hai knows the temperament of Zhong Fangbo, very upright and open-minded.

"Then, okay!" Fang Zhongbo hesitated and took out the storage space to draw the river water into it.

Zhao Yuande is naturally not a pedantic person. He simply took out a large amount of storage space and began to ingest.

"Brother're really paying for it! This is your Tianjing bottle in Wenren's house. The space in it can hold a galaxy. You use it to hold this kind of thing..." Fang Zhongbo was almost speechless.

"Hey! I make the best use of it, and put a little more as my killer!" The Tianjing bottle in Wenren Hanhai's hand is a powerful fairy. The spirit in it seems to be a big fish. The water level of the big river suddenly fell by one third!

Zhao Yuande didn't have much of them, and the big fish came for a second suction. The original Tao Tao and the instant dried up, revealing the dark river bed covered with mud.

Not far away from them at this time, Huang Tianzhi and Fairy Hanyu also saw the **** river, and Zhao Yuande they were ingesting the river water.

"Don't go through it first, that kind of black water seems to be nine robbery and rotten waters, which can be corroded if it is stuck to your body!" Han Yu stopped Huang Tianzhi.

In fact, the cultivation of jade is not necessary to fear this kind of thing at all, but this woman naturally loves cleanliness, has a cleansing habit, and most hates such filthy things.

"It's really **** luck..." Huang Tianzhi looked ugly, staring at Zhao Yuande's three men fiercely.

"They didn't dare to come! I'm afraid that they recognized this kind of robbery, which just deterred them, and they burned a lot of trouble along the way!" Zhao Yuande looked at the two people behind him, his mouth curled up slightly.

"Otherwise let's kill it!" Wen Renhanhai held the Tianjing bottle in his hand, and he was eager to try.

"Forget it, this thing may be a threat to Huang Tianzhi, but it has no effect on that woman!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand. "Let's go on!"

"Okay!" Wen Renhan nodded and looked at the dark riverbed. "Are we going to walk through these silts?"

"It's nothing, as long as you can find a way out, a little bit of silt is not unacceptable!" Fang Zhongbo said.

Hearing Fang Zhongbo's words, even Zhao Yuande couldn't help but nodded secretly. This person is not simple, and his future achievements must be higher than that of Wen Renhanhai.

"Go! Brother Fang is right!" Zhao Yuande first leaped towards the river.

Although they have been suppressed for cultivation, but their physical body is strong, and the river hundreds of thousands of widths, I am afraid that only one lever can be used to leap past.

Zhao Yuande leapt into the air, and suddenly felt the horrible crisis lurking in the mud.


His body made a sharp turn in the void, grabbing the two and falling back to the river bank.


An angry roar came, and a huge head rushed out of the silt, and they bit them fiercely towards Zhao Yuande.

"Go!" Zhao Yuande's figure flashed, and the two disappeared again.


This turned out to be a huge catfish with a long body. The catfish was lurking in the mud. As long as a creature dared to fly over it, it was waiting for the broken bones.

However, Zhao Yuande's sense of danger is too strong, and he sensed its existence in advance, otherwise he may be fine, but Wenren Hanhai and Fang Zhongbo may be buried in the belly.

The giant catfish seems to have left the realm of fish. A pair of claws has grown under his belly, and there are two slight protrusions on his forehead.


It roared loudly, its huge body jumped, and chased past where Zhao Yuande disappeared.

Zhao Yuande's **** sky is the most delicious food in the eyes of this huge catfish. It even feels that if he can eat Zhao Yuande, he will completely evolve.

Feeling the terror behind him, Zhao Yuande knew immediately that the realm of this huge catfish should be equivalent to a strong man in the middle of the eternal realm, but now he is carrying two people, he is not cultivated, and the spirit is suppressed. In a very small range, it is difficult to defeat each other.

But when he saw Huang Tianzhi and Han Yu, who were not far away, following his three, his eyes shone slightly.

"I'm sorry, two of you block me!" Zhao Yuande jumped up and down like a giant fleas, but came to the two in the blink of an eye.

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