Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2314: Huge heart

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"Is it really the Zhanxian recipe?" Du Hengyu looked at Bai Canghai with an incredible face. He was not sent by Zhanxian Palace like Bai Canghai, but he worked hard to get to this position. I have heard of it, but never seen it.

"Yes! It's true!" Bai Canghai was very excited. "This is one of the strongest supernatural powers in the void world. Look at the uncle's punch just now, and the power has increased several times in an instant. This should only be the effect of the first layer! "

"It turns out so!" Du Hengyu nodded. "How many layers are there in this war fairy tale..."


Everyone around the house raised their ears and listened carefully, especially Han Yusheng was afraid of missing a word.

Zhao Yuande broke the black dragon in half with a punch, and suddenly felt the strength of his body recede like a tide, and a sense of weakness immediately rushed into his heart.

He immediately understood that the use of a war fairy tactic only had one blow, and this time according to the consumption of his fairy power, he found that he should be able to use the war fairy tactics three times.

But at this time he couldn't care more about it, because he saw that the body of the half dragon that was broken by the dragon was constantly wriggling, trying to reintegrate with the other half of the body.

His figure flashed, and he had arrived in front of the half of the body, and grabbed the half of the body directly and threw it into his own body.

"No! Give it back to me!" Black Dragon screamed in exclaimation.

Without half the body, it basically loses the possibility of continuing to move forward, and can only stay in this state forever, and lose all hope.


At this time, Zhao Yuande took advantage of this opportunity to fight again with the Black Dragon who had lost half of his body.

The black dragon screamed again and again. It lost half of its body. Even if the resilience of this **** magma was no longer strong, it could not grow back again. At least half of the combat power fell.

"Forgive me, I tell you a big secret!" Black Dragon knows that he will die like this!

"Speak!" Zhao Yuande keeps his fists, and he doesn't mean to stop!

"You stop, and return half of my flesh to me!" The black dragon looked grim and put forward his own conditions.

"Forget it! I'm not interested in any secrets, but I'm very interested in your physical body. If I can eat you, my physical body can at least improve one or two levels!" Zhao Yuande fell on the opponent with a punch. And it's all on that huge wound.

The wound that was slowly healing was now voluminous again.

"Stop it! As long as you stop, I will tell you!" The loss of blood and the loss of half of the body made Black Dragon feel that he was going to die, and his eyes were full of fear of death.

"Speak! Or you will never have a chance again!" Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"Will you spare me if I said?" Black Dragon asked helplessly.

"It depends on my mood. If you say I am happy, I might really spare you. If I am not happy, I might eat you!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

Everyone around him heard Zhao Yuande's answer, and his face twitched unconsciously.

You told a black dragon that you want to eat it, which sounds really funny, but looking at Zhao Yuande's somewhat greedy eyes, it seems that he can really do such a thing.

"I said! I said!" If someone said this, the Black Dragon could only snort, but Zhao Yuande's words made his body chill for a while, and he suddenly felt that this guy was terrible.


"In fact, this world is sealed with a treasure, and I am the guardian of this treasure! As long as you spare me, I will take you to find this treasure!" Heilongdao said.

"Oh! What kind of treasure?" Zhao Yuande heard Heilong said, his heart moved slightly, and the attack in his hand gradually slowed down.

Feeling the slowdown of Zhao Yuande's attack, Heilong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I don't know! That thing was sealed under the earth. Just now I used the power of that thing to get a strong resilience!" Black Dragon answered honestly!

"Okay! You take me there!" Zhao Yuande heard this, and couldn't help but also get excited.

According to his guess, this space is probably to seal this treasure, but only with a little power can a black dragon have terrible resilience. This treasure must be extraordinary.

There is still doubt in Zhao Yuande's mind, that is why this treasure is sealed here?

However, at this time, this doubt was diluted by strong curiosity and expectation. He felt that such a treasure was in front of him. If he still thought about it and did not fight for it, would he still be himself?

And if he owns the Divine Realm, if there is any danger, he will run away.

"Yes!" The black dragon lowered his head, and there was a deep hatred and sorrow in his eyes, clinging him to the **** magma.

"Hanyu girl! Are you coming?" Zhao Yuande looked towards Hanyu.

Han Yu thought for a moment, but finally shook his head.

Zhao Yuande was also reluctant to follow behind the black dragon and suddenly entered the **** magma.

Everyone listened to the words of Heilong, but at this time, although they were a little emotional, they did not dare to act rashly when they saw the powerful strength of Zhao Yuande.

If his actions made Zhao Yuande think he was going to grab the treasure with him, they believed that the other party would kill him without hesitation.

"Hey! Let's look around for opportunities! Maybe we can even meet the bones like the bone demon tree." Bai Canghai glanced at the magma lake and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay! Contented person Changle, we have already gained a lot of benefits, even if we go back now, it is considered profitable or not!" The blonde old man nodded.

The crowd quickly left the place and explored around, but Han Yu did not leave, but sat cross-legged on the spot, seemingly waiting for Zhao Yuande's return.

Zhao Yuande followed behind the black dragon and quickly entered a turbulent underground magma river through a huge underground crack.

Although the temperature of the magma here is extremely high, it is still too far away from the fire in Zhao Yuande's body, which does not pose a slight threat to Zhao Yuande.

The underground magma river did not know how deep it was. Heilong took Zhao Yuande to dive for half an hour before reaching the bottom of the river, and then walked along the bottom of the underground river for a long distance, and finally came to a blood-red Before the underground cave.

The cave is at the bottom of the magma river, and there is a light green light outside, which prevents the magma from flowing into the cave.

This green light is translucent, and Zhao Yuande can clearly see that there seems to be a huge heart beating continuously.

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